1. Present:

Councillors D.Turner (Chair), I.Tipton (Vice Chair), G.Davy, and C.Morton

Minute taker W.Robinson

5 members of the Public

2. Apologies for absence:

There were no Parish Councillors absent

District Councillor Hazleton sent his apologies for absence

3. To accept apologies for absence:

As no Parish Councillors were absent no acceptance was necessary

3. Declaration of Interests:

Councillor Davy declared an interest in agenda items 6.5 and 11.3

Councillor Morton declared an interest in agenda item 11.4

The Chair then welcomed all to the meeting and gave an explanation for the calling of this extraordinary meeting. Councillor Turner also indicated that if Councillors were so minded agenda items could be formally deferred until the next Parish Council meeting.

4. Representations from the public:

There were no representations from the public

5. To approve the minutes of the last meeting on 15th November 2011

It was noted that the reference for the Merryfields planning application was incorrect, and it was proposed by Councillor Turner and seconded by Councillor Tipton that the reference be altered correctly – This motion was unanimously carried.

It was proposed by Councillor Davy and seconded by Councillor Turner that the minutes be properly signed as a true record – This motion was unanimously carried

6. Matters arising from the minutes of the 15th November 2011:

6.1 Children’s Survey

It was proposed by Councillor Turner and seconded by Councillor Tipton that agenda item be deferred until the January meeting – This motion was unanimously carried

6.2 Casual vacancy

Councillor Tipton noted that there have been complaints from residents in the process for filling the casual vacancy, and that during the meeting when the resignation occurred it was not clear the process involving the returning Officer had been carried out. Councillor Turner explained that the lawful process had been carried out. Councillor Tipton noted that C.Cartwright informed Councillor Turner that she intended to resign and asked why the Parish Council had not been informed. Councillor Tipton noted process has been carried out with no sharing of information, and asked whether Councillors Turner and Davy have visited residents without reference to himself and effectively excluding him and this in his view is unacceptable behaviour. Councillor Morton also noted that in his view Councillors Turner and Davy have visited residents without reference to himself.

Councillor Tipton asked Councillor Turner to clarify that when C.Cartwright offered her resignation did Councillor Turner ask her to keep quiet, and noted that residents have complained that two weeks before the actual resignation the Chair (Councillor Turner) knew therefore on 15th October the process could have been set into motion. He also noted that residents are asking whether the Chair (Councillor Turner) will determine who is co-opted. Councillor Turner refuted that suggestion.

Councillor Turner proposed that the decision on co-option to the Parish Council be deferred until the January meeting, this was seconded by Councillor Tipton -This motion was carried with 3 votes for the motion and 1 abstention

6.3 Lottery Grant:

W.Robinson to contact Awards for All to determine actual position and what the Parish Council needs to do.

6.4 Response form Councillor Hazleton re – anonymous complaints to RBC planning dept:

The response was noted

6.5 The Hovel

It was proposed by Councillor Turner and seconded by Councillor Tipton that this item be deferred until the January meeting – This motion was unanimously carried

7. Reports from Councillors (other than Planning and Highways Issues):

It was proposed by Councillor Turner and seconded by Councillor Tipton that this item be deferred until the January meeting – This motion was unanimously carried

8. District and CountyCouncillors

It was proposed by Councillor Turner and seconded by Councillor Tipton that this item be deferred until the January meeting – This motion was unanimously carried

9. Correspondence requiring action (and not elsewhere on the agenda):

It was proposed by Councillor Turner and seconded by Councillor Tipton that this item be deferred until the January meeting – This motion was unanimously carried

10. Financial Issues: approval of cheques

It was proposed by Councillor Turner and seconded by Councillor Tipton that all invoices be paid – This motion was unanimously carried

11. Planning Issues

R11/2164 erection of detached double garage at Merryfields, Marton Road –No objection

R11/1705 Thurlby– Planning permission granted

R11/1768 signage at Marton Road – No response from RBC, W.Robinson to inform RBC that slip road is not compliant with conditions, and ascertain actual position of application.

R11/1920 Brook Farm House – listed building consent – No objection

12. Highways

It was proposed by Councillor Turner and seconded by Councillor Tipton that this item be deferred until the January meeting – This motion was unanimously carried

Cllr.Tipton asked that Speed Check Awareness be included as an agenda item for the next meeting, and also that new kerbs outside the Playing Field be an agenda item for the next meeting.

13. Resignation of Clerk:

It was proposed by Councillor Turner and seconded by Councillor Tipton that the public and press be excluded from discussion on this item -This motion was carried with 3 votes for the motion and 1 abstention.

W.Robinson read the letter of resignation to the Parish Council

After discussion it was determined that W.Robinson will arrange for the advertisement for a new Parish Clerk be placed with the Warwickshire Association of Local Councils (WALC) for display closing on 10th January and interviews on Monday 16th January (evening). Two previous unsuccessful applicants have indicated that they are willing to take part in the interview process

It was proposed by Councillor Tipton and seconded by Cllr.Davy that the previous Clerk be paid until the end of November 2011 This motion was carried unanimously.

There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 10.00 pm.

Signed...... Date......



Birdingbury Parish Council