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Geosciences Bulletin Board –13 June 2016- compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

News from World Oceans Day – 8 June 2016

  • Deltas:
  • OOI:
  • OOI Data:
  • Reason for optimism?
  • Soft marine sediments:

International collaboration enhances knowledge of munitions dumped at sea

Increasing probability of strong EQ in the Tokai trough in Japan within the next 30 years

Rupture on the San Jacinto fault produces 5.2M EQ and series of aftershocks in southern California

Congressional opposition to permitting seismic exploration along the Atlantic Coast

Clean sediments may “pave the way” for removal of Pittsfield Dam

What the first-ever core samplesfrom the “peak ring” of the Chicxulub Crater tell us

Modern seismicity is influenced by ancient fault lines, may revise fundamental ideas of plate tectonics

  • Paper:

Reviewing site conditions and geological hazards critical to deep and ultra-deep water development

Coral reefs are stressed by human activity (overfishing & pollution) making them more vulnerable to pathogenic disease

A new hypothesis cites tectonic factors as important for the formation of coal

Gold rush in Peru results in high levels of mercury contamination

Man strays from boardwalk, falls into Yellowstone geyser, presumed dead, search ended

Iron oxide under pressure might explain seismic & geothermal signatures in the deep mantle

Radioactivity from Fukushima diluted in the ocean allows tracing of ocean currents

Sink hole in Ottawa, Canada, might be due to quick clay

“Zombie volcano” discovered in New Zealand

  • Paper:

Geologists will drill into Mt. Halla on Jeju Island to obtain samples to determine age of the volcano

Dating the recurrence of landslides in the Oso, Washington, area

Chronology of events in Copiah County, Mississippi, landslide in gravel pit, recovery efforts underway for two trapped miners (video)

Satellite data reflects Arctic sea ice & cloud interactions and resultant climate changes

The East Coast was shaken up during historic earthquake

Photo-essay of the Ring of Fire

Nevado del Ruiz volcano showing significant activity and may produce destructive lahars

High-resolution model of soil erosion impact on carbon cycle may help explain imbalance in global carbon budget

Estimating how much recovery can be expected from current bleaching event on Great Barrier Reef

Can the problems of plastics in the ocean be solved?

25 years after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo

Composition of the interior of the Earth is constrained by the elasticity of minerals

The “end of the world” crater in Siberia is still enlarging

Fingerprint algorithm helps researchers characterize ripples on the ocean floor to understand storm behavior


Enviro-Sciences Bulletin Board – 13 June2016– compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

Humans have altered essentially every landscape on Earth

EPA estimates 7 years & $750M to cleanup PCBs in Portland Harbor Superfund site on Willamette River in Oregon – draft plan open for public comments

  • Video:
  • Plan:

Can’t protect humans from their own choices -- danger exists in National Parks, especially if one ignores the rules and posted signs

Resilient building means incorporating risks into design

Many factors influence addictive behavior and choices

USDA to research antibiotic resistant organisms and the fate of therapeutic antimicrobials in cow manure

Is there a cause-effect relationship between deforestation and outbreak of Zika virus?

The human soundscape is impacting nature

8,000 year old priceless aboriginal rock art works were destroyed by vandals – damaged beyond repair

Scavenging for food in Venezuela

US F&W finally releases new rules attempting to ban all ivory trade in the US

  • Rule:

Eating healthy! FDA releases new guidelines on salt

Oklahoma EQ insurance market ruled “noncompetitive” with excessively high rates

New York City to spend $7.3M for bio-swales (rain gardens) to help clean up Newtown Creek

Soil offers a solution to water use and drought, as well as food production

Where have all the fireflies gone?

Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) revision bill can now move forward through Congress…allows EPA to consider health & safety (not costs) when determining regulation of chemicals

New satellite data analysis reveals 39 unreported & major human-made sources of sulfur dioxide emissions

Victorian era trash may tell us a great deal about the beginnings of consumerism

$11M funding for a 21st Century Conservation Service Corps (21CSC)

Gaining a better understanding of the relationship between antibiotic resistance and bacterial virulence

Can Delhi, India, solve its epic toxic air pollution problems?

Radiation levels from early nuclear testing still exceed safety standards for inhabiting Bikini Atoll

If this bill passes, then Missouri motto of “Show Me” would not apply to environmental & health data

  • Missouri HB1414:

Water shortage or availability depends on many factors and definitions

Mapping 6,000 years of urbanization trends and patterns

Can geo-engineering of lakes control phosphorus pollution?

The complex story of climate and social change in medieval Italy

Study shows impact of infrastructure on climate perception

Plastic in the ocean is critically impacting juvenile organisms

EU refuses to extend licensing for glyphosate herbicides…classified as Group 2A carcinogen

California bill under consideration would “expedite” reservoir & water systems in California

Colorado residents warned that bubonic plague is cycling through local animal population

Legally challenging the right of US F&W to kill large numbers of migratory birds across the Eastern US

Negotiating terms for Western states that will facilitate sharing of renewable energy

Presence of opioid receptors in the cells involved in spermatozoon formation show link to male fertility

FFRMS is insufficient to mitigate flooding potential & will encourage more development in flood-prone areas

Radioactive fallout from April 1986 Chernobyl event linked to increased thyroid cancer in children in Belgium

Beachgoers beware – outbreak of sea lice along Gulf Coast beaches