Raleigh Fire Department
Tent and Canopy Plans
The owner or person in charge of the tent or canopy shall prepare and submit a copy of the site plan to the fire official for review and approval prior to erecting the tent or canopy. The following items should be included in the site plan submitted.
2401.6 Construction Documents. Adetailed site and floor plan shall include the following:
- Details of the means of egress (exits and ailes) number of, widths of each given in inches.
- Seating capacity, arrangement of the seating, tables, stages.
- Location and type of heating and electrical equipment.
2403.5 Fire Break. A 12 foot minimum passageway must be provided on all sides of a tent or canopy. This shall be maintained beyond the water barrels or guy ropes and other obstructions.
2404.1 Anchorage Required. Documentation shall be provided of structural stability to ensure that the tent or canopy is adequately roped or braced and anchored to withstand the elements of the weather and prevent against collapse. (50 mph winds minimum)
2406.1 Flame-resistant treatment. The owner or agent of the tent or canopy shall file a certificate of executed by an approved testing laboratory, certifying that all the materials are composed of flame resistant materials or shall be treated with a flame retardant that meets the requirements of NFPA 701, and that such flame resistance is effective for the period specified by the permit.
2406.2 A permanently affixed label bearing the identification of size and fabric or material type shall be on the material(s) being utilized.
2406.3 Certification. An affidavit or affirmation shall be submitted and a copy retained on the site of the event. The affidavit shall attest to the following information relative to the flame resistance of the fabric.
- Names and addresses of the owners of the tent or air-supported structure.
- Date the fabric was last treated with flame-resistant solution.
- Trade name or kind of chemical used in treatment.
- Name of person or firm treating the material.
- Name of testing agency and test standard by which the fabric was tested.
2406.5 Approved “No Smoking” signs shall be conspicuously posted in accordance with Section 310.
2407.1 Portable Fire Extinguishers. Shall be installed maximum of five (5) feet above the finished floor throughout the underside of the tent or canopy. Maximum travel distance shall be 75 feet as a person walks, considering the placement of tables, chairs and other exhibits that may be inside for the event.
2408.1 Occupant load must be calculated and posted by the Raleigh Fire Marshal’s Office for all assembly activities.
2410.6 Exit Signs. Exit shall be clearly marked when serving an occupant load of 50 or more.
2410.6.1 EXIT SIGN ILLUMINATION. Exit signs shall be of the self-luminous type or shall be internally or externally illuminated by fixtures supplied in the following manner:
- Two separate circuits, one of which shall be separate from all other circuits, for occupant loads of 300 or less; or
- Two separate sources of power, one of which shall be an approved emergency system, shall be provided when the occupant load exceeds 300. (Storage batteries or a generator)
2410.7MEANS OF EGRESS ILLUMINATION. Means of egress shall be illuminated with light having an intensity of not less than 1 foot-candle (11 lux) at floor level while structure is occupied. Fixtures required for means of egress illumination shall be supplied from a separate circuit or source of power.
2410.8MAINTENANCE OF MEANS OF EGRESS. Exits, aisles and passageways shall be maintained free at all times to the public way. Guy wires, ropes and other support members shall not cross a means of egress at a height of less than 8 feet. The surface of means of egress shall be maintained in an approved manner.
2415.1 GENERATOR SEPARATION. These power sources shall be separated from tents and canopies by a minimum of 20 feet and shall be isolated from contact with the public by fencing, enclosure or other approved means.
2416.1 CROWD MANAGERS. There shall be trained crowd managers at a ratio of one crowd manager for every 250 occupants, as approved. These crowd managers will be required when in the opinion of the code official, it is essential for public safety in a place of assembly, number of persons, nature of performance, exhibition, display, contest or activity. These managers shall keepdiligent watch for fires during the time such place is open to the public or such activity is being conducted and take prompt measures for extinguishments of fires that occur and assist in the evacuation of the public from the structure.
Section 406 – Employee Training and Response Procedures.
406.1General. Employees in the occupancies listed in Section 404.2 shall be trained in the fire emergency procedures described in their fire evacuation and fire safety plans. Training shall be based on these plans and as described in Section 404.3.
406.2Frequency. Employees shall receive training in the contents of fire safety and evacuation plans and their duties as part of new employee orientation and at least annually thereafter. Records shall be kept and made available to the code official upon request.
406.3Employee Training Program. Employees shall be trained in fire prevention, evacuation and fire safety in accordance with Sections 406.3.1 through 406.3.3.
406.3.1Fire Prevention Training. Employees shall be apprised of the fire hazards of the materials and processes to which they are exposed. Each employee shall be instructed in the proper procedures for preventing fires in the conduct of their assigned duties.
406.3.2Evacuation Training. Employees shall be familiarized with the fire alarm and evacuation signals, their assigned duties in the event of an alarm or emergency, evacuation routes, areas of refuge, exterior assembly areas, and procedures for evacuation.
406.3.3Fire Safety Training. Employees assigned firefighting duties shall be trained to know the locations and proper use of portable fire extinguishers or other manual firefighting equipment and the protective clothing or equipment required for its safe and proper use.
All records of fire drills, training, plan updates, and accountability documentation shall be forwarded to the Raleigh Fire Prevention Office immediately after completion.
Raleigh Fire Prevention Bureau
Tel. No. (919) 831-6392
Fax No. (919) 831-6180