Minutes of Elmo Town Council Budget Hearing and Regular Council Meeting

01 June 2016

Attending, Casey Lofley, Stoney Jensen, Brent Hadfield, Kristine Laws and Delena Fish.

Citizens attending: Deana Daley, Jerald Schade, Kyle and Stevie Pugh

Visitors: Keith Brady

Mayor Lofley welcomed those in attendance and since Commissioner Brady had not arrived yet, he entertained a motion to adjourn from regular meeting into the Public Budget Hearing. Stoney motioned to adjourn from Regular Council Meeting and open the budget hearing. Brent seconded. Motion carried.

Mayor Lofley stated that the purpose of the budget hear is to take comment on the 2016-2017 fiscal year budget. No comments were expressed from citizens. Delena asked about councils desire to installation of sidewalks in the 2016-2017 fiscal year, since the sidewalk for the 2014-2015 was delayed to the 2015-2016 fiscal year. The council discussed the amount of funds anticipated to be received 2016-2017 fiscal year and felt that it would be more advantages to wait until the 2017-2018 year, however to start the project in July of 2017 instead of waiting until the June 2018. $4,000 needs to be allocated 2016-2017 fiscal year for the engineering plans. Delena stated that the only income line item that most likely will change will be the property. She has not received the information for the county to have that figure, however, it should be at least the $16,163.00.

Stoney motioned to adjourn public budget hearing and reopen the regular council meeting. Kristine seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Kristine motioned to accept the 2016-2017 of $317,391.67, Stoney seconded. Motion carried by roll call, all present voting yes.

Commissioner Keith Brady - SITLA Land & EMS Interlocal Agency with county: Commissioner Brady addressed the council. Commissioner Brady stated that he is visiting all town council in EmeryCounty. He site on the SITLA council. All schools in EmeryCounty receive funds from the Lands Trust Funds. Each School Community Council decides how these funds are used in each school SITLA has approximately $2,000,000,000. Public lands compose of approximate 92 percent of Utah. He working on a proposal to exchange SITLA land for non. This would allow more opportunities and less hassle for companies to deal with the state instead of BLM. The county would become the broker and able to sell to businesses. The council agreed that the proposal would be of benefit to the county and continue to keep the school funding.

He also explained the proposed EMS Interlocal Agency proposal. He stated that the county was dealing with Obama Care. It requires any employee working over 130 hours requires the employer to provide full insurance benefits. The county doesn't have the funds to cover. The county was working on a service district however, to meet Obama Care requirements all needs to be in place by 30 June 2016. They have determined that an Interlocal Agency can meet the timeline requirements. A board would be set up with a representative from each town council/community and two members at large. The advisory board would be responsible for the fund that would be provided by the county. Stoney asked what would happen to Jim Gordon under this new proposal. Commissioner Brady stated that his position would absorbed, however there would be garage mangers that would be responsible to report to the board. There are four garages. Each manager would be responsible for scheduling, ensuring ambulances are stocked, recruiting, and insuring EMTS are trained and certified. Each garage would be responsible for nominating their managers. Stoney expressed a need that a pre-ambulance vehicle be placed locally equipped with supplies for the early responders. It wouldn't be used for transport but would allow those responding to have lights arriving timely and safer. It sometimes takes time for the ambulance to get to the scene. Commissioner Brady agreed with the suggestion and stated that would be governed by the board. Council expressed this support of the Interlocal Agency. Commissioner Brady stated that the county attorney is presently drawing up the agreement and would need to be accepted in a special meeting since this is Elmo's regular meeting.

Citizen Concerns: none were expressed.

Stevie Pugh - sewer installation: Kyle & Stevie addressed the council requesting permission to allow the installation of a sewer system prior to their commencing construction of the permanent residence and acquiring a culinary water connection. They are having a difficult time finding available water share to purchase. They also are presently living in a Recreational Travel Trailer on the property at 80 E 400 S. They presented a drawing of their proposed home. It was reviewed by Stoney and he stated that it does meet the setback requirements. Stoney motioned that a waiver be granted for the installation of a sewer connections and allow them to reside in the travel trailer for the period of 1 1/2 year on the condition that construction be started within the year. If they fail to start construction, they agree to pay the cost to have the sewer system capped and they cease to reside on the property. Kristine seconded. Motion carried. They may appear before the council for an extension of the waiver if needed.

Animal Control Officer Report: Deans stated that she has been working with DWR. She said they failed to notify her of the bear that they tranquilized and moved. She has met with them and given them her contact information. She stated that there has been several missing animals recently in Elmo. There is a concern that perhaps a lion is taking them. She asked if she should obtain a concealed weapon permit and start carrying a weapon. She was told that killing any animals should not be her responsibility. Stoney told her to contact the sheriff's department. They will send an officer out to take care of that.

