University Advisors and Counselors
Executive Board Meeting
December 7, 2005
Present: Jennifer Baker (President), Summer Felton ( President Elect ), Cynthia Hernandez (VP Communications), Dale Pracht (VP Programs ), Sharon Duray (Secretary), Cathy Sperry (Treasurer), Mike White (College of Architecture), Linda Windle (Mays Business School), Terri Burger (College of Liberal Arts ), Clint Crampton (College of Science), Lydia Carrascosa (College of Veterinary Medicine), Joel McGee (Academic Affairs), Kristie Orr (Student Affairs), Larry Marek (Student Business Services), Marcella Stark (Blinn College)
Not Present: Lyle Slack (Immediate Past President), Andy Garner (College of Agriculture & Life Sciences), Sallye Henderson (General Academic Programs), Breana Grimes (College of Education), Jeana Goodson (College of Engineering), Cathy Littleton (College of Geosciences), Kathy James (Athletics), Anne Blum (Academic Affairs), Cady Auckermam (UPAS), Student Government Rep.
Meeting began at 1:35. Minutes from previous meeting approved with corrections.
Jennifer Baker - President and AOC Report
AOC Deans meeting held November 9, 2005
AOC approved new Freshman Grade Exclusion form that can be sent directly from Departments to the Records (Registrar's) office. The q-drop rule will not change.
Freshman admissions are down. There are many incomplete applications missing high school transcripts and/or the two essays. Top 10% students need to complete applications to be considered for scholarships and awards.
Transfer student admission letters were sent out before Thanksgiving.
Katrina students may stay through the summer. If students would like to continue for the fall of 2006 they must apply as transfer students.
The Students with Disabilities Office would like to be contacted if there is a problem with accessibility to buildings (i.e. CHEM 100)
Tim Scott and Jo Howze are currently rewriting a Math Assessment instrument that would allow students to take before coming to their new student conference. This test would aid in placing students correctly. The instrument will not be completed for this summer's NSC's, but may be in place for 2007.
The recruitment calendar is available on-line. Submissions can also be made to this calendar.
Summer Felton - President Elect Report
NSC Report: A tour of the Admissions Department will be held on November 17th to explain the Freshman and Transfer admissions process.
Admissions are down by 918. February 1st has been set as the new date for NSC registration. Students may currently accept their offer admission and then register for their conference on February 1st.
As a result of suggestions on NSC evaluations, an on-line Spanish session is available for Spanish speaking parents.
The New Advisor Training program is on board for the spring semester.
Dale Pracht. - VP Programs Report
The UAC Meet, Eat and Greet will be hosted at 11:30 on December 8th at the Benjamin Knox Gallery. Seventy four members are registered to attend.
The UAC Symposium's theme "Being Visible- Enhancing the Experience from Within" will focus on the advisor. Save the date cards will be mailed this week.
Cynthia Hernandez- VP Communications Report
The UAC website has been transferred from UNIX to the TAMU web server. Registration for Symposium will be on-line and handled by Ann Gundy.
Sharon Duray - Secretary Report – no report
Cathy Sperry - Treasurer Report - Presented current account balances.
Immediate Past President Report - No report
College Reports
Agriculture & Life Sciences – No report
Architecture (M. White) - No report
Mays Business School (L. Windle) – A reminder that students must be U3/U4 status to be stay enrolled in "309" business courses. If students do not comply by January 6th, they will be dropped.
Education - No report
Engineering (C. Sperry) - A survey of all students leaving the College of Engineering will be conducted to investigate their reason for leaving the College.
General Academics - No report
Geosciences - No report
Liberal Arts - (T. Burger) - A reception will be held on December 8th to honor Julia Kirk
Blackwelder from 3:00-5:00 in the Glascock Center.
Science (C. Crompton) - No report
Vet Med (L. Carrascosa) - No report
Academic Affairs (J. McGee) - Registration flags have been set for CAEN 101 and 102. Please call CAE if you encounter problems with SIMS. First semester freshman cannot register for CAEN 102.
Athletics - No report
Student Business Services (L. Marek) - Spring information is available on the web, including due dates. Payments are late after January 11th. Please ask students to review their accounts and make sure everything is dropped, including fees, if they will not return for the spring semester.
Student Affairs (K. Orr) - Deadlines for registering with the Students with Disabilities Office are available on their website. Their office does not register students at the end of the semester during finals. Jan Winifred is leaving the University in February.
Student Affairs (C. Hernandez) - January conferences are approaching. Colleges will decide what to do if a student is unable to attend their new student conference. All international students will attend the 1st conference. Updated schedules will be sent later this week. December 14th is the
deadline for the January conferences. The CAE Texas Success Initiative will take care of blocks before the NSC's.
UPAS - No report
Blinn College (M. Stark) - No report
Old Business-
There were concerns about the interpretation of the UAC logo on the lapel pins distributed earlier this semester. Suggestions were make to send a follow-up email explaining the symbolism of the logo or posting the information on the UAC website.
New Business-
The Office of Institutional Planning is currently conducting presentations regarding WSC's (weighted student credit hours) and the role Colleges can play. Their office is willing to present to the UAC Board. A suggestion was made that we piggyback with another group during their meeting time.
Jennifer Baker sent an email to the UAC Board soliciting input regarding the current TAMU catalog statement in reference to "Academic Advising". Sallye Henderson suggested that we use the statement from the career ladder document to describe the role of the academic advisor.
It was also suggested that we remove information regarding other divisions (i.e. CAE, Honors, SCS, etc.) since it appears elsewhere in the catalog.
C. Hernandez asked if UAC has a line item budget to justify expenses. Old minutes will be reviewed to look for this information.
Adjourn 2:45
Upcoming Meeting Dates
UAC Board meeting dates for 2005-2006: Feb. 1, March 1, April 5, and May 4