SK Community Point, 3 Abbey Road BOURNE, PE10 9EF
Tel 01778 426123 - Email:
23rd August 2017
I hereby give notice that a Meeting of
Will be held on Tuesday 29th August 2017
At 7.00pm Council Offices, SK Community Point
The business to be transacted at the meeting is listed on the agenda.
There will be a Public Open Forum to permit residents of the Parish of Bourne to address the Council, before the meeting is formally opened.
The Council Meeting will commence at 7.30pm
or at the conclusion of the public forum; whichever is the sooner.
Members of the public wishing to make representation must be present at 7.00pm.
Ian Sismey
Town Clerk
SK Community Point, 3 Abbey Road BOURNE, PE10 9EF
Tel 01778 426123 - Email:
23rd August 2017
For the Meeting of Bourne Town Council to be held on
Tuesday 29th August 2017 at the Council Offices, SK Community Point
1.To receive/approve reasons for Apologies for Absence
2.To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
3.To consider requests for Dispensation
4.To ask if members of the public, resident or employed within the Parish, had any intention to speak
under any Agenda Item of this meeting (this will be to a maximum of 3 minutes)
5.To adopt the Notes of the Meeting of Bourne Town Council held on 27th June 2017 as a true record and for the Chairman to sign them
6.To receive reports, if any, by District/County Councillors or Representatives on other Organisations
7.To answer questions from Councillors (Councillors to submit questions in writing at least 2 days prior to the meeting)
8.To receive the Notes/Minutes of the Standing Committees
a) HR & Governance - 4th July 2017- no recommendation made outside delegated powers
b) Amenities – 11th July 2017 - no recommendation made outside delegated powers
c) Finance & General Purposes – 25th July 2017 -1 recommendation made outside delegated powers
d) Highways & Planning – 1st August 2017 - no recommendation made outside delegated powers
9.To adopt recommendations made by the Committees:
1) Ref – 2019F re Accounts for payment – to approve accounts for payment as presented at the F&GP Committee meeting 25th July 2017 total value £5,217.37
10. To approve accounts for payment
11. To approve/discuss the publishing of a Town Council ‘Facebook’ Page. (Presentation by Brandon Hibbitt)
12. To receive an update on the RBL Remembrance Sunday plans
13. To receive an update on communication with SKDC with regard to the progress of the Local Plan.
14. To receive /discuss the presentation made by Matthew Lee (Leader of SKDC) to Bourne in Business on
The 15th August 2017. (Copy of transcript attached)
15. To confirm an increase of 1 scale point for the Town Clerk following his completion and passing of
16. To review the BTC Action Points Register
17. To discuss any information which the Chairman may legally bring to the Council’s attention
Ian Sismey
Town Clerk