Town Employee Report: Jerald reported that he would be spraying the weeds in the road this weekend. He reported that the weed water needed a new head. He as told to go ahead and get the necessary items to fix. The council also complimented Jerald on the way the cemetery looked for Memorial Day.

Computer for Town Hall - Update: Delena reported that the computer was purchased and an Office program also purchased for a cost of $540.32.

Trees for the Park: Kristine reported that Ward's Landscaping will come tomorrow to install the trees. To help save money, she needs the holes prepared before hand. Stoney stated that he would not be able to did the holes tomorrow. He would be able on Thursday. Kristine will contact and reschedule. She stated that they are giving Elmo a great deal. Normally the trees are $330, however, they are giving the town the trees at $270, plus charge $90.00 per hour for planting. They come with 1 year guarantee.

Sidewalk Priority List: The council discussed the below list. There was some concern about no installing sidewalks on streets where citizens have lived longer than others, as well along streets that have no resident. The council agreed to table this until next meeting. Mayor Lofley asked that the council members review and come prepared to discuss.

Update : 5/4/2016

Priority Street Location Side Finished Year Resident

1 200 East Main to 100 South on 2nd East East x 2013 Ehler

2 200 East 100 South to 200 South on 2nd East East x 2013 Terry Erickson

3 200 East Main to 100 North on 2nd East West x 2013 Winn

4 100 South 1st East to 2nd East on 100 South South x 2013 Durfee

5 300 East Main to 100 North on 3rd East East x 2013 Brent Jensen

6 100 North Center to 1st East on 100 North North x 2013 Hadfield

7 100 North 3rd East to 4th East on 100 North South x 2016 Cale Jensen

8 400 East Main to 100 North on 4th East West x 2016 Ray Sisneros

9 100 North 1st East to 2nd East on 100 North North x 2016 Willie Pearson

10 100 West Main to 100 North on 100 West East x 2016 Trailer?

11 100 North 100 West to 50 West East x 2016 Cottages

12 400 East Main to 100 North on 4th East East x 2016 Kirk Rasmussen

13 100 West 100 North to West Elmo Rd on 1st West West 2017 Wilcox

14 100 West 100 North to West Elmo Rd on 1st West East 2017 Lake

15 200 North Center to 1st East on 200 North South 2017 Trujillo

16 100 East 100 North to 200 North on 1st East West 2017 O'Neil

17 100 East 100 North to 200 North on 1st East East Calvin Willson

18 100 East 200 North to 300 North on 1st East West Craig Brotherson

100 East 200 North to 300 North on 1st East East Vacant

200 South 1st East to 2nd East on 200 South South Ryan Jensen

200 East 200 South to 300 South on 2nd East East Jerel Lofley

200 East 200 South to 300 South on 2nd East West Across from Ryan Jensen

100 North 2nd East to 3rd East on 100 North North Schade

200 East 100 North to 200 North on 2nd East West Willson Farm

200 East 100 North to 200 North on 2nd East East

100 North 3rd East to 4th East on 100 North North Ella Ekker

400 East Main to 100 South on 4th East West Larry Fish

400 East 100 South to 200 South on 4th East West Vacant

400 East Main to 100 South on 4th East East Chris Young

200 South 4th East to 5th East on 200 South North Bo Minchey

200 South 4th East to CemeterySouthTown

500 East Main to 100 South on 5th East West Vacant

500 East 100 South to 200 South on 5th East West Christensen

500 East Main to 100 South on 5th East East Lyons

500 East 100 South to 200 South on 5th East East Lyons

500 East Main to 100 North on 5th East East Dumpster

100 North 4th East to 5th East on 100 North South Tim Fish

( insert new priority list)

CVSSD Priority List: Brent stated that he wanted to council to review the priority list. The following priorities were selected.

