Lacombe Ringette Association
October 10th, 2012
Executive Meeting Agenda
- Call to Order
- Agenda – additions/adoptions
- VON Application and Criminal Record Checks added as agenda 4.5
- Barb moved to adopt the agenda, Trevor seconded
- Minutes from last meeting –September 13th, 2012
- Adopt Minutes – Barb moved, seconded by Trevor
- Correspondence
- Goalie Development Survey Results were sent back to Bill, 11 associations did participate. Bill circulated the survey results for us to review.
- Coaches rec’d an email about an upcoming tournament and Bill will continue to forward these notifications to coaches.
- First Line Sports is offering to partner with Lacombe Ringette to host an equipment info and sales night day. We are to supply the venue and we can if we partner with him we get 5% back. It was suggested that we have him come by during Ringette Week and then we should have him come next year at the beginning of the season.
- Motion: Bruce moves that we have First Line Sports to set up an Equipment stand at Ringette Week for the suggested rate of 5% kick back to Lacombe Ringette. Seconded by Bev
- Ringette Alberta has just sent out a policy and job description of on ice helpers for the U6 and U9 levels. Ringette Alberta says that any player that is registered with Ringette Alberta is insured; however in their role as an untrained assistant they would not be covered. They have provided some qualifications and for these untrained assistants and have listed them in their new policy. The most notable requirement is that the on ice assistance needs to be a minimum of 14 years of age or older and have passed their local associations screening process. The question was asked is if we have insurance outside our Alberta Ringette insurance. Trevor was going to look into it. Megan suggested that we temporarily suspend any helpers under that age of 14 not be on the ice until we find out if our outside insurance covers these assistants. Trevor will check into our policy and what it covers. Bill will email the coaches stating this temporary suspension until we confirm our insurance coverage.
- Criminal Record Checks – Bill and Sonja will develop a procedure for Criminal Record Checks and then present it at the next executive meeting. Sonja has already applied for and rec’d our VON application permission and all criminal record checks will be free of charge.
- Reports
- Treasurer–Trevor Krall
- Status update - $130,000 in our chequing account. There is a GIC in the account Trevor will determine when it is due and then we can decide what to do with it. We discussed the outstanding cheque with Hayden photography. The suggestion was to get him to honor the cheque and then we will consider whether or not to continue to do business with him. Barb moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report as presented, seconded by Bev.
- Signing authority follow up – done
- Ice Allocator – Steven Pluister
- Update on ice – Consider slotting the younger kids earlier
- Tournament–Theresa Grubb / Michele Cade / Nadine Cunningham
- November 30 to December 2nd
- February 15th and 16th AA
- January 25 to 27
- Casino –Lori Winslow – Lori reports that she has only heard from three teams so far. So she needs all the coaches or managers to send the names in of their people. Lori will send out an email to the coaches to get their volunteer’s names.
- Fundraising Committee - Dee Zunti – We are competing with Central Alberta Sting and some businesses think they have donated to us already but it was to them. We may need to look at timing our fundraising promotions better. Perhaps in the spring, and perhaps in the business fiscal year. Our letters are out and we will likely run short on our fundraising goals this year. We need to coordinate better with Central Alberta Sting better. Our letterhead and our sponsorship forms are exactly the same. It was suggested that we also raise our profile by doing a “Give Back to our Community” program so we can thank our sponsors and our City for the contributions they make.
- Marketing Committee – Tammy Gagnon / Trina Kohut
- Fall bring a buddy – September 18th– update
- Apparel Day – October 11th
- Ringette Week
- Referee Allocator – Jamie Figursky
- Clinic – Jamie is going to try and encourage our Level 1 Refs to the do the Level 2 training so we can get those girls to do the higher level games. It was suggested that we let the Minor Hockey Association know that we have reffing opportunities available in ringette.
