United States Army
Soldier Support InstituteAdjutant General School
Practical Exercise 2
OBJECTIVE: This Practical Exercise (PE) measures your understanding of eMILPO and Datastore as you prepare your unit for deployment.
1. Access to User Manual for eMILPO v.4.6.9
2. Access to eMILPO Functional Guidance v.4.2
3. Access to the AHRS Enterprise Datastore
4. Answer Sheet
5. Printer
a. Ensure your name, rank, class number, and date are printed neatly on the query for turn in.
b. This PE booklet contains two parts. Part I contains 5 multiple choice and 5 match questions and Part II contains two scenarios with applicable information for you to create, view, save, and print the Ad Hoc Query. You will be given 50 minutes to complete this PE. You must receive a passing score of 80% on Part I and a GO on Part II. If any portion of this PE is missing or a portion of the PE is illegible, inform the instructor in order to obtain a new PE booklet.
c. Part I will test your knowledge and understanding of eMILPO, each question has only one correct answer. Make all responses clear and legible on the answer sheet. Ensure that the question number in the booklet corresponds to the question number on the answer sheet. Read each question carefully, but move on so that all questions may be answered in the time allotted. If you make a mistake or if you have to change an answer on the answer sheet, erase completely and then mark your correct answer.
d. Part II will test your knowledge and understanding of Datastore, and your ability to create an Ad Hoc Query. In Part II of this PE you are required to setup and enter required information in applicable fields to create, view, save and print the Ad Hoc Query. Ensure that you read the instructions and scenarios carefully to ensure that you enter the required information. If you make a mistake or want to change what you have entered, you have the ability to correct the information in the required fields prior to saving and printing your final Ad Hoc Query. All information must be entered correctly for both scenarios to receive a GO on this PE. Missing or incorrect information submitted on either scenario will result in a NO GO.
e. ALL WORK ON THE PE MUST BE YOUR OWN. DO NOT communicate with other students, give or receive assistance, make record of your answers anywhere except the answer sheet, or pass on information about this PE to other students. Failure to follow these instructions may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
f. When completed, turn in your PE booklet; answer sheet to Part I; printed Ad Hoc Queries for Part II; and any scratch paper or other issued materials to the instructor. You will receive further instructions at that time.
g. Questions concerning the administration of the PE may be directed to the instructor; however, questions concerning the content of the PE will not be answered.
Practical Exercise 2
Part I
Understanding eMILPO
1. What does eMILPO stand for?
a. Enlisted Military Personnel Office
b. Electronic Military Personnel Office
c. Enlisted Mobile Personnel Office
d. Electronic Military Personnel Organization
2. Which of the following eMILPO services allows the user to perform arrival, departure, attachments, and duty status transactions?
a. Readiness
b. Personnel Accounting
c. Personnel Services
d. Reassignments
3. Who is responsible for delegating workflow roles?
a. Unit Administrator (UA)
b. First Sergeants
c. Commanders
d. Senior Unit Administrator (SUA)
4. What type of Report is the AAA 162?
a. Report of AWOLS
b. Unit Personnel Accountability Notice
c. Unit Personnel Accountability Report
d. Unit Soldier Readiness Report
5. How many SSNs can the user entered at one time to retrieve an ERB?
a. 3
b. 6
c. 9
d. 12
Match the statements with the numerical format of the report:
a. AAA 095 / b. AAA 160 / c. AAA 162 / d. AAA 165 / e. AAA069 / f. AAA 342
______1. This report contains personnel discrepancies or notices for the unit.
______2. This report lists all Soldiers, assigned and attached to a specific organization and identifies their present and last duty status
______3. The report the updates special instruction templates of the reassignment instructions.
______4. The date a Soldier completes a previous weight control program remain on this report for 36 months
______5. Use this report to keep track of AWOL/DFR Soldiers and to verify current duty status
Practical Exercise 2
Part II
Create Ad Hoc Query
SCENARIO 1: You work in the S-1 section of the 1st Brigade Combat Team (BCT), 4th Infantry
Division. Your unit is preparing for deployment and the commander has asked you for some specific data regarding personnel assigned to the unit. Provide a printed Ad Hoc Query that provides the required information.
Note: You should be logged into the eMILPO AHRS Web-Portal. If needed, ask your instructor for any required information to log in.
1. Ad-Hoc Queries are real-time requests from the Datastore’s eMILPO dataset. The create query process allows you to create a re-usable request for specific information. During this Practical Exercise, you will create an Ad Hoc Query for Soldiers in the Rank of PFC-SPC that identifies their MOSs and GT Scores.
a. Click on the AHRS Datastore Enterprise link.
b. Move the mouse pointer over the "Ad Hoc Query" link and select the "AHRS Datastore Query Wizard Launch 4.7.2" option in the dialogue box.
c. You will now select and enter the required data fields, sort applications and filter(s) to create, view, save, and print the Ad Hoc Query.
