Minutes of January 2013 AIAA DETC Meeting
Sci-Tech Conference Meeting 2014
13-17 January 2014, Gaylord Resort
National Harbor, MD
S/C Meetings: Mtg. Room:-
Design Process Sub-Committee ?
Design Guide Sub-Committee ?
Design Education Sub-Committee ?
Tuesday, 14 January 2014; 1900 – 2200 in Chesapeake Conference Room 1
[Agenda /.ppt file to be uploaded w/minutes]
Welcome / DETC’s 1st Meeting of 2014
1. Introductions:
– Present: Jon Cutshall, Chuck Hall, Russ Althof, Clark Briggs, Lisa Saam, Sid Rowe, Jian Wang, Michael Benjamin
– Present / Remote: Garfield Creary, Mike Bailey, Jerry Brown
– Introduction of Mike Benjamin / Award Winner
Also present (near half way point in meeting): Kathleen Atkins (Dir. Aerospace Des. & Structures); Atkins gave brief introduction for Masoud Rais-Rohani and then ADSG details
è Cutshall to produce minutes
2. Slide 4 of agenda ppt => new process for minutes approval. Aviation Conf. Minutes review/real-time changes made; Althof moved/Cutshall seconded to vote on approval of Aviation minutes as modified à Minutes approved
3. Future meeting schedule review
There was discussion regarding the AIAA conferences for the DETC meetings in 2014-15. 2014 Aviation & Aeronautics Forum & Exposition (June 2014 at Atlanta)), the 2015 Science & Technology Forum & Exposition (Orlando, January 2015) and the 2015 Aviation & Aeronautics (Dallas June 2015).
Aviation Rep. needed
4. Organization Chart review
Under Aerospace Design & Structures Group: Director Kathleen Atkins
Deputies Carlos Cesnik (Design); Achille Messac (Structures)
Changes made to DETC Org Chart / reflected in ppt to accompany minutes
5. 25 members on DETC. Nominations through Nov. 1. Farooq Akram – new member/resume reviewed
6. Participation Model not discussed
7. Treasurer’s Report - Bob Dauwalter DETC Treasurer: Royalty Acct. Bal. = ~$9047.85
- Reimbursements of $167.37 (DBF, Althof), $225.74 (Design Guides/awards, Dauwalter) and $136.27 (DETC shirts / new members, Althof)
- Balance does not reflect sales of Rev 6 of AEDG (145 books?)
- Russ moved and Clark seconded motion to fund DBF awards of books 10x books plus $175 (~$500 expense) since TAC won’t; motion passed; 3 more books added for Aviation and extra for SciTech (due to tie)
8. Paper sessions:
Sci-Tech had three DETC supported sessions. Aviation – 1 session; chair needed
9. Liaison Assignments & Discussion
10. TAC Mtg Rpt.; no TAC funds available (large $ losses for AIAA last year); member upgrades due for Associate Fellows (Apr 15), and Fellows (June 15). March 15 nomination deadline for Chrichlow; cursory review of TAC meeting slides were made.
11. Reminder to investigate membership upgrades.
12. CAD Working Group report (slide 18-19)
13. DBF Update from Russ. Apr 11-13 ~100 teams expected (see separate PPT – Russ upload?)
14. AIAA Financials (separate PPT file – can it be uploaded to supplement minutes?)
15. Kathleen Atkins spoke for a few minutes about TC, participation, SciTech
16. Publications
Newsletter; annual high-lites article for Aerospace America; Start early and inputs solicited
Also soliciting suggestions for story ideas; Due in September
Website – handle scholar ship application here?; please send Cutshall any updates, photos, announcements etc. for uploading, if you have trouble or don’t want to do it.
17. DETC Newsletter (slide 20) Inputs Sept 1 for Fall, Apr 1 for Spring; Need inputs from S/C’s, SDM, DBF, Membership, etc.
18. DETC DG – Projection to 2017 for next revision – new materials/chapters should start now for review/vetting; iOS App = 52 units sold Apr – Nov 2013); 1796 student member downloads. 162 AEDG books sold (income still to TC?; when?)
19. DE Award – need nominations – process is easier than in the past
20. Sub-committee Reports (each subcommittee will provide their minutes to be included at end of this document)
21. Michael Benjamin presentation
Adjourn 10:15[?] p.m.
Design Education Subcommittee
The Design Education subcommittee met with 5 members attending and no one dialed in.
We discussed several topics and reviewed the notes made from the Aviation 2013 subcommittee minutes.
We considered the education paragraph in the DETC Call For Papers and came up with a few ideas for changes. Jon discussed his progress in structuring a scholarship. Russ suggested this might instead be an award to support student sections and we sketched a descriptive statement. We remembered the prior survey and kept it on the action list. We want to coordinate with Franz-Josef Kahlen about trying his workforce development session again since it didn’t make in this conference.
Design Process Subcommittee
Dave Staggers agreed to be the new Design Process Subcommittee chair despite travel restrictions for 2014. The subcommittee will complete inputs by the February Design Process teleconference for the tools paper we have been working. We still have additional tools identified that have not been researched if someone has time. After the inputs are completed, we will begin to refine the paper
Design Guide Subcommittee Meeting:
Sales of the 6th edition since release (Oct 2012) through Dec 2013:
- 162 paper copies
- 52 premium app downloads
- 1796 free student app downloads
We’ve been working with AIAA Pubs to develop a promotional pocket guide. They provided a first draft which focuses almost entirely on the app. The S/C will submit input to include material from the guide. The original plan was to ask for TAC funding to print these. Since that has gone away for 2014, publishing the pocket guide may be delayed. AIAA Pubs will investigate using marketing funds.
We’ve started capturing the scope of changes for the 7th edition, which is focusing for now in two main areas: updates to all figures to clean them up and create electronic database of all DG figures and capture all of the current references so that we can replace/update outdated references as well as find alternate references for those requiring expensive licensing fees. The list of references that AIAA Pubs would like to replace has been provided.
Schedule is to release a 7th edition in 2017. A detailed schedule will be coordinated with AIAA Pubs as the desired date nears.
Near term actions:
- Create database for figure updates (Russ has started); we want to capture an electronic version of every figures with clean-up and updates (some figures are scans of scans, etc and "fuzzy", out of date, etc)
- Complete database on references in the guide (Russ has started); need volunteer for each section to capture the current references, research if a more recent version exist and if so, capture what the updates are (may want to just capture the latest version and wait until we get closer to submitting the new edition to capture the changes in case a newer version comes out between now and then)
- AIAA pubs has provided a list of references that are expensive and also limit what can go in the app due to licensing fees; in addition to finding the latest version of references, need to see if a replacement can be found as well.
Computer Aided Enterprise Solutions sub-committee report: