Nursery Newsletter
January 2014
Happy New Year! We hope everyone has now settled back in to the new term and is feeling rested after the Christmas break. It is wonderful to welcome new children and their families to Loretto and the children have been excited to meet new friends. The children have also been very excited to meet their new Head Teacher, Mrs McBean, and have been keen to share with Mrs McBean their holiday news and experiences about nursery.
Learning experiences this term
This term we will be reading ‘The Gruffalo’ stories by Julia Donaldson with the children. We are hoping that the children will develop these stories through their play in the nursery. We have already been busy in the blocks building the deep dark wood for the Gruffalo. Please see our big books to find out about more exciting learning ideas that the children have been developing. You will also find in the cloak room area a leaflet with questions and ideas, based on ‘The Gruffalo’, for you to explore with your child at home.
Our first global country this term will be Scotland. Some experiences we shall be offering the children include: saying Good Day in Gaelic, reading ‘The Gruffalo’ stories in Scots, a Burns Supper, Scottish country dancing and lots of exciting art based on thistles and tartan. If you have any ideas or would like to be involved please let a member of the Nursery team know. Later in the term we are hoping to explore China.
This term the school will be hosting a ‘Global Citizenship Day’ this will be a celebration of all the cultures and traditions found in our school community, further details to follow.
Snack Money
Snack money is now due. It is important that this is paid as soon as possible. Please see below for payment details. As previously mentioned East Lothian’s preferred payment option is online. Alternatively you can pay using cash.
Jan – Apr £18.00
Jan – Jul £34.50
Learning Story Sharing Sessions
Just to remind everyone that you are welcome to stay at the beginning of any session to have a look at your child's learning story. The children love to show you what they have been doing and to talk about it.
If you have any news from home that you would like to add, please bring it in and you and your child can put it in the learning story together. There are pages for your use hanging above the learning stories.
Please also add a comment to the comments sheet at the front of the learning story. It helps us to know what you think.
Story Sacks & Lending Library
We would also like to remind everyone that story sacks are available to borrow from the parents’ room. Please help yourself and sign the tick sheet on the wall. When you return a story sack, please place in the basket in the cloak room rather than back on the peg. This allows the contents to be checked before it is borrowed again. Please feel free to borrow a book from the lending library. There is nothing to sign, just bring it back and take another.
Bikes & Scooters
As most of you are aware the red barriers that were being used to screen the bikes and scooters from the school children have been removed. We are currently sourcing an alternative way of keeping scooters and bikes stored when your child is at nursery. For the time being, can everyone put any bikes and scooters in our mud kitchen area that is found in the Nursery playground. Please place them behind the planter that is at the back of the mud kitchen. This is the small area to the right of the ramp. We shall let everyone know when we have resolved this problem. Please note that scooters and bikes are left at your own risk.
Parents’ Evening
Parents’ evening is an opportunity for you to discuss your child’s learning with the Nursery teacher. Appointments will be available on Wednesday 4th March and Friday 6th March. A letter will be in pigeon holes nearer the time asking what day is most suitable for you. Please keep an eye out for this.
Gym Shoes
Can everyone please ensure that their child has a pair of gym shoes that can be left at nursery in a drawstring bag on their peg. It is important that gym shoes are not left on the cloak room floor. This is a health and safety issue and we need to ensure that the floor is kept clear so that the cleaners can sanitise the floor effectively. Please put your child’s name in gym shoes/wellies/coats/sweatshirts etc.
Dates for your diary
February break – Monday 16th February to Friday 20th February inclusive
Parents’ evening – Wednesday 4th March and Friday 6th March
Easter break – Thursday 2nd April to Friday 17th April (Resume Monday 20th April)
Primary 1 induction – Friday 19th June (2pm – 3pm)
Nursery sports day – Tuesday 30th June
All break for Summer – Friday 3rd July
Parent Council Representatives
The parent council representatives for the nursery are
Morning Group – Katriona Horberry
Afternoon Group – Sandra Gray
Mrs Hill, Mrs Gaunt and Miss Pandit