PSS and OASIS User Group

March 13, 2013

1:00-2:00 EDT

Dial-in and WebEx information available at


  1. Administrative Items (Tabitha Hernandez)

a. Welcome/Roll Call

b. Review of Agenda

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM and was recorded.

The purpose of the User Group meeting is to discuss the system upgrade for the Physical Scheduling System (PSS) and the system replacement of the MISO OASIS.

Tabitha started the roll call with MISO on-site and then roll call for those on the call. She also gave everyone a few more minutes to get logged in.

MISO on-site role call:

Tabitha Hernandez (MISO - Advisor; Scheduling & Tariff Admin)

Eric Morris (MISO - Compliance Attorney)

Karen Frank (MISO –Compliance Paralegal)

Kun Zhu (MISO – Manager, Tariff & Scheduling)

Phone roll call:

Adi Aribandi (NIPSCO)

Al Sievers (Mid-American Energy)

Kelly Arnett

Michael Bohan

Mike Fones

Tanya Kelm (OTP)

Bryce Burba (AMRN)

Regis Taylor (Ventec)

Gaston Mejia (BP Energy)

Richard Gell (OPG)

Terry Gates (AEP)

Jeff Ferron (Alliant Energy)

Len Rothenbuhler (Indianapolis Power & Light)

Mike Fones (Manitoba Hydro)

  1. FERC Language Filing

Kun Zhu: in the last meeting we discussed that in early February MISO filed with FERC to revise its tariff language. At that time there was still opportunity for questions, comments and protests to the filing. From that MISO received one comment and no protests. At this time that deadline has passed and the proposed tariff language is scheduled to go into effect on April 15, 2013. Until then MISO will continue to do testing in preparation however no further action on behalf of MISO is required to obtain further objections.

Tabitha: Any questions regarding this issue moving forward can be emailed to the User Group at

  1. Parallel Ops / System Verification(System open until 04/15/2013)

Tabitha: Just as a recap, both systems; WebTrans DEV and DEMO OASIS are still open to customers to verify system access and submit test data. These systems have been accessable since the end of 2012 and will remain open until around April 15th when the system goes live. If you have not accessed the system please login to WebTrans DEV and DEMO OASIS please attempt to ensure your accesses are correct and you have capability to see your test data.

Any questions or concerns should again be emailed to

  1. System Access – Contact OATI help desk at 763-201-2020

The transition from PSS to WebTrans is still scheduled for March 19, 2013. OATI is currently in the process of copying accesses to WebTrans with only 83 companies having contacted OATI for these credentials. If you have not done so, please login to the WebTrans DEV environment. If you do not have access please have your LSA contact the help desk at OATI for that information as MISO no longer administers that function. The accesses granted in DEV will be copied into production.

Any questions regarding system access?

Al Sievers (MEC): In DEMO WebTrans I am still having issues with permissions trying to access “Scheduling” displays for users defined as a PSE. The same issue was reported at the last meeting which was resolved but is now re-occurring.

Tabitha: Are you able to see the Market Clearing Screen?

Al Sievers (MEC): I cannot see anything under the “Scheduling “ tab.

Tabitha: I will contact you directly once the meeting is adjourned and I am able to see the system. I will work with OATI to ensure you are in the correct container. You should be able to see the Market Clearing as well as Tie Data Screens. Can you see that?

Al Sievers (MEC): no

Tabitha: Okay. I will contact you.

Any other questions or concerns regarding system access?

Donna (Allient Energy): You stated that the information from DEV or DEMO will be copied over to production. Will that happen each day or just one time before the system goes live?

Tabitha: OATI is copying that information now with discussions ongoing regarding the frequency of that occurance.

Donna (Allient Energy): So if we are making changes to our current permissions do we need to contact OATI with that information or will it get updated automatically?

Tabitha: To ensure your changes get updated please contact OATI and email me as well so I can follow up.

Donna (Allient Energy): What day is the deadline for changes being made by OATI?

Tabitha: That date has not been established yet due to OATI receiving additional requests. I am assuming it will be March 18 or 19, 2013 as we go live at midnight on the 19th. I believe they began copying on Monday March 11, 2013.

Anonymous Question: when the final deadline for copying has been established can we receive an email stating that data was copied on this date at this time so Market Participants know when it becomes their responsibility to make those changes in production? This will be helpful as otherwise the MPs will not know what needs updating.

Tabitha: Yes, we can do that. We will be sending a notification recapping deadlines as well as other important information. This should be going out today.

Donna (Allient Energy): I was told by OATI they did not know what date they were copying into production. This information came from someone at the OATI Help Desk. Can you please verify that as I made changes and need to know if it needs to be recopied into production?

Tabitha: I will get with OATI and email a final date for copying. Any information copied on the final date will include your updates.

Any further questions or concerns regarding system access? This is extremely important.

Anonymous Question: Have they started copying?

Tabitha: Yes.

Anonymous Question: I checked access today and there don’t seem to be any changes to production.

Tabitha: Production is not open at this time.

Any further questions or concerns regarding system access? None heard.

  1. System Go LiveDates
  1. Scheduling/webTrans midnight between 3/19/2013 -3/20/2013
  2. OASIS 04/15/2013

Tabitha: The PSS being replaced by WebTrans is scheduled to go live at midnight on March 19, 2013. As of 12:01 the system of record will become WebTrans. For LBAs uploading Tie Data prior to midnight on March 19 will do so in the PSS. Any Tie Data reported after midnight will be uploaded to WebTrans. The PSS will stay live for 52 days from March 19 for any adjustments/corrections to NAI. On day 53 the PSS will become unavailable to customers.

End of month checkouts for March 2013 will require data reported from both systems.

Any questions regarding the go live date”? None heard

Reminder that the OASIS system is scheduled to go live on April 15, 2013 and will reflect the new tariff language changes.

  1. Access to WebTrans Production

Tabitha: For your convenience the URL to WebTrans is

This will be live for customer access beginning at 8:00 AM on Monday, March 18, 2013. We are currently working on copying over the accesses. On Monday morning please login to test your access and ensure you can view the screens you use. Please keep in mind there will be no data in the system since it is live production and not the system of record at this time. LBAs will also need to ensure that your Tie Data screen displays the correct ties. Please report any errors to me as soon as possible as OATI will need to correct them prior to you uploading your tie data. We will only have three business days at that point to make corrections.

Any questions? None heard

  1. Next Meeting

Tabitha: We will meet again on Thursday, March 28, 2013 instead of Friday, March 29, 2013 due to the holiday.

Any other questions? None heard.

As always, you have the email address where you can send any questions, concerns or comments.

Thank you for your time today!