Learner's Creed

I believe in myself and my ability to do my best at all times because I am responsible for my life and for all of my actions:

I will listen,

I will see,

I will speak,

I will feel,

I will think,

I will reason,

I will read,

I will write.

I will do all these things with one purpose in mind--To do my best and not to waste this day for this day will come no more.

Ernestine Mitchell

School Pledge

I pledge to treasure Ludlow High School

As a place to learn and grow

By being honest and fair to all I know

To show respect and be kind to all I meet

To be responsible and work hard each day of the week

To strive to be the best I can be

So all can succeed in our school family.

Mrs. Abner’s Classroom


Classroom procedures are those routines, or patterns of behavior, that we will follow each day in class. These routines are intended to help make our classroom an efficient, productive, and positive learning environment for everyone.

Beginning of class:

1. Go immediately to your seat and sit down.

2. Place all books, etc. not related to social studies under your desk.

3. Check the board for instructions.

4. If instructed, obtain necessary materials and begin work.

5. You absolutely need to be in your seat and ready to begin class, when the bell rings.


1. I will raise my hand and call out "Attention please".

2. Stop what you are doing, face me, and remain silent.

3. Pay attention so I can clarify or give instruction.


1. Each day’s homework assignment will be posted on the right-hand side of the board at the front of the classroom and on Mrs. Abner’s webpage.

2. It is your responsibility to write down each homework assignment in your agenda book, complete the assignment, and bring it to class the following day (unless otherwise specified).

Paper Heading:

1.Place in upper right hand corner

2. First and last name

3. Date

4. Title of Work

5. Period

Handing in Homework:

1. Follow instructions on board or given by me.

2. Before and after class, place homework in appropriate class basket.

Pencil Sharpening:

1. Sharpen pencils when you come into class, before the bell rings.

2. If you need to sharpen your pencil during class, raise your hand and ask permission.

Throwing Away Trash:

1. Throw away all trash before or after class.

2. Place trash in trashcan. Refrain from throwing trash at trashcan.

3. Clean up area and put in trash as you leave the classroom.


1. You are allowed an occasional restroom and nurse pass. NOT DAILY!

2. You must complete the appropriate page in your agenda book to use your pass.

3. I must sign your agenda book before you leave the classroom.

4. Fill in the Hall Pass Sign Out Sheet on the clipboard at the door before leaving and returning. If this privilege is abuse, your pass will be suspended and parent/guardian notified.

5. If you don’t have your agenda book, you will need to go between classes. There is plenty of time.


1. Stop work and begin putting books, etc. away when instructed.

2. I will dismiss you. Even if you hear the bell ring, wait for my dismissal before getting up to leave.


1.Locker time is between classes not during class.

2. No one will disrupt the class to get into locker with out a tardy or early dismissal slip.

3. I will not allow students to go to lockers to get things that are forgotten!


1. You may only access school related programs and sites on the computer.

2. When use of a computer is an essential part of a class project, we will go to the computer lab as a class. You will have access to a computer in school when it is essential.

3. Behavior in the labs and on computer is the same as the classroom.

4. The library/computer lab will be open before and after school—check with corresponding teachers for times.

Group work:

1. At times, you will work in groups, but be asked to turn in individual products for assessment. Your individual product should be an original product that you created using ideas discussed by the group, as well as your own ideas. At other times, your group will turn in a group product for assessment. The group product should be an original product that the members of your group collaborated to produce.

2. If your team seeks your help, you should help with a positive attitude.

3. If you have questions, ask your team members first.

4. If your whole team is confused about something, formulate one or two focused, key questions to ask me.

5. Your team should work together and use time wisely. There will be time limits on work or products and no excuses will be accepted.


1. To plagiarize is "to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own" (Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary).

2. All of the work that you submit for this class should be produce as an original product.

3. If you plagiarize on any assignment, you will be given an automatic zero, and you will be asked to do the assignment again.

4. This applies to homework and/or class work---copying from a friend will fall into this category


1. When absent, check the absent basket for papers with your name and/or check with classmates and the assignment board to find out what assignments you missed.

2. If you have questions about an assignment, ask one of your classmates for help before class, after class, or get permission from me to get help from a classmate during in-class independent work time.

3. If you are still confused, ask me for assistance outside of class time or during independent work time. I am more than happy to help you.

4. Makeup work should be submitted to me in a timely fashion.

5. Submit all work with "ABSENT" written in the top margin of your paper.

Make-up work:

1. Excused absence assignment carries full grade if turn in a timely manner.

2. Unexcused absence/suspension will be made up at my discretion.

3. AA work is due the same time as all other students.

4. At the end of each unit, a progress report for social studies will be given and will be extra credit if turned in the next day with parent/guardian’s signature. After progress report is given and make-up work is highlighted, you will have until the next day to turn it in. If not turned in, the 0 for that assignment stands. I will not give any other opportunity.