Updated: 5/20/2016

Street Side Location Priority Built

200 West West Main to 50 N 1 2014

100 West West Main to 100 North 2 2014

Main Street North 100 West to 200 West 3 2015

WestElmoRoadSouthCenter to 100 West 4 2016

Main Street North 100 West to 200 West 5 2016

100 East East 100 North to 200 North 6

100 East East 200 North to 250 North 7

200 West West 50 N to West Elmo 8

200 East East 100 North to 200 North 9

West Elmo Road South 100 West to 200 West 10

100 North South 400 East to 500 East

100 South South 100 East to Center

200 East West 100 North to 200 North

200 North North Center to 100 East

200 South North 200 East to 100 East

West Elmo Road South 200 West to Elmo Town Limits

200 South North 400 East to 500 East

West Elmo Road North 200 West to Elmo Town Limits

West Elmo Road North 100 West to 200 West

Drainage -


Connection Fees: Delena stated that she had not received the letter from CVSSD that Brent indicated would be sent. Brent had a draft copy and explained that CVSSD hasn't increased the charged for installation and purchase of a Culinary Water Connection since 2012. Cost continue to rise and connection fees have been raised as per last page of minutes: Fees will be effective July 2016

Stipend for telephone: Kristine stated that this was her agenda item and felt it necessary since Delena is taking a lot of calls at her home. Delena stated that it is not necessary for her to be paid a stipend. The conversation developed into asking why council members don't receive pay. It was suggested that council members at least get their utilities paid. Council asked this be placed on agenda for next month for further discussion.

Weed Spray Licensing: Stoney stated that this certification can be obtained online. Study materials are also online. He would complete and have Jerald as well.

Board Member Reports: A question was asked about the trailer that is parked on Elmo right-of-way by Duane Pearson's. It has been moved from it's location on 100 North and 200 E. Apparently Johnnie Danon sold it, but no one knows to who. Stoney stated that he would try to find out who, contact the sheriff department and have them tell the owner to move.

Brent asked if the council if there is a need for a additional or replacement vehicle. He stated that CVSSD were selling some. The conversation went on about the need for a new dump truck for the cemetery. Brent stated he has seen 4500 - 5500 dump beds available on the state surplus. Stoney stated that a 6,000 would be best. Brent stated that the state also has surplus vehicles that may be purchased reasonably. Brent will check on prices for next. This item needs to be placed on next months agenda. He also stated that there are areas in the cemetery that have settled. Stoney stated that alot of that has been to due the backhoe and truck running when digging graves. But agreed that smoothing out areas would be a good idea.

Review of past due Water Bills: Delena stated that Christine Anselmo and Lance Brady were receiving door tags for turn off on the 13th.

Delena's Items: Delena reported she has been working with Sgt. Brewer of Carbon County Sheriff's Dept. Loretta Jones' body will be exhumed on June 7th. Delena asked council what to charge for this service. The council decided to charge the cost charged the town by Shane Nelson. She also presented the monthly Financial with the council.

She also stated that she had been contacted Ms. Jorgensen from the county requesting the town let her know of activities Elmo will have during the year such as movies in the park, etc. Last year the council had discussed sponsoring movies in the park with the purchase of the projector and screen for Horse & Buggy Days. Kristine was assigned to be head this activity. Delena will email Ms. Jorgensen's phone number to her.

Stoney motioned to accept the June bills and 04 May Minutes with the addition of the final billing for the installation of the sidewalks from D Hansen Construction. Brent stated that the final bill minus 5% would be $39,146.46. Kristine seconded. Motion carried by roll call - all present voting yes.

Rocky Mt PowerGeneral - street lights394.62

Rocky Mt. PowerHousing Authority -fire/hall124.80

Rocky Mt, PowerGeneral -DUP17.78

Rocky Mt. PowerGeneral - Garage12.55

QuestarHousing Authority - fire/hall42.61

QuestarGeneral - Fire -old fire station7.56

Emery TelcomGeneral/Office Expense-internet/telephone148.64

City SanitationGeneral/Utilities/garbage- May 2016 854.35

Castle Valley Special ServicesGeneral/Utilities/water/sewer- May 2016 2110.75

Mar/Apr allotment 15% of 4608.14691.22

Delena Fishwage- May359.40

Casey Lofleywage - May50.00 46.18

City SanitationGeneral/Utilities/garbage - roll off bins May 2016218.14

Jerald SchadeMayWage- 324.001072.83 May- Cem - 374.68

May - Park - 555.56

Deana DaleyMay Animal Control Wage 304.75 May Dog - 2 100.00

Jan Curtismonthly service support$40.00

Itron Yearly contract1476.73

ZionsComputer purchase/Office Program540.32

Quickbooks update317.80

Sutherlandsrepair Cemetery Bench/sod/weed spray264.87

Southwest Plumbingpipe/coupler/Cemetery3.63

KFJ-C Storegas lawn mower/truck65.01

PEAK Mobile Comm4 Radio batteries291.50

LN CurtisFire226.62


B Hansen ConstructionFinal payment on sidewalks

ECMSFire, Gloves-utility hooks45.11

UVURecert of WLFF, Kiersten, Stoney, Ryan,

Kirt, Stetson25.00

Stoney motioned to adjourn, Brent seconded. Motion carried.