/ County Winter Camp 2015 Leaders Guide /
Events: / The County Winter Camp will be held at Lyons Copsenear Fareham in October.
It is a fun event presenting many challenges and fun for Scouts.
The event is organised by a team of experienced leaders from across the county.
Index: / This document contains the following pages to help you understand, promote and administer your troop/unit’s participation in these events.
  • This Leaders Guide to help answer some of your questions
  • Meal Times - to be given to each patrol camping as a reminder.
  • Booking sheet - to be completed and returned to Dominic.
  • Sample Letter to Parents Template – Either edit ours or use your own.
  • Sample Kit List to go with the Letter to Parents
  • Permission to Camp Form – This must be completed by every Scout
  • Map to find Ferny Crofts in the New Forest

Your Help
is Wanted. / Your Scouts do need a leader with them to attend this camp, or join up with another Troop
As the team organising this camp is small, we need your help as leaders of the groups attending, to assist in the running of the activities on offer. Therefore your attendance at camp would be very welcome and encouraged.
Leaders attending will be offered free meals, and an informal atmosphere of friendship. In return, we ask for your help in running the activities. If a Leader, for medical reasons cannot sleep outdoors we have indoor accommodation available.
Arrival: / The size of venue restricts us to approx 700 youngsters (of which only 350 can be centrallycatered by us) and based on past years every space will be taken. Please make a provisional book in advance using the URL below to access an electronic booking form (either click on the URL or copy and paste it into Google).

You can adjust the booking nearer the time and all camp fees must paid in advance must arrive no later than the 8thOctober
To best manage arrivals:
Vehicles with camping equipment will be able to park in the car park
Leaders staying the weekend will be able to park in the car park
Youngsters being brought by parents will be dropped off at a local School and two coaches will shuttles them to the site. Minibus’ bringing youngsters can park in Lyons Copse car park
For each Group, youngsters will have a timeslot in which to arrive to in and we ask that Leaders arrive well in advance to meet their youngsters.
More Info: / Contact Dominic Howell on 02392 465482

Look forward to seeing you in October

/ County Winter Camp 2015
Information /
Date: / 16th– 18thOctober 2015
Location: / Lyons Copse, Shedfield
Arrival: / From 4-10pm Friday
Departure: / From 3-4pm Sunday
Cost: / £29 for the weekend. This is excluding food, camping equipment and transport.
All meals for the weekend can be provided at a cost of £20 per person.
Payment: / Payable to “Hampshire County Scout Council” or you can pay by BACS
Bookings: / Please book by clicking on/or copy and paste into Google the following URL to access electronic booking. Full camp fees to be paid by 8thOctober at the latest

Nearer the time please complete the attached form, enclosing the final payment or pay by BACS, and send it to Winter Camp Bookings, c/o 9A Burwood Grove, Hayling Island, PO11 9DS
(Phone Dominic 02392 465482 e-mail
The organisers will cover the Nights Away Permit for everyone.
Activities: / Availability of some activities are subject to weather conditions, spaces available and availability of instructors/equipment. No refunds can be given.
Checklist: / 1. Please register provisional places
2. Full camp fees must be paid in advance and arrive no later than the 8thOct 2015
3. Each Scout MUST bring with them a completed Permission to Camp form.
This needs to be handed in at as they book in on the Friday evening.
4. Arrival from 4pm to 10pm Friday. Youngsters will be given a timeslot to arrive in to reduce congestion.
5. All Scouts must bring sufficient clothing, food and camping equipment for winter conditions.
6. No axes to be brought please.
/ CountyWinterCampCafé!
How about buying your meals instead of cooking them yourself?
If you are feeling lazy you can buy and eat your meals in the Croft Lodge.
All you need is £20 per person for all meals. Pre-booking essential
The CampCook offers:
Friday / Dinner / ( 7pm / to 9pm )
Red @ 7pm / Green @ 7:30pm / Blue @ 8pm
Saturday / Breakfast / ( 8am / to 10am )
Red @ 8am / Green @ 8:30am / Blue @ 9am
Lunch / ( Noon / to 2:00pm )
Red @ Noon / Green @ 12:30pm / Blue @ 1pm
Dinner / ( 6pm / to 8pm )
Red @ 6pm / Green @ 6:30pm / Blue @ 7pm
Sunday / Breakfast / ( 8am / to 10am )
Red @ 9am / Green @ 8:30am / Blue @ 8am
Lunch / ( Noon / to 2:00pm )
Red @ 1pm / Green @ 12:30pm / Blue @ Noon
Camp 2015
Booking Form
Group Name
Fees / Cost / Numbers /
Total (£)
Camping Fees / £29 per person (excl deposit)
Catering / £20 per person (excl deposit)
Number of Leaders attending
Leaders requiring meals (no cost, in return for help with the activities)
Leaders requiring accommodation (subject to availability) / Male Female
Yes / No
Leaders in charge Contact Details
Name Phone number
Postal Address
E mail Address
Scout Name / Camp fees @ £29 / Meals
@ £20 / Total / PA Form
1 / Y/N
2 / Y/N
3 / Y/N
4 / Y/N
5 / Y/N
6 / Y/N
7 / Y/N
8 / Y/N
9 / Y/N
10 / Y/N
11 / Y/N
12 / Y/N
13 / Y/N
14 / Y/N
15 / Y/N
16 / Y/N
17 / Y/N

Please duplicate this form and use the names section only if you have more then 17 scouts.