- Ref abuse signs – Corey started an initiative last year in this regard and she has already been talking with Lacombe Minor Hockey about partnering with Lacombe Ringette to display some signage around the rink to combat ref abuse. A sample of the signage was provided. The cost for 24 signs is $457.00 and will be split with Lacombe Minor Hockey. The city has agreed to install them. Motion: Dallas moved to proceed with the signs and have them installed. Seconded and carried.
- Bev notified us that Red Deer Ringette is also short refs and their development program will experience some growing pains and we need to respect that we have some inexperienced refs doing their best and we HAVE to support them. Bev will notify the coaches of this consideration.
- Equipment Director -Bruce Miller
- Most supplies are in and we are in good shape overall. Let Bruce know if there is something you need and don’t hesitate calling him. Bruce is meeting with Lacombe Minor Hockey to look at some of the goalie pads they are in need of getting rid of, if they are in good shape and we can get a good deal he might purchase some of these.
- Shot Clocks for Clive/River Cree – there is a set in the locker to take. Bruce is going to talk to Clive about leaving a set out there for the season.
- Grocery Cards –Jodi Dorn
- Team reps to Jodi – coaches need to get this rep to Jodi ASAP.
- Registrar – Megan Miller
- Report on Registrations
- Team formations completed
- Coaches / Team Reports
- EvaluationCoordinator –ChadCollins– Chad believes everything went well and was pleased with the process and the evaluations. It was discussed that we need to have better communication with the directors and let them be very involved in the process. We also need to make sure we have outside evaluators to do the evaluations whenever possible. It was also suggested that we need revise and/or create a detailed procedure for Ringette evaluations.
- Bunny/Novice Director – Thalia Hibbs
- Petite/Tween Director –Lori Winslow
- Junior/Belle Director - Jodi Dorn
5. Affiliation Meeting – needed ASAP, but need to be in by November 15th.
6. Coaches Meeting – had at the same time as the affiliation meeting. Bev shared a hand out about the roles of a coach at the meeting.
- Coach Liaison/Mentor – Bev Smith
- Coaching Certifications
- Coaching Clinics – Bev has these dates set and will forward the dates to the teams.
- Zone 4 -Jackie Hutchison – Bill presented her report
- Zone 5 / Black Gold League – Miranda Kanngiesser / Colleen Freitag
- Web Site – Dee Zunti – has investigated the online registration program and the cons cost, program, need some on run it, bank fees, etc. we will look into this more.
- Update on bandana program – not going to do evaluations with Red Deer. Parents do not want to proceed with the program so it is difficult to get buy in. Cheryl still feels that we still should do the evaluation process and report card process outlined in the program. We did discuss at the executive level that we were going to try it for this year and we need to proceed with trying it. We need to run it as a pilot project and proceed with it. We support Cheryl proceeding with the program as she sees fit.
- Team pictures – October 23rd – the schedule has been sent out. There have been some time changes made to the first schedule, so coaches need to take a look. If there are issues with the schedule talk to Dawn.
- Next Meeting: Next meeting is November 21st.
- Adjourn – Meeting is adjourned at 9:03.
Things to Do:
- Follow up and discuss the “Give Back to our Community” Program idea - Michelle
- Trevor to contact Insurance Agency to determine coverage
- Further discuss the new Alberta Ringette rules for under 14 year old on ice assistants
- Bill will forward the RAMP information to the coaches
- Lori will send email to coaches to get casino workers names and $100 deposits
- Bill and Sonja will look into procedures for criminal record checks before next meeting
- Bill will contact Gord from Frontline Sports to notify him of the dates of Ringette week for the equipment sale and our wishes to have such a night early in the season next year.
- Bruce will talk to Clive about leaving a set of Ringette Shot clocks other there for the season.
- Bev will notify coaches of the Red Deer ref situation and that we need to be respectful that they will have some inexperienced refs officiating games.
- Bill will talk to Steve about trying to schedule the U16 with the U19 team if ice needs to be shared currently U16 is sharing ice with the U14 our U12 teams.