Annexure - XI


Sl.Title of the Project/Date of initiation/RAC/ TRAC in Approved Budget

No.Name of the PIscompletionwhich approved(in Rs.)

WII Grant-in-aid Projects

1.Ecology of otters in Corbett Tiger Reserve: Nov. 21, 2000 toIV-TRAC’ 19997,82,400.00

Impact of Kalagarh reservoir on the habitat Nov. 20, 2004

use pattern. (Dr. S.A. Hussain)

2.The ecology of the leopard in Satpura July 9, 2001 toV-TRAC’ 200038,72,592.00

National Park and Bori WLS. (Shri Qamar July 8, 2006

Qureshi & Dr. Ravi Chellam*) *Dr. Ravi

Chellam, PI on deputation to UNDP

3.Characterisation of species from bone, tusk, July 2, 2001 toV- TRAC’ 200042,60,000.00

rhino horn and antler to deal with wildlife July 1, 2006

offence cases. (Dr. S.P. Goyal)

4.Social organisation and dispersal in Asiatic Mar. 8, 2002 toV-TRAC’ 200062,40,989.00

lions. (Dr. Y.V. Jhala, & Shri B.J. Pathak, Mar. 7, 2007

CF(WL), Junagadh Circle) * Dr. Ravi

Chellam, PI on deputation to UNDP

5.Conservation genetics of marine turtles on July, 2001 toRevised project 26,92,000.00

the mainland and island coasts of India. June 30, 2004proposal was

(Shri B.C. Choudhury)approved in

VI-TRAC’ 2001

6.Developing a Spatial Conservation Protocol Feb. 9, 2001toV-TRAC’ 200033,92,509.00

for Central Indian Highlands through a Feb. 8, 2006

Biogeographical Analysis of Birds and

Existing Protected Area Network: A

Geographical Information Systems Approach.

(Shri Qamar Qureshi, Dr. Ravi Chellam* &

Dr. Jagdish Krishnaswamy, ATREE,

Bangalore) * Dr. Ravi Chellam, PI on

deputation to UNDP

7.Diversity and rarity in floral and avifaunal July 2, 2001toV-TRAC’ 2000Revised Budget

assemblages in the Western Himalaya: A July 11, 2005One yearRs. 9,97,600.00

study of patterns and mechanisms to devise ‘No Cost’ Extn. Approved by the

viable biodiversity conservation strategies. Granted by the Director, WII

(Dr. V.B. Mathur, WII; Dr. Kevin J. Gaston, X-TRAC

Univ. of Sheffiled, UK &Dr. P.S. Roy,

IIRS, Dehra Dun)

Sl.Title of the Project/Date of initiation/RAC/ TRAC in Approved Budget

No.Name of the PIscompletionwhich approved(in Rs.)

8.Conservation ecology of an isolated population Nov. 13, 2001 toV-TRAC’ 200018,34,800.00

of gaur (Bos gaurus) in Trishna WLS, Nov. 12, 2004

Tripura. (Dr. Atul Gupta & Dr. K. Sankar)

9.Ecology of the Dhole (Cuon alpinus Pallas) Jan. 10, 2001 toV-TRAC’ 2000 Revised Budget

in Central India. (Dr. A.J.T. Johnsingh & Jan. 9, 2005One year 15,47,550.00

Dr. K. Sankar)‘No Cost’ Extn.

granted by the


10.An ecological reconnaissance of colonial Jan. 1, 2004 toVI-TRAC’ 20014,84,400.00

nesting birds in Bhitarkanika mangroves, Dec. 31, 2007

Orissa, India. (Dr. Bivash Pandav &

Dr. S.K. Kar, Research Officer,

O/o CWLW, Orissa)

11.An evaluation of the endemism of the Jan. 17, 2003 toVI-TRAC’ 20017,98,000.00

amphibian assemblages from the Western July 16, 2005

Ghats using molecular techniques.

(Dr. Karthikeyan Vasudevan)

12.Status and ecology of leopard in Pauri July 1, 2002 to VI-TRAC’ 200137,93,900.00

Garhwal. Phase-II: Ranging patterns and June 30, 2006

reproductive biology of leopard (Panthera Work in this

pardus) in Pauri Garhwal Himalayas.project initiated

(Dr. S.P. Goyal)with the balance

funds in Phase-I

13.Strengthening field conservation through Aug. 16, 2002 toVII-TRAC’ 200228,50,000.00

ecological studies, capacity building and Mar. 31, 2005

conservation awareness in the Ladakh

Trans – Himalayas: A collaborative initiative.

(Dr. V.B. Mathur & Dr. Yash Veer

Bhatanagar, Dr. G.S. Rawat, Sh. Qamar

Qureshi, Dr. B.S. Adhikari) Collaborators :

ISLT, SLC, CEE & IIRS, Dehra Dun

WII Grant-in-aid projects approved by the TRAC in its VII-Meeting held on 5.2.2002

(STATUS – Approved Projects)

14.Ecology of marine turtles in the Lakshadweep Proposed tenure VII-TRAC’ 20023,85,000.00

Islands, India, with a focus on Hawksbill of initiation &

turtles (Eretomochelys imbricata). completion

(Shri B.C. Choudhury)(15 months)

Sl.Title of the Project/Date of initiation/RAC/ TRAC in Approved Budget

No.Name of the PIscompletionwhich approved(in Rs.)