Office Use Only / Payment by / Amount / Payment by / Amount / Payment by / Amount
£50 / £2 / Cheques/BACS
£20 / £1
£10 / 50p / Number of Cheques
£5 / Silver / Copper
Form OK / Permission to CampOK / Totals OK / Payment / Initials
Zone / Letter / Bands / Forms / Pitch / Ref #

Personal Kit List

(Please bring old clothes, and remember that it can get very cold and wet in October

Essential Clothing

2 Warm Shirts

2 Jumpers

2 Pairs of Trousers

2 Pairs of Socks

2 Changes of Underwear


Warm Coat or Fleece


Hiking Boots &/or Strong Trainers

Spare Trainers

Warm Hat


Sleeping Kit

Sleeping Bag

Sleeping Mat



Essential Kit

Plate, Bowl & Mug

Knife, Fork and Spoon

2 Old Tea Towels

Wash Kit



Spare Torch Batteries

Poly Bag for wet Clothes etc.

Pen or Pencil


Medicines - if necessary


Tuck Money

This form is to be filled in by the Parents / Guardians of all Scouts attending the camp/hike. It gives the Camp First Aider / Camp Leader, your authority to sign on your behalf, any papers needed by the medical authorities in case of emergency hospital treatment, plus permission to take part in any shooting activities.

I give permission for: ______

of ______Scout Group

to attend the Winter Camp at: Lyons Copse
from: 6thto 18th March 2015

I will inform you if he/she has been in contact with any infectious diseases within the 3 weeks prior to the event, and any medicines, diet etc that have to be taken / followed during the event, and with the appropriate hospital concerned if under current treatment. If he/she has to take pills or medicine, I will hand them to you clearly marked with his/her name and exact dose on arrival at the campsite.

Has she/he been in contact with any infectious diseases within the 3 weeks prior to the camp?Yes No

Medicines currently being taken: ______
Medicines must be clearly labeled with person’s name, name of drug, storage requirements, frequency, and dosage.

Details of any medical treatment that they are currently receiving: ______

Has she/he been immunized against tetanus in the last 3 years?  Yes No
If No, date of last tetanus immunization: ____/______/_____

Please list any allergies to
food, medicines or other etc. ______

National Health Service Number is ______

Name and address of Family Doctor: ______



Telephone number: ______

Date of birth: ____ / ______/ _____

Troops / Units Home Contact: ______

Home Contacts telephone number: ______

Home address: ______


Home Telephone number: ______

She/he can swim 50 metres & tread water.  Yes No

Please list any special dietary needs. ______

Please list any special needs? ______

I understand that the CampLeader reserves the right to send any participants home if necessary. If it becomes necessary for my child to receive medical treatment and I cannot be contacted by telephone or any other means to authorise this, I hereby give my general consent to any necessary medical treatment and authorise the Camp First Aider / CampLeader camp to sign any document required by the hospital authorities.

Signed: ______(parent/guardian)

Date: ____ / ______/ _____

Parental Consent Form -Shooting Activities

Specific parental permission is needed before a young person can take part in shooting activity.
(Please read carefully and sign the declaration below)

THE FIREARMS ACT 1968 - Section 21

Prohibits the possession of a firearm and ammunition (under any circumstances), by any person who has been convicted of a crime and sentenced to a term of imprisonment (or equivalent for young persons) of 3 months or more. The prohibition applies in all circumstances, including handling and firing at an approved club or at any shooting event, where a certificate is not ordinarily required.

It also applies to the POSSESION or USE of other categories of firearms and ammunition such as AIRGUNS or shotgun cartridges for which a certificate is not needed.

A sentence of 3 months to 3 years attracts a 5-year prohibition, shorter ones no prohibition but a longer one means life ban.

I have noted the arrangements and give permission for: ______(Name of young person) to take part in Air Rifle, Air Pistol, Rifle or Laser Clay Shooting.

Please state whether your son/daughter has a disability or condition that may be affected by this activity. ______

Please indicate details of any medical treatment that they are receiving at the moment: ______

Firearms act 1968 declaration:
(This is a Legal Requirement and must be signed)

I ______hereby declare my

son/daughter ______is not subject to the restrictions stated above in section 21 of the firearms act 1968.

Name ______

Signature: ______Date ___ / ____ / ____



Occasionally, photographs from the camp and its activities are used in Scouting newsletters, parent’s evenings and promoting the camp etc. Care is taken to ensure that the photos are appropriate and reflect Scouting at its best.

All activities will be run in accordance with The Scout Association’s safety rules. No responsibility for the personal equipment/clothing and effects can be accepted by the

camp organisers and The Scout Association does not provide automatic insurance cover in respect to such items.

Note: The medical profession takes the view that the parent’s consent to medical treatment cannot be delegated. This view is explicit in the Children Act 1989. Thus

medical consent forms have no legal status and a doctor/nurse insisting on the consent of a parent to a particular treatment has the right to do so. However, it can be a comfort to medical staff to have general consent in advance from parents or to have a Leader on hand able to sign forms required by medical authorities.