DECEMBER 5, 2013
Principal’s Report
Ms. George sends her regrets.
This weekend Ms. Piercey and primary choir will be performing at the tree lighting ceremony.
The kindergarten Christmas concert will be held this Wednesday at 12:30.
Monday December 16 will be the dress rehearsal for the elementary students at 12:15.
The concert will be on Tuesday December 17th 5:30 – 7:00pm.All grade 3, primary choir, Mr. Lolli - group 3-5 recorder ensemble , grade 7 guitar ensemble, all grade 8 instrumental, and 7& 8 drama Draws for the gift baskets - will be held in the intermission. Students are able to buy tickets 6 for $5.00 or $1.00 each- starting next Monday December 15th.
SCAW / pajama day will be held on December 13th .
The school mascots have been named -The little panther will be called Shadow and the large one will be called Lightning.
Upcoming Theme Days:
Monday - snowflake
Tuesday - present
Wednesday - reindeer
Thursday - Santa Hat
NO SCHOOL on Friday December 20th
BACK TO SCHOOL Monday January 6th
Grade 3 went to Black Creed Pioneer Village today. They will be completing a Christmas craft onDecember 18th.
Reminder that parents should be using the kiss & ride lanes to drop off students. There has been an improvement since last meeting
Up Coming meetings:
January 16, 2014
February 6, 2014
March 20, 2014
April 3, 2014
There will be 3 ski days for grades 6-8, and 2 skating days for grades 1-5. The third skiing day will be bowling for the lower grades. Students who choose not to ski can help out at the skating rink. Most students don’t bother showing up for school
January 24, 2014 the HepB shot will be given to the grade 7
January 21, 2014 the grade 8 grad photos will be taken. No alternate day will be offered.
Shannon called the meeting to order in the library at 7:17p.m.
There were 9 people in attendance.
The agenda was approved by Mandy
Minutes for the October 2013 were approved by Mandy, secondby Krista.
2.0Treasurer’s Report
Krista Murray presented financial reports.
Total Assets on November 1, 2013$ 38,624.07
(Includes cash, shares, GIC’s)
Revenue$ 1,872.32
Expenses$ 4,976.22
Total Assets on November 30, 2013$ 35,814.92
Note: Please contact Krista Murray for more information regarding the Treasurer’s Report.
The following releases from the Home and School budget mony were discussed:
Up to $10.00 fromPhotocopies to Heather for photocopying
Up to $235.00 from Nutrition Break for scrapbooking
$500.00 fromCommunity Sprit it (trips)
$500.00 from Physical Education (soccer & volley balls) – supplement gym equipment
$1,000.00 fromMusic(African percussion drums)
$200.00 fromTechnology (iPad cases)
$100.00from Library (reading)
$1,000.00 from Library (Forest Reading Program - Blue Spruce , Silver Birch Express, Silver Birch and Red Maple - all book are by Canadian authors)
A motion to release the above monies was made by Krista, seconded by Debbi, voted and carried.
Newsletter and Membership
The newsletter must be completed and sent out by next Thursday December 19th.
3.0Committee Reports
Membership Drive (OFHSA)
Heather Patterson commented that the envelopes were being reviewed and will be sent with the newsletter.
Shannon Brillinger indicated that the Dance-a-thon was tentatively booked for Friday February 14th
Scrapbook Club
Christine Hackett-Czar commented that the grade 6 girls were enjoying the class. Albums were given out today.
Games Club
Shannon Brillinger commented that Games Club will be starting in January for Grade 1 & 2 students. Timing will be confirmed at the January meeting
Heather Patterson commented that the SCAW assembly will be Friday. It was discussed that reporter Bill Rae should be invited.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.
Next Home and School meeting is scheduled for Thursday January 14, 2014 at 7:30 in the Palgrave Public School library.
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