The Voice of Behavior Analysis in Connecticut
PO Box 138Milford CT06460-0138
CTABA Member Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2016
AttendedExecutive Council Members / Absent
Executive Council Members / Other Persons in Attendance
Mark Palmieri(President)
Solandy Forte (Past President)
Felicia Morgan (Secretary)
Jaime Jensen (Student Rep)
Melissa Saunders (Applied Rep)
Kate Cormier (Member at Large) / John Molteni (President Elect)
Steve Woolf (Treasurer)
Larry Venuk (Experimental Rep) / Stephanie Reinoso
Missy Olive
Kristen Stadolnik
Jessica Rohrer
Kristine Marino
Abby Holt
Gina Weiss
Committee Chairs/Members
Conference / John Molteni, Solandy Forte, Shaughnessy Egan / Legislative / John Molteni, Missy OliveMembership / Katelyn Cormier, Gina Weiss / Technology / James Diller, Joe Dracobly
Organizational Members/Sponsorship / Melissa Saunders, Christina Kiley, Sharri Lungarini, Stephanie Reinoso, Kristin Weglarz / Student Support / Jamie Jensen
Family & Consumer Outreach / Sharri Lungarini / Bylaw Revision / John Molteni, Solandy Forte
Workshop series:
Fall workshop
Supervision&Ethics / Melissa Hunsinger-Harris
Sharri Lungarini, Shaughnessy Egan, Missy Olive, Felicia Morgan
Open Meeting
- ABAI Preparation
- Poster, any final updates/supports needed – Jaimie completing poster and needs number of members = 426; if on poster must be there or pay for registration or not allowed to submit in the future
- EC members attending: Solandy, Mark, Steve, Kate, John; Mark will email ABAI re: poster participants
- Special Interest Group:
- Open discussion led by Stephanie Reinoso report from her and Victoria Ryan:
- SIG for public school bcbas to connect and share – created google form to share (attached to email sent to EC with minutes) to be followed by webex meeting/or in-person for practicing behavior analysts in school districts; suggestion is for more inclusive process
- How incorporate SIG into ctaba? Vote by email? Share at networking event?
- CTABA Vision Planning, Structural Review
- Open discussion led by Jim Hoko – request for us to start to brainstorm and he will follow up:
- More heterogeneity to the group
- Terms, e.g. can only sit on EC or committees for so many terms? (more turnover); limits to how many people can be on EC from one committee at a time
- More outreach and engagement with members/bcbas
- How address difficulty getting people involved? Webex meetings for some?
- Enticements/SIGs meeting member interests e.g. billing
- More parent involvement, especially around legislative matters
- Inform members/parents re: what we do? And we can do for you (why you should get involved)
- Student involvement – how tap into this audience?
- Access more people via technology (e.g. online communities)
- Committee updates
____committee updates: targeted_____
- Conference – Melissa needs applied rep information from John (survey analysis of past CTABA events)
- Solandy gave updates: approval for Marriott Hartford and have contract to be reviewed and proposal re: rates/increases so he can make recommendation to EC. Omni issues include want to rotate around CT, rooms size for breakouts, parking, and were going to increase rate by 6%. Marriot is more expensive $5000-$8000 so Steve is going to analyze and make recommendation.
- CE software, exploration – not yet
- Speakers – 2 yeses so far; work in progress
- Updates – Dates are 3/2 and 3/3/17
- Membership
- Finalization of ByLaw update – Gina has copies will email out; reviewed suggested changes to Article 3: Members
- Still need to figure out exact membership; send out blast email re: 30 days to respond with updated information for database OR compare conference to current database but very labor-intensive (change to practice, not policy); need to “fix” before next election; Felicia to add new members (4/26/16 email); delete survey monkey questions not being used; SUBJECT: CTABA membership about to expire – must complete this 1 minute survey asap
- Organizational Membership
- Networking event update: email to go out as soon as able to register on website
Networking Event:
- Finalizing the details for the event (June 16th, limited to 80 attendees at USJ)
- We have 5 sponsors for the event so far.
- Setting up EVEY for payment. Joe has all the information for the payment options. Must be up and running ASAP (by Monday)
- Email to be sent to membership list (Felicia). Organizational membership committee to send Felicia the details for the email blasts and the schedule for sending them out.
- Speakers have been identified. Agenda (Networking=1 hour, Talk=50 minutes, Networking=1 hour)
- Folders with flyers going to be put together by Staples. Cost will be approximately $300.00.
- Cost of food approximately $1,200 but looking to adjust menu to decrease cost.
- Cost of drinks will be $600.00 for the bartender set up.
- Post on Facebook (Solandy)
- Sold out in two weeks last year.
- Should we reach out to org members/sponsors who supported the conference?
- Family and Consumer Outreach
- Coordination update, workshop and other relevant committees – working on how to engage parents, get information out, where parents can find info
- Workshops
- Provide any needed updates on Fall Workshop (timelines given the CTABA summer schedule)
- Legislative
- Updates (general) – bill for licensure was in, moved along, concurrence but moved back to DPH where it died; reach out to BALC to set up meeting to move forward with legislative matters; Mark to send out vote to EC but can meet individually without entire EC (but not representing CTABA)
- Other bills SB131 in concurrence; Bill re behavioral health; HB 5587 also in concurrence; Missy believes we need lobbyist information. Jim (ACES) has offered their lobbyist and Betty (CCCD) is other lobbyist; so do we need a lobbyist with others doing this? BUT may have a different vision, mission than our organization so…
- Missy needs a co-chair; if John is stepping down, need formal decision on this and call for co-chair to be sent out
- Issues re: involvement/engagement and cost of lobbyist
- Organizational members & their reps was reviewed re: response to Missy’s email
- Return to discussion of resource list from April
- Technology
- Update on email setup – problems setting up new emails; can we do gmail thing instead? Check in with James/Joe
- Student Support
- Bylaw Revision (revisited)
- Develop an action plan that has timelines associated – Solandy and John in process of reviewing
- Financial Update
- Treasurer not in attendance
- Open Update and Discussion: Membership Items
- Committee Work Sessions
- Schedule for next year: Mark will send to EC
- Items for next meeting:
- Survey Review - Status of survey analysis from past CTABA events
- SIG review
- Fall workshop
NEXT MEETING: Networking event
Time: 5-8
No June meeting - instead Networking event
Dates for next year TBD