15.An assessment of eco-development initiatives Proposed tenure VII-TRAC’ 20021,00,000.00

in Periyar Tiger Reserve. of initiation &

(Dr. Ruchi Badola) completion

(One year)

WII Grant-in-aid projects approved by the TRAC in its VIII-Meeting held on 25.10.2002

(STATUS – Approved Projects)

16.Evaluation of the status of grasslands within Apr. 1, 2003 toVIII-TRAC’ 2002Revised Budget

eastern Terai using Remote Sensing and GIS Mar. 31, 20059,50,000.00

Technologies: A landscape approach to

conservation. (Dr. V.B. Mathur &

Sh. Qamar Qureshi)

17.Ecological monitoring of Gir* (Dr. Y.V. Jhala)Jan. 6, 2004 toVIII-TRAC’ 200229,16,000.00

Jan. 5, 2007

18.Developing power fence manual for teaching Proposed tenure VIII-TRAC’ 200280,000.00

and training purposes. (Dr. N.P.S. Chauhan)of initiation &


(One year)

19.Study for assessment and inventory of the Proposed tenure VIII-TRAC’ 20024,26,600.00

herpetofaunal diversity of Nicobar Islands, of initiation &

India. (Sh. B.C. Choudhury)completion

(One year)

WII Grant-in-aid projects approved by the TRAC in its IX-Meeting held on 13.02.2003

(STATUS – Approved Projects)

20.Comparison of tiger (Panthera tigris)Proposed tenure IX-TRAC’ 200318,61,400.00

population estimated using non-invasive of initiation &

techniques of Pugmark, Camera Trap and completion

DNA based analysis of hair and scat in (18 months)

Ranthambore Tiger Reserve (Dr. S.P. Goyal,

Dr. K. Sankar & Sh. Q. Qureshi)

21.Monitoring the changes in biological diversity Dec. 17, 2003 toIX-TRAC’ 20038,87,805.00

after relocation of gujjars in Rajaji-Corbett Dec. 16, 2008

Conservation Area. (Dr. Karthikeyan

Vasudevan, Dr. A.J.T. Johnsingh &

Dr. Bivash Pandav)

Sl.Title of the Project/Date of initiation/RAC/ TRAC in Approved Budget

No.Name of the PIscompletionwhich approved(in Rs.)

22.Current status and conservation of the Proposed tenure IX-TRAC’ 20031,67,000.00

Nicobar Megapode Megapodious of initiation &

nicobarensis. (Dr. K. Sivakumar)completion

(Six months)

23.A study on the status and impact of Proposed tenure IX-TRAC’ 20038,94,600.00

introduced Chital Axis axis on habitats of initiation &(50% of the total

and its management in Andaman Islands.completionfunding will be

(Dr. K. Sivakumar)(Two years)given by the Forest

Dept., Andamans)

24.Understanding and regulating conflict through Proposed tenure IX-TRAC’ 200356,60,000.00

population control of the free ranging of initiation & (50% of the total

leopards in Junnar Division, Maharashtra. completionfunding will be

(Dr. Y.V. Jhala)(Five years)given by the Forest

Dept., Maharashtra)

WII Grant-in-aid projects approved by the TRAC in its X – Meeting held on 10.12.2003

(STATUS – Approved & forwarded for Finance Committee Approval)

25.Developing management capabilities for wild Proposed tenure X-TRAC’ 200333,11,000.00

pigs damage control in agro-systems in and of initiation &

around Corbett National and Ranthambore completion

Tiger Reserve. (Dr. N.P.S. Chauhan)(Four years)

WII Grant-in-aid projects approved by the TRAC in its XI - Meeting held on 17.03.2004

(STATUS – Approved & forwarded for Finance Committee Approval)

26.Panthera tigris genome: Implications in Proposed tenure XI-TRAC’ 200346,78,500.00

wildlife forensics. (Dr. S.P. Goyal)of initiation &


(Four years)

27.Research and conservation of endangered Proposed tenure XI-TRAC’ 200343,87,600.00

and threatened fauna of Kutch: An of initiation &

integrated approach. (Dr. Y.V. Jhala)completion

(Five years)

28.Effect of Management Practices on Spider Proposed tenure XI-TRAC’ 200310,24,000.00

Diversity in Terai Conservation Area (TCA). of initiation &

(Dr. V.P. Uniyal)completion

(Four years)

29.Conservation ecology of Sangai (Cervus Proposed tenure XI-TRAC’ 200364,56,000.00

eldi eldi) and its wetland habitat.of initiation &

(Dr. S.A. Hussain)completion (Five years)

Sl.Title of the Project/Date of initiation/RAC/ TRAC in Approved Budget

No.Name of the PIscompletionwhich approved(in Rs.)

