June 2014 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0731r1

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

May-July Teleconference Minutes
Date: 2014-06-04
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Hitoshi Morioka / Allied Telesis R&D Center / 2-14-38 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0001 JAPAN / +81 92 771 7630 /

Tuesday May 27th, 2014


1.  Attendee

1.1.  Hiroshi Mano (Koden Techno Info)

1.2.  Marc Emmelmann (Self-Employed)

1.3.  Hitoshi Morioka (Allied Telesis R&D Center)

1.4.  Lee Armstrong (US DoT)

1.5.  Ping Fang (Huawei)

1.6.  Hiroki Nakano (Trans New Technology)

1.7.  Mark Rison (Samsung)

1.8.  Santosh Abraham (Qualcomm)

2.  Chair called the meeting to order at 10:05.

3.  Agenda: 11-14/0726r0.

4.  Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy.

5.  Current status of the draft (Lee Armstrong)

5.1.  Now clean up the draft.

6.  Comment Resolutions

6.1.  Mark Rison

6.1.1. No presentation materials

6.1.2. Questions have been posted to the reflector.

6.1.3. Santosh Abraham takes these questions to George Cherian.

6.1.4. Mark will prepare the resolutions after getting answers.

6.1.5. Reschedule Mark to 17th June.

7.  24th June is in the WFA week. (Ping Fang)

8.  We should skip 24th June. (Hiroshi Mano)

9.  The chair will post new schedule to the reflector.

10.  Adjourned at 10:29.

Tuesday June 3rd, 2014


1.  Attendee

1.1.  Hiroshi Mano (Koden Techno Info)

1.2.  Marc Emmelmann (Self-Employed)

1.3.  Hitoshi Morioka (Allied Telesis R&D Center)

1.4.  Ping Fang (Huawei)

1.5.  Mark Rison (Samsung)

1.6.  George Cherian (Qualcomm)

1.7.  Jeongki Kim (LGE)

1.8.  Peter Yee (NSA/IAD)

1.9.  Rene Struik (Strik Security Consultancy)

2.  Chair called the meeting to order at 10:02.

3.  Agenda: 11-14/0726r1.

4.  Chair reminder on meeting and patent policy.

5.  Comment Resolutions

5.1.  CID5148

5.1.1. Reassigned to the editor.

5.2.  LB201-Comment resolution on AP-CSN related CIDs in 11-14/739r0 Jeongki Kim

5.2.1. CID4001, 4407, 4408, 4409, 4686, 5050  Change "APConfigurationChangeCount" to "APConfigurationSequenceNumber".  "Accept" means applying exact proposed resolution. So additional explanation should be removed. (Ping Fang)

5.3.  LB201-Comment resolution on CIDs for AP-CSN element. 11-14/740r0 Jeongki Kim

5.3.1. CID4547, 4991, 5059, 5102  Need more discussion. (Ping Fang)  I’ll prepare r1 after discussion. (Jeongki Kim)

5.3.2. CID4046, 4454, 4667  These CIDs will be also revised in r1. (Jeongki Kim)

5.3.3. CID4047, 4455, 4548  These CIDs will be also revised in r1. (Jeongki Kim)

5.3.4. CID4992, 5103  Keep as r0.

5.3.5. CID4993, 5104  Keep as r0.

5.3.6. CID5084  The reason to reject, described in “discussion” section, should be copied to the resolution field. (Ping Fang)

5.4.  LB201-Comment resolution on CIDs for AP-CSN related active scanning procedure ( 11-14/741r0 Jeongki Kim

5.4.1. CID4012, 5069, 5196  What is the “enhanced FILS active scanning”? You should talk with Jarkko. (Ping Fang)  I’ll change the title of clause in r1. (Jeongki Kim)

5.4.2. CID4589  Keep as r0.

5.4.3. CID4437, 5070, 5077, 5198, 4699  “Maintain” should be used instead of “retain”. (Mark Rison)  “Retain” is used in several clauses in our draft. Should we replace “retain” with “maintain” throughout the draft? (Ping Fang)  Yes. (Mark Rison)  What is the difference between “maintain” and “retain”? (Ping Fang)  “maintain” = keep up-to-date, “retain” = not throw away. (Mark Rison)

5.4.4. Continue in next week.

5.5.  Peter Yee has been rescheduled to next week.

5.6.  George Cherian has been rescheduled to San Diego ad-hoc meeting.

6.  Adjourned at 11:03.

Submission page 4 Hitoshi Morioka, Allied Telesis R&D Center