Transfer Review for ……………………………………………………………………………………..

East Sussex


Report for

Insert name

Date of Transfer Review:

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Transfer Review for ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Understanding the Content of Transfer Reviews

Section label / What the section must include
SECTION 1 / The details of the review meeting held and contributors to the review.
SECTION 2 / The child or young person’s assessment information and progress since the Statement or last review.
SECTION 3 / The provision and support that has been provided since the Statement or the last review for the child or young person.
SECTION 4 / A review of the current provision and support (i.e. interventions, resources, strategies) across Education, Health and Care to ensure it is being effective in ensuring access to teaching and learning and good progress.
SECTION 5 / A review of the objectives sought for the child or the young person as identified in the Statement, including objectives for adult life where appropriate.
SECTION 6 / Recommended outcome for this transfer reviewin the light of the child or young person’s progress during the previous year or changed circumstances.
SECTION 7 / A review of any existing Personal Budget and Direct Payment arrangements (if applicable).
SECTION 8 / This section is toidentify the desiredlong term and short term outcomes that are sought for the child / young person
SECTION 9 / This section is to review any interim targets set by the early years provider, school or college or other education provider and agree the steps to achieve the outcomes identified
SECTION 10 / The advice and information gathered during the transfer review must be attached (in appendices). There should be a list of this advice and information.

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Transfer Review for ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Child/Young Person’s Information

Surname: / Forename (s):
Date of birth: / NYC: / Gender:
Home address:
(Including postcode)

Child/Young Person’s Education Information

Current Educational Setting: / Start date:
(Including postcode)

Section 1 - Review Meeting Details

Date of review meeting:

Contributors to this review:Please indicate in the checkbox in column B and/or column C as appropriate to provide a record of who was invited to participate in the review
*must be invited to provide written advice and invited to attend the meeting
(E.g.Social Worker, Speech & Language Therapist etc.) / B
Invited to attend review meeting / C
Invited to contribute written advice / D
Written advice received / attached / Name of person(s) who attended meeting / Reason for non-attendance
(if applicable)
Parent / carer*
Child / Young person*
School / setting*
Local Authority SEN Officer*

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Transfer Review for ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Section 2 – Assessment and Progress Information

This section should be based on available assessments / information and evidence of development since the Statement of SEN or the last review. Where relevant please describe the progress made in the following areas:

  1. Communication and interaction(delete as appropriate)

Baseline Assessment / (NC levels / P scales / description of stage of development / standard scores from the Statement of SEN or previous review)
Current Level of Progress
Strengths & skills identified
Special Educational Needs identified
  1. Cognition and learning(delete as appropriate)

Baseline Assessment / (NC levels / P scales / description of stage of development / standard scores from the Statement of SEN or previous review)
Current Level of Progress
Strengths & skills identified
Special Educational Needs identified
  1. Social, emotional and mental health difficulties (delete as appropriate)

Baseline Assessment / (NC levels / P scales / description of stage of development / standard scores from the Statement of SEN or previous review)
Current Level of Progress
Strengths & skills identified
Special Educational Needs identified
  1. Sensory and Physical(including medical)(delete as appropriate)

Baseline Assessment / (NC levels / P scales / description of stage of development / standard scoresfrom the Statement of SEN or previous review)
Current Level of Progress
Strengths & skills identified
Special Educational Needs identified
  1. Independence and community involvement(delete as appropriate)

Baseline Assessment / (NC levels / P scales / description of stage of development / standard scoresfrom the Statement of SEN or previous review)
Current Level of Progress
Strengths & skills identified
Special Educational Needs identified

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Transfer Review for ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Section 3 – Record of Provision and support

Provide a record of the provision and support that has been provided since the Statement of SEN or the last review.

Provision / Description / Level of support
Communication & Interaction, Cognition & Learning, Social, Emotional & Mental Health Difficulties, Sensory & Physical and Independence & Community Involvement.
(if applicable - attach Provision Map)
(if applicable - attach Individual Health Care Plan)
(if applicable - attach or provide links toother plans and personalised support needs)
Family / community support
(provide details of non-school or family / community based support)

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Transfer Review for ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Section 4 – Review of Provision and support

This section should identify what has been working well or what needs support to change since the Statement of SEN or last review. It should review the current provision and support (i.e. interventions, resources, strategies) across Education, Health and Care.