USFWS Collaborative Projects

30.Planning and development of interpretive Sep. 24, 1998 to119.90

facilities in selected Protected Areas in India. Sep. 23, 2003(in lakhs)

Protected Areas : Panna National Park and Grant of Extension

Corbett National Parktill Dec. 31, 2004

(Shri B.C. Choudhury, Shri Rajiv Bhartari, is awaited from

Smt. Bitapi Sinha), & (Mr. Gary M. Stolz & USFWS

Ms. Gay Hazol Wood)

31.Conservation of Hoolock Gibbon in Northeast April 2002 toUSFWS FundedUS$27890

India. (Dr. A.K. Gupta)Aug.200413,10,830.00

(in Rupees)

Other Sponsored Projects

32.Studies on animal-habitat interactions in the Feb. 11, 2002Project approved 4,49,200.00

Buffer Zone of Nanda Devi Biosphere forby MoEF

Reserve. (Dr. S. Sathyakumar & Feb. 10, 2005

Dr. G.S. Rawat) – MoEF Sponsored

33.All India Co-ordinated research project on June 3, 2002 toProject approved 22,25,650.00

Orchids. (MoEF Sponsored & Tropical June 2, 2007& sponsored by

Botanical Garden and Research Institute, MoEF

Kerala) (Dr. G.S. Rawat)

34.Natural resource ecology and management Mar. 20, 2002 toProject cleared 154.00

in the Himalaya. (Collaboration between Mar. 19, 2005by TRAC, GB,(in lakhs)

WII & University of Tromso, Norway) MoEF, MEA

Sponsored by NORAD (Dr. S. Sathyakumar)& DEA (MoEF)

35.Monitoring of forest conditions and prey base Jan. 6, 2002 toA project of the $53,500

for the tiger conservation in the Terai Arc. Jan. 7, 2003National Fish Additional Fund by

(Collaboration between WII & National Fish Extn. Till and Wildlife Grant-in-aid of Rs.

and Wildlife Foundation, USA) (Dr. A.J.T. Mar. 31, 2004 Foundation70,000.00 is

Johnsingh & Tracy Fish Walmer, NFWF)for completion requested

36.Acoustic signals in two avian species: their Mar. 1, 2001 toDST sponsored 10,96,800.00

characterisation and importance.Oct. 30, 2004project

Dr. Sushant Chowdhary

(DST Sponsored project)

Sl.Title of the Project/Date of initiation/RAC/ TRAC in Approved Budget

No.Name of the PIscompletionwhich approved(in Rs.)

37.Impact monitoring of India Eco-Development Feb. 20, 2001 to(World Bank 34,82,000.00

Project on Gir National Park and Sanctuary. Aug. 19, 2002Sponsored)

(Dr. Y.V. Jhala) (World Bank Sponsored)Extended till

October, 2004

for submission

of final report

38.Ecological study on tiger beetles Work will be DST Approved 14,98,450.00

(Cicindelidae) as indicator for biodiversity initiated during & Sponsored

monitoring in Shivalik landscape. (Dr. V.P. financial year project

Uniyal & Dr.K. Sivakumar) (DST Approved)2004-05

39.An evaluation of endemism of herpetofaunal Apr. 19, 2004 to Min. of Science 32,30,000.00

assemblages from the Western Ghats using Apr. 18, 2007& Technology,

molecular techniques. (Dr. Karthikeyan Dept. of Bio-

Vasudevan WII & Dr. Ramesh K. Aggarwal, technology

CCMB, Hyderabad) (Min. of Sci. & Tech, Sponsored

Dept. of Biotechnology Sponsored Project)Project

40.Developing of Spatial database in GIS domain Ongoing(M.P. Forest 2,98,000.00

of Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve. Department

(Dr. V.B. Mathur) (M.P. Forest Sponsored

Department Sponsored Project)Project)

List of the projects completed during Financial Year 2003-04

41.Impact of forest fragmentation on the hoolock Jan. 22, 2001 to V-TRAC’ 200022.80

gibbon (Hylobates hoolock) in Assam, India. Jan. 21, 2004(in lakhs)

(Dr. Atul Gupta, Shri Qamar Qureshi &

Dr. Ravi Chellam*) *PI on deputation to UNDP

42.Conservation of Indian Wolf.Mar. 15, 1995 toXIII/MAY/9357.65

(Dr. Y.V. Jhala, Dr. Olav T. Oftedal & Dec. 31, 2003(in lakhs)

Dr. Robert. K. Wayne)

43.The maintenance and publication of studbooks Sep. 18, 2002 toCZA Sponsored3.34

of five endangered species.Dec. 31, 2003(in lakhs)

(Sh. B.C. Choudhury) CZA Sponsored

44.Status survey of certain rare and endemic Proposed tenure VII-TRAC’ 20021.80

plant taxa in the Agastyamalai ranges of of initiation & (in lakhs)

southern Western Ghats. (Dr. G.S. Rawat) completion

(One year)

WB - Wildlife Biology, WM - Wildlife Management, HA - Human Aspects, ID - Interdisciplinary