Order Your Books
1. Students can purchase their course text books directly from the Elsevier Health site at .
2. Students will need to search for their text course book by ISBN, using the below List of Books.
3. Once the student is ready to checkout, use the MAL promo code, DM92624, and get 20% off the purchase and free shipping.
4. Students will receive an Email from faculty with a Course Code.
5. Some courses require the student to purchase an ACCESS CODE to get into an EVOLVE Course.
6. Your individual ACCESS Code is purchased with the book. An Access Code can only be used once.
7. If you have the required text, but do not have an individual Access Code, you can enter a course using the Course Code.
8. When asked for your individual Access Code, you can enter it OR purchase it at that time.
9.It is essential you have the correct texts for your courses, which means the correct ISBN number and Edition. Then, you will be in the correct course.
APA Style: Papers and other assignments are written in APA style. This is the style developed by the American Psychological Association. There are different options for accessing APA resources.
A highly used site at Purdue University – Online Writing Lab with APA information and many other writing resources.
From the official APA site: New to APA Style? Learn the basics quickly with this free tutorial.
Purchase the Concise Rules of APA Style, Sixth Edition (2009)
By American Psychological Association
ISBN: 978-1-4338-0560-8
It is highly recommended that you purchase an NCLEX-RN Review book early in the program so you can use it as a resource in the different courses. Look up and review questions that match the content areas you are currently studying. You will gain an understanding of how questions are worded, be able to practice answering questions, and gain knowledge about the focus of each question. Using this resource also helps you prepare for standardized HESI exams and the NCLEX-RN exam. There is a selection of review books at the end of the text list. You can also purchase a review book anywhere nursing books are sold.
NURSCourse / Course Title / Title / Edition / Author / Copyright / ISBN
3622 / NP-I - Fundamentals of Nursing / Fundamentals of Nursing - Text and Mosby's Nursing Skills DVD - Student Version 3.0 Package
Previously Purchased for 2301 / 3rd / Helen Harkreader
Mary Ann Hogan
Marshelle Thobaben / 2007 / 9781416065876
Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, Single Volume / 6th / Donna D. Ignatavicius / 2010 / 9781416037620
Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing: Caring and Clinical Judgment / 3rd / Helen Harkreader
Mary Ann Hogan
Marshelle Thobaben / 2008 / 9781416040712
4335 / Community Health / Community Public Health Nursing Online for Stanhope and Lancaster: Foundations of Nursing in the Community (User Guide, Access Code and Textbook Package) / 3rd / Penny Leake / 2010 / 9780323066693
4343 / Nursing Theories and Research / Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence -Based Practice / 7th / Geri LoBiondo-Wood
Judith Haber / 2010 / 9780323071109
Nursing Theorists and Their Work / 7th / Martha Raile Alligood / 2010 / 9780323056410
4846 / NP-III - Acute Care / Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, Single Volume / 6th / Donna D. Ignatavicius
M. Linda Workman / 2010 / 9781416037620
Critical Care/Practicum are Taken With Leadership/Management
4453 / NP-4 - Critical Care
Practicum / Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, Single Volume
Previously Purchased for NP 1 / 6th / Donna D. Ignatavicius
M. Linda-Worman / 2010 / 9781416037620
Online ECG Companion for ECG's Made Easy Textbook and Pocket Reference (User Guide, Access Code, Textbook and Pocket Reference Package) / 4th / Barbara Aehlert / 2010 / 978-0-323-07404-9
4352 / Leadership and Management / Nursing Leadership & Management Online for Leading and Managing in Nursing (User Guide and Access Code) / 4th / Yoder-Wise / 2008 / 9780323047166
Leading and Managing in Nursing / 4th / Patricia Yoder-Wise / 2007 / 9780323039000
Elsevier Title
ISBN: 978-1-4160-4775-9 / Evolve Reach Testing and Remediation Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination / 2nd / HESI / 2008
Mosby Title
ISBN: 978-0-323-06349-4 / Mosby's Comprehensive Review of Nursing for NCLEX-RN® Examination / 19th / Dolores F. Saxton,
Patricia M. Nugent,
Phyllis K. Pelikan / 2009
Saunders Title
ISBN: 978-1-4160-4730-8 / Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination / 4th / Linda Anne Silvestri / 2010