Earth Science Syllabus 2016-2017

Instructor: Hermes Lynn

Blog: -lesson plans and assignments

Website: - course documents


Course Description: Earth Science is a required freshman course where students will study basic geoscience concepts. Topics include oceanography, rocks and minerals, weather and climate, plate tectonics and mountain building, earthquakes, fossils, water resources, and astronomy. Students will learn about these topics through a variety of instructional strategies including lecture, discussion, laboratory investigations, case studies, projects, demonstrations, and guided inquiry.

Bengal Expectations:

  • Be involved
  • Be respectful
  • Be responsible
  • Be a graduate

The four expectations stated above are part of your job here at Helena High School and typify what it means to be a Bengal. All teachers share these same core values and they really sum up your role as a student as well as our roles as teachers. Learning is hard work and students have to be responsible for their part in the learning process. A colleague of mine once said, “Teachers can open the door, but it is the student who must walk through.” I look forward to getting to know each of you this year and helping you achieve academic success.

Materials and Supplies:

  • Thin three ring binder - to keep handouts etc. (you may use a folder if you prefer)
  • One subject notebook- to take notes in; please do not get a multiple subject notebook, keep one notebook just for science- Required- These will be kept in an assigned drawer in the classroom.
  • Writing utensil
  • Calculator (optional)
  • Smart phone or tablet(optional)- these are super useful for internet research and class polls etc.- phones will be kept in a numbered pocket in the front of class when not in use


A 90-100B 80-90C 70-80D 60-70F 59 and below

  • Your course grade is the average of two quarter grades each worth 40% and a semester test worth 20%. Each quarter grade is determined in the following manner.

Tests 60%- expect one per unit, roughly one a month, there will be an opportunity to complete test corrections up to one week after the test is handed back. Students can earn half a point back for fixing their answers. See the test correction guidelines on my webpage.

Quizzes 10%- expect one each week. We correct these in class and discuss.

Projects/Labs 20%- we will have at least one lab each week and some longer projects this year.

Classwork/homework 10% - generally all assignments should be able to be completed in class, however if a student does not use their time wisely, they may need to complete assignments at home.

  • Late work- Assignments are due at the start of class on the assigned due date. Late work will be accepted for three days beyond the due date and deducted 30%.
  • It is your responsibility to know your missing work and to check your grades on PowerSchool. Parents and students will be given a username and password to access this information. For up to date assignments and their due dates go to the course blog. See the student handbook about make up work for school related absences and excused absences.


  • Be safe in the science laboratory at all times.
  • Please raise your hand to ask a question.
  • Please do not talk while the teacher is talking to the class.

Please sign and return this syllabus.
