C/ Castillejos 429, 1o 3a

08024 Barcelona


TRANSLATION Oregon Voter’s Guide (English-Spanish): 2004, 2005 & 2006 (in progress). Includes candidates’ statements, position descriptions, constitutional amendments, and voting instructions and eligibility.

Regional Research Institute for Human Services, Research and Training Center, Portland State University (English-Spanish): Translated the institute’s web pages and annual conference materials, 2001 and 2002.

Poem by Nicasio Urbina (Spanish-English), “Synthesis of Some Years,” Whole Notes (Spring 1999): 9-12.

Article by Nydia Palacios (Spanish-English), “Eighty Years of Theatrical Development in Nicaragua,” Dictionary of Latin American Literature, 1995.

TEACHING English as a Second Language Instructor, Tulane Univ.: Introductory through advanced language and culture, 1992-95.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish, Willamette University, Salem, OR, fall 2003 to fall 2004: Upper division composition, conversation and introduction to literature.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish, Linfield College, McMinnville, OR, fall 1998 to spring 2001: Introductory to advanced language, advanced literature and culture topics courses.

Assistant Professor of Spanish, Doane College, Crete, Nebraska, 1996-1998: Introductory through advanced language courses, Latin American and Peninsular literature, Latin American culture and civilization. Researched and visited potential study abroad sites in LA and Spain, 1997 and 1998.

Spanish Instructor, University of South Alabama, Mobile: Introductory and advanced language courses, 1995-96 (a full-time position while writing my dissertation).

Spanish Teaching Assistantship, Tulane: Intensive introductory level, 1993-94.

Spanish Instructor, Lewis & Clark College: Introductory, intermediate and advanced language, including advanced grammar and public speaking, and Latin American Culture and Civilization; .67 FTE 1988-89, full-time fall 1989-Summer 1991.

MANAGEMENT Associate Director, AHA International, a division of the University of Oregon, Portland, Oregon, Jan. 2005 to April 2006. Manage study abroad programs for North American university students in Spain, Italy, Argentina, Mexico and Chile. Collaborate with dozens of client universities in promoting the programs, as well as assessing their effectiveness and designing and implementing curricular and administrative improvements. Responsibilities include financial review and budgeting, program promotion, managing student life issues that arise on-site, and facilitating visiting professor participation in programs.

Assistant Dean, Institute for Social and International Studies, Portland, OR and Barcelona, Spain, June 2001 to August 2003. Duties included working with board of directors and client universities on program development, academic and housing policies; managed Portland office, oversaw program logistics, responsible for program promotion. Coordinated the summer program on-site 2002 and 2003.

FURTHER EXPERIENCE U.S. Peace Corps, Provincia del Tungurahua, Ecuador: Facilitated group

ABROAD sessions on agricultural methods, marketing, bookkeeping, mathematics and group dynamics, and worked with farmers on an individual basis; organized and conducted after-school activities for elementary school children 6/85-6/87.

In my capacity as Spanish professor, have visited and evaluated numerous study abroad programs in Spain and Latin America.

EDUCATION Ph.D. Tulane University, New Orleans: Latin American Studies (Major Field: Literature) 12/1996.

M.A. Oregon State University, Interdisciplinary Studies, 1990. Major: Spanish. Minors: Anthropology and History.

B.A. Oregon State University, 1984. Major: Technical Journalism.

PUBLICATIONS Childhood and the Nation in Latin American Literature, Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., New York, 2001.

“La arquitectura de la memoria: Los edificios y sus significados en El obsceno pájaro de la noche de José Donoso,” Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana, 22.2 (nov. 1993): 15-23.

“El niño excluido: Relaciones familiares en Cuentos de barro de Salarrué,” Journal of Interdisciplinary Literary Studies, 4.1-2 (1992): 71-88.

“Working Without a Net: Myth and Reality in the Extended Family Safety Net in Latin America,” Selecta 11 (1990): 76-82.

PAPERS “Colonización y venganza: conflictos raciales en ‘La furia’ de Silvina

DELIVERED Ocampo,” 1993 Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.

“Working Without a Net: Myth and Reality in the Extended Family Safety Net in Latin America,” 1990 Pacific Northwest Council on Foreign Languages Conference, Missoula, MT.

GRANTS/AWARDS Recipient of a grant to attend the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview seminar at Oregon State University, April 2000.

Tulane University Graduate School Fellowship, 1991-93

Recipient of a 1992 Tinker Foundation grant to investigate the history of a community in Hidalgo State, Mexico.

1990 recipient of the Pacific Coast Council on Latin American Studies' Hubert B. Herring Award for Best Master's Thesis.

PROFESSIONAL Linfield College: 1999-2000 Member of the Freshman Colloquium Curricu-

& COMMUNITY lum Revision Committee; member of the Division of Continuing Education

SERVICE Committee; Freshman Colloquium Instructor/Advisor, 1999 and 2000.

Doane College, 1997-98 served as co-chair of an ad hoc committee on multiculturalism in the general education curriculum; member of the Academic Affairs Committee.

Newcomb College (Tulane Univ.) Children's Center Advisory Board member, 1994-95.

Co-editor PNCFL Newsletter, 1989-91; PNCFL Media Award Committee member, 1990.