FireMtn. Alumni Association Board Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2009
Attendees: Jim Hovis, Jason Walter, Steven Davis, Dave Henrichsen, Ed Miller, Jenny Miller, Kari Nelson, Cari Burdette, Jacob Burdette, Russ Leighton
Meeting opened at 7:00pm
Steven entertained a motion to approve minutes
- correction: should read Joe Miller awarded honorary lifetime membership
- correction: Ed Miller to take on history and museum chair
Jenny moved to approve minutes, Kari seconded
Membership report—Mike Mancer & Steve Becvar paid dues at Extravaganza. Dave would like to implement system to keep track of when last known address was updated in database as well as when members pay dues. Steven suggested finding an online program to keep track of member addresses (plaxo?) Steven will touch base with Adam to look in to this possibility as well as revisit possibility of using paypal to handle transactions. Cari suggested thank you note/acknowledgment for donors and lifetime members. Kari will e-mail Jim with wording for the header plate on lifetime member plaque.
Treasurer report—$19,382 in account (not including money collected at extravaganza and reimbursements for the event)
Old business—
- board assignments were reviewed.
- Newsletter will go out after the 2ndExtravaganza weekend.
- Need to take some photos at next Extravaganza weekend. Lynn was acknowledged for his work on the paperwork for the weekend, which made things run very smoothly. Only three individuals were very upset by policy of not switching kids after registration. Steven will e-mail unit leaders thanking them for participation and reminding them to encourage their scouts to get homework completed before second weekend.
- Lynn did research on Network for Good donation website. 4.5% transaction fee is charged to givers; website cannot be used to manage dues or payments for events; paypal might be a more flexible option, but Network for Good is an easy, ready to go option.
- No Trail report. Jim will touch base with Russ and Danny on needed trail maintenance.
- Ed would like to donate Joe’s patches to the alumni association first for the museum and then possible fundraising endeavors, if deemed appropriate.
- Events at camp: Pie night, July 22nd; Christmas, July 29th; Water Skiing, August 8th; Alumni Day, June 27th (Jim will confirm with Jordan)
- Staff area improvement project—Steven, Nate, Jenny, Ed, & Vicky completed 3 more cabins. One left to go. Ed will take care of materials and organize plan to complete at next Extravaganza weekend.
- Jenny will e-mail scholarship committee to organize the next batch of scholarships with the goal to have info out in time for the next Extravaganza weekend. Jenny will find out Connor McMillan’s school name so that scholarship check can be written. $15 more dollars were made from bracelet sales for scholarship fund.
New Business—
- Discussed goals and projects: Membership goal of 75 with two lifetime members
- Elicit $1000 for scholarship—Steven suggested patch sales, Dave suggested bringing Alex in to help. Jenny will try to get bracelets in boutiques for sale. Board should consider writing grants. Steven will contact CK and Jim to discuss writing grants on board’s behalf.
- Jim will look into pricing cost of classroom wall for the dining hall.
- Jordan to follow up on proposal for installation of pioneering tower poles—in consideration as a project for 2010
- Russ will champion the cause of improving drainage in archery area.
- Staff gifts—possibilities: head lamp, yo-yo, mag light, pool table repair. Board will consider pros/cons of giving one big gift rather than individual gifts. Continue to brainstorm for next meeting.
- Jason suggested purchase of a new CD. Jim suggested waiting for economy to shift. Steven will look into rates for CD’s, Money Market account, etc.
Steven told us how wonderful we all are, Dave moves to adjourn, Ed seconds. Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm
Next board meeting: April 20,2009