2. Remember the Datastore Query Wizard uses predefined sets of the most frequently used data elements.
3. Prior to creating your query click “Run Report” and select “Preview with No Data”. This will reduce idle time for running the report once sort or filter elements have been applied.
6. For this practical exercise, you will create a query with the following columns and data
UIC Hierarchy: UIC – Filter for UIC “W90101”
Soldier Core: Last NM (Sort Ascending), First NM, and Current Rank (AB) (Filter data to reflect “PFC and SPC” only).
Enlisted MOS, ASI, SQI Data: ENL MOS CD
Aptitude Test Data: GT Score
Note: to filter a data element with a known “FIELD VALUE”, select “Type in Values”. To manually type in the value(s), click “INSERT”, click “OK”, and at the next screen click “APPLY”. The filtered value will display at the top of the query. Remember, FIELD VALUES ARE CASE SENSITIVE.
5. After you have identified Columns and Data Elements and have assigned the desired filters to your Data Elements, you are ready to run the Query.
6. Click on “Run Report” and select “Preview with Limited Data to proceed.
7. The results of the Ad Hoc Query should appear. If your report does not contain all the required elements, sort applications, or filters you have the ability to go back and insert the required elements prior to proceeding to step 8.
8. Click the “Save As” icon on the top toolbar and enter the following information:
a. Name of Query: Student’s First and Last Name/PE2.1
b. Description: PFC-SPC/GT Scores
c. Location: Select “My Folders”
9. Click “OK” to proceed.
10. Return to “Home” and click on “My Folders.” The Ad Hoc Query you created and saved should be present. Click on “Title” to edit and scroll down to “Title” and enter your rank/title, last name, class number, and date. At “Subtitle” enter “PFC-SPC/GT Scores”, click “OK”, right click and print ONLY page one of the query.
11. Complete Scenario 2.
SCENARIO 2: You work in the S-1 section of the 1st Brigade Combat Team (BCT), 4th Infantry Division. Your unit is preparing for deployment and the commander has asked you for some specific data regarding personnel assigned to the unit. Provide a printed Ad Hoc Query that provides the required information.
Note: You should be logged into the eMILPO AHRS Web-Portal. If needed, ask your instructor for any required information to log in.
1. Ad-Hoc Queries are real-time requests from the Datastore’s dataset. The create query process allows you to create a re-usable request for specific information. During this Practical Exercise, you will create an Ad Hoc Query for Soldiers in the Rank of SGT-SFC that identifies their Security Clearance and Military Education levels.
a. Click the AHRS Datastore Enterprise link.
b. Move the mouse pointer over the "Ad Hoc Query" link and select the "AHRS Datastore Query Wizard Launch 4.7.2" option in the dialogue box.
c. You will now select and enter the required data fields, sort application, and filter(s) to create, view, save, and print the Ad Hoc Query.
2. Remember the Datastore Query Wizard uses predefined sets of the most frequently used data elements.
3. Prior to creating your query click on “Run Report” and select “Preview with No Data”. This will reduce idle time for running the report once sort or filter elements have been applied.
4. For this practical exercise, you will create a query with the following column and data elements:
UIC Hierarchy: UIC – “WK0101”
Soldier Core: Last NM (Sort Ascending), First NM, SSN, Current Rank (AB) (Filter data to reflect SGT, SSG and SFC only); and Military Education Level Code MIL ED LVL CD (Filter data to reflect” T” and” V” only)
Security Clearance Data: Security Clearance Level Description (SCTY CLR LVL DESCR) (Filter data to reflect “SECRET” and “TOP SECRET” Clearances only)
Note: to filter a data element with a known “FIELD VALUE”, select “Type in Values”. To manually type in the value(s), click “INSERT”, click “OK”, and at the next screen click “APPLY”. The filtered value will display at the top of the query. Remember, FIELD VALUES ARE CASE SENSITIVE.
5. After you have identified Columns and Data Elements and have assigned the desired filters to your Data Elements you are ready to run the Query.
6. Click on “Run Report” and select “Preview with Limited Data to proceed.
7. The results of the Ad Hoc Query should appear. If your report does not contain all the required elements, sort applications, or filters you have the ability to go back and insert the required elements prior to proceeding to step 8.
8. Click on the “Save As” icon on the top toolbar and enter the following information:
a. Name of Query: Student’s First and Last Name/PE-2.2
b. Description: SGT- SFC, Mil Ed and Security Clearance Levels
c. Location: Select “My Folders”
9. Click on “OK” to proceed.
10. Return to “Home” and click on “My Folders.” The Ad Hoc Query you created and saved should be present. Click on “Title” to edit and scroll down to “Title” and enter your rank/title, last name, class number, and date. At “Subtitle” enter “SGT-SFC Mil Ed Lvl/Security Clearances Query”, click “OK”, and print “ONLY” page one of the query.
11. Turn-in both queries to your instructor and wait for further instructions.