From: Appel, Lynda
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 11:57 AM
To: Everyone <
Subject: Power School/Teacher Icons Clarification

Clarification 9/25/15:
I’m hearing from some of you that you are not seeing the alert icons – here is the info I rec’d from NCC:
The custom student alert icons are only available in the PowerTeacher Portal on the Demographics, Quick Lookup and Schedule pages.

We are unable to push custom alerts to the PowerTeacher Gradebook at this time.

Let me know if you have other questions – sorry for the confusion. The Medical alert does appear in the gradebook, but that is the ONLY one.

Below is the original email from 9/21/15.

With the Elementary Bldgs coming onboard w/ using Power School/Power Teacher, this is a good time to review Alerts/Icons:


Image: Red flag with “Section 504” displayed upon hover

Displayed when: Student State/Province – OH > FD Tab > Section 504 Plan set to Y

To find these students, search for:OH_Section_504=Y


Image: Gold Star with Identification and Service information Popup Box

Displayed when: Student State/Province – OH > Gifted Tab > “1) Student is a Gifted Student” box checked

To find these students, search for:OH_isGiftedStudent=1

Academic Disadvantagement

Image: ABC Chalkboard with Academic Alert Popup

Displayed when: Student State/Province – OH > FD Tab > Disadvantagement set to 2 or 3

To find these students, search for:OH_Disadvantagement>1

Note: This is NOT Economic Disadvantagement. Per NCC: We didn’t generate a flag for Economic Disadvantagement due to the fact that most districts did not want users to have access to this data.


Image: Globe with LEP Popup Information

Displayed when: Student State/Province – OH > FD Tab > Limited English Proficiency set to Y, L, or M

To find these students, search for:OH_Limited_English_Proficient#N;OH_Limited_English_Proficient#

Image: Lightbulb
Displayed when: Student has an IEP in IEP Anywhere w/ effective dates that include the current date and IEP is marked COMPLETE.

Other Alert
Image: Yellow Triangle w/ exclamation point
Displayed when: the Other Alert field (located on the Students’ Other Information page) is populated.

Medical Alert
Image: Red medical symbol
Displayed when: Medical Alert text (located on the Custom Screen/ Medical Information) is populated. Note: this field is currently populated w/ info from parents via the online Registration/Back to School info, check w/ the nurse if you have questions.

Parent Alert
Image: Dark gray silhouette of a man
Displayed when: Guardian alert is populated. (located on the Parents screen – note, most users currently go to the custom screen, Parent Info, for all current Parent info, NCC is in the process of moving the guardian alert field to that location - one stop for ALL parent info – thanks for your patience.)