Mrs. Abner’s Classroom


The classroom rules and procedures that are outlined below explain to you how I expect you to conduct yourself in class this school year. By following these rules and procedures, you will help make our classroom an efficient, productive, and positive learning environment for everyone. The goal is to make our classroom a space in which you all have the greatest possible opportunity to learn and grow.

Classroom Rules:

Respect for Self

I will always do my best

I will have a positive attitude about myself

I will positively participate in all classroom activities

Respect for Others

I will stay on task without disturbing or distracting others

I will not use ‘put downs’ or harass others

I will respect other people’s differences and opinions

Respect for School

I will raise my hand to speak

I will enter and exit the room quietly

I will complete all assignments on time

I will actively listen when the teacher is speaking

Absolutely no gum, eating/drinking, cell phones and/or any electronic device!

Classroom Procedures:

1.Bring all necessary materials to class including: textbooks, pencil/pen, paper, social studies notebook, social studies folder, colored pencils (optional), and homework.

2.Be in your seat and ready to begin class, when the bell rings.

3.Raise your hand to speak or leave your seat, unless the teacher gives other instructions.

4.Freeze, face the teacher, remain silent, and pay attention to the teacher when the she raises her hand and says "Attention please".

5.Turn in homework when indicated by the teacher.

6.Head all of your homework in the upper right-hand corner of your paper. Your heading should include your first and last name, the date written out in full, and the class name.

7.Use computers for class related work only.

8.Throw away all trash before or after class.

9.When absent, ask your classmates about assignments before consulting the teacher. The teacher will be happy to help you if your classmates cannot answer your questions.

10.When the dismissal bell rings, remain seated and quiet until the teacher dismisses you.

11.Before leaving class, clean up your work area.

12.During fire, tornado, or other emergency drills, follow your teacher’s instructions and the procedures posted in the front of the classroom

13. No gum, eating or drinking in class

14. No cell phones or any other electronic devices in class.

I ______agree to honor Mrs. Abner rules, procedures and consequences to better my education and the education of others.


Student’s signature


Parent/guardian’s signature

10 Extra credit points if signed by both parties and returned by Aug. 22nd

Mrs. Abner’s Behavior Plan

As stated on the classroom rules and procedures page, classroom rules and procedures are intended to make the classroom an efficient, safe, and positive environment in which all students can excel academically. Compliance with the rules and procedures will result in the rewards listed below. Noncompliance with the rules and procedures will result in the consequences listed below.

Rewards for following the classroom rules and procedures:

1.Optimal learning environment.

2.Verbal praise.


Consequences for not complying with the classroom rules and procedures:

1.You will receive a warning.

2.You may be relocated to another section of the classroom.

3.You will attend detention, have a conference with the teacher, and complete an action plan.

4.You will again stay for detention review your action plan, and the teacher will call your parents.

5.You will receive a referral and the teacher will call your parents.

6.Severe disruption: You will immediately be sent to office and the teacher will call your parents.

7. Any cell phones and/or electronic devices will be taken and turned in to the office.


1.Sign note from teacher or administrator.

2. No note will attend a 10-minute detention after school in classroom

3. If it becomes a habit, your parent will be called and possibly an office referral.

*If you feel that you cannot abide by the rules and procedures that I have outlined for you, you must tell me now. We will need to discuss this with your parents and the school’s administration.

Mrs. Abner’s Grading Policy

In this class, you will earn your nine-week-term and semester grades by completing a variety of in-class learning activities and homework assignments. All of the work for this class will challenge you to develop your reading, writing, and critical thinking skills; it will also allow you much room for creativity and self-expression. Each assignment will be worth a specified point value. For each assignment, I will give you a clear outline of how the points are distributed and what is expected of you. Your final grade for each nine-week-term will be based on your performance on the various assignments. You will also have opportunities to do extra credit to enhance your grade, if you would like. The grading scale that I use is as follows:






Non-passing 0-69%

Daily participation grade will be given daily. (50pts) The following will be included: journal, folder, workbook, voc cards/notebook, writing utensil, highlighter, red pen and colored pencils (as needed). Overall, you need to be prepared for class, working when bell rings, and staying focus during class to get the work finished.

Progress reports will be given after each unit test with make-up work highlighted. If work is not turned in by the next day, the 0 stands and no other opportunity for make-up will be available. Get signed by parent/guardian and returned by the next day---10 extra credit pts. You will have about 4 or more opportunities each quarter and this is the only extra credit allowed at this time.

Action Plan

Date ______

Name ______

Unacceptable behavior: ______

Strategies to improve behavior:

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______





Student’s signature Teacher’s signature