SERVICE NAME:Land Drainage and Flood Prevention
Director/Executive Head: Steve Parrock
What is provided and why? / Key functions of the Engineering Services & Land Drainage Team include:- Land drainage and flood prevention
- Urban design
- Structural design
- Cliffs and defences
- Development control support
- Building control support
- Civil engineering design and consultancy for revenue and capital schemes. This includes both internal and external clients
- Management of the Councils coastal and inland cliffs, sea defences and abandoned landfill sites
The Engineering Services team also supports a wide range of projects across Torbay, for example:
- Production of local flood risk management strategies (in line with national guidance)
- Undertaking the Flood Study for Torquay including the flood alleviation scheme for the town centre
- Identifying flood alleviation works in Torbay and undertaking project appraisal reports for these schemes in order to secure flood defence grant in aid funding from the Environment Agency in order to undertake these schemes.
- Statutory consultee for surface water issues on planning applications.
How does this service support the targeted actions of the Corporate Plan? /
- Protecting all children
- Promoting healthy lifestyles
- Working towards a prosperous Torbay
- An attractive and safe place
- Protecting and supporting vulnerable adults
What drives the demand for the service? / Statutory requirements, a service to maintain the Council’s assets and a design and supervision service to undertake the Councils Capital schemes.
What are the issues / key challenges that need to be addressed? / The current contract fee allocation does not cover the cost of the 3.66 FTE’s who actually carry out the work currently provided to the Council for which no additional fee is charged. The budget cut proposal will only exacerbate this situation. Whilst the Council could cut the works required to match the funding available, there is a significant level of work undertaken by the Engineering section which, potentially, cannot be removed as it is part of the Council’s Statutory Responsibilities.
Are there any key projects in the pipeline? / There are numerous key projects in the pipelines across the Engineering section including: Western Corridor Highway Schemes, Torquay Gateway Highway Schemes, Hollicombe Rock Armour Coastal Erosion Scheme, Bolton Cross Highway Scheme, Torbay Coastal Defence Study, Oddicombe and Goodrington Cliff Stabilisation Schemes, Haldon & Princess Pier Structural Repairs, Torquay Flood Study, etc.