2015 TSA HOD Meeting Minutes

1:05 – Phil Lakota called meeting to order

Previous minutes failed to be posted on the website. Minutes were sent to the webmaster for posting. BJ Allenstein reviewed previous minutes. Motion to accept previous minutes by TWST, seconded and passed.

Report of officers – None

Committee reports

-  TAGS BJ Allenstein reviewed recommendation from TAGS committee meeting (attached below)

-  Time standards were pulled for discussion, remaining committee recommendations as submitted were accepted, motion by NTRO, seconded and passed

o  Discussion of time standard changes

§  Why add bonus times? Main reasoning to fill events. Some events do not have 24 entries. After further discussion, FINS motioned to accept the time standard recommendations, seconded and passed as submitted.

-  Allstar committee – Andy Korda not present, will send info to LSC Chairs. Next Allstar camp in West Texas November 13-15, 2015

Report on Bylaw Changes by John Adams – Secretary

Bylaw changes were brought into compliance with athlete representation of 20% on committees. Each change was reviewed item by item. Motion to accept changes by BJ Allenstein, MARS Seconded, approved.

Nomination Committee – 1st VP report given by John Adams – Secretary

All officers currently serving have agreed to continue except Secretary.

Phil Lakota (NT) – President

Donna Lai-Dormiani (GU) – 1st VP

Bob Lang(NT) – 2nd VP

James Turlington (GU) – Treasurer

Didi Byerly (ST)– nominated to Secretary position

No nominations from the floor. Motion to accept officers as listed by BJ Allenstein, FINS Seconded, Motion passed

John Adams informed group about Jessica Evans who was instrumental in setting up and maintaining the new TSA website, but is temporary. Recommended we find new webmaster.

BJ Allenstein nominated Didi Byerly as Webmaster, ST LSC Chair moved, seconded, and passed.

TWST moved to adjourn, seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 1:43 PM