What is working well? (strengths)
What needs support to change? (challenges / needs)

Section 5 – Review of Statement of SEN Objectives

This section should bring together all of the above information, including the family’s views and aspirations, to review all of the objectives detailed in the Statement of SEN. This will help determine the recommendation in Section 6 and to identify the outcomesin Section 8.

  1. Communication and interaction(delete as appropriate)

Have any of the objectives been met? / Yes No
Please provide details :
Are the objectives still relevant and appropriate? / Yes No
Please provide details of any changes required:
  1. Cognition and learning(delete as appropriate)

Have any of the objectives been met? / Yes No
Please provide details :
Are the objectives still relevant and appropriate? / Yes No
Please provide details of any changes required::
  1. Social, emotional and mental health difficulties (delete as appropriate)

Have any of the objectives been met? / Yes No
Please provide details :
Are the objectives still relevant and appropriate? / Yes No
Please provide details of any changes required:
  1. Sensory and Physical (including medical)(delete as appropriate)

Have any of the objectives been met? / Yes No
Please provide details :
Are the objectives still relevant and appropriate? / Yes No
Please provide details of any changes required:
  1. Independence and community involvement(delete as appropriate)

Have any of the objectives been met? / Yes No
Please provide details :
Are the objectives still relevant and appropriate? / Yes No
Please provide details of any changes required:

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Transfer Review for ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Section 6 – Recommended outcome for this transfer review

Transfer to EHC Plan: YesContinue to Section 7 No If no, please complete below
Cease Statement of SEN: and Transfer to SEN support

NB:The Local Authority will only consider amendments in exceptional circumstances and if there have been significant changes to the child / young person’s needs and/or provision

Additional comments:

Please continue if

Section 7 – Review of Personal Budget (including arrangements for direct payments)

This section should review any Personal Budget and Direct Payment arrangements.

Area / Personal Budget Allocation / Direct payment Value / To meet needs

Section 8 – Outcomes

Based on the above informationidentify the desired outcomes(These should reflect the family’s aspirations)

  1. Communication and interaction(delete as appropriate)

Long term Outcomes – By when……….
Short term Outcomes – By end of key stage….
  1. Cognition and learning(delete as appropriate)

Long term Outcomes – By when……….
Short term Outcomes – By end of key stage….
  1. Social, emotional and mental health difficulties (delete as appropriate)

Long term Outcomes – By when……….
Short term Outcomes – By end of key stage….
  1. Sensory and Physical (including medical)(delete as appropriate)

Long term Outcomes – By when……….
Short term Outcomes – By end of key stage….
  1. Independence and community involvement(delete as appropriate)

Long term Outcomes – By when……….
Short term Outcomes – By end of key stage….

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Transfer Review for ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Section 9 – Steps to achieve Outcomes

This section is to list the steps to achieve the outcomes identified above

Steps to achieve short term / long term EHC outcomes
(include outcome/s the target relates to) / What will we do?
(include allocated resources) / Who will do it?
(include relevant training/qualifications) / By when? / How will we know the outcome has been achieved?
(Can the difference made be recorded?) / Family / community support / Review Meeting – Has it been achieved?
Communication and Interaction – Insert relevant outcome for EHC plan here (or delete as appropriate)
Cognition and learning – Insert relevant outcome for EHC plan here (or delete as appropriate)
Social, emotional and mental health - Insert relevant outcome for EHC plan here (or delete as appropriate)
Sensory and Physical - Insert relevant outcome for EHC plan here (or delete as appropriate)
Independence and Community Involvement - Insert relevant outcome for EHC plan here (or delete as appropriate)

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Transfer Review for ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Section 10- Advice and information

This section is to show any advice and information gathered that contributed to the Transfer Review.

The following information must be attached:

Child / Young person Views

Parent / Carer Views

Educational Settings Interim Targets (Termly reviews x 3)

Please list any other advice and information that contributed to the Review in the following table:

Document Title / Document Date

Educational Representative Signature

This section is to be completed by the educational representative responsible for confirming that a copy of this Report has been seen by the Parent / Carer and or Child / Young person and circulated to all who contributed to the Review, together with all relevant reports, including the Child / Young person’s and Parent / Carer Views.



Designation …………………………………………………………………………..


This plan was sent to the Local Authority on

NB: This report must be sent to the Local Authority within 10 days of the date of the review meeting

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