Orange County Psychological Association Board Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2011
OCPA President Sandra Kearns, PhD, called the meeting to order at Pepperdine University, Irvine, CA.
Executive Committee Present: Sandra Kearns, PhD, Arlene Unger, PhD, Julie Cohen, PhD, Shirley Liao, PhD, Jackie Koppers, PsyD
Board Members Present: Cigdem Coyle, PsyD, Rosalyn Laudati, PhD, Michael Messina, PsyD, Andrew Schwartz, PhD, Nancy Woods, PsyD
Committee Chairs Present: Julie Cohen, PhD, Cigdem Coyle, PsyD, Nida Fernandez, PhD, Sharon Gerstenzang, PhD, Sandra Kearns, PhD, Shirley Liao, PhD, Andrew Schwartz, PhD, Ray Vagas, PhD, Nancy Woods, PsyD
Association Members Present: Karen Allen, PhD, Tammy Cleary, PsyD, Heike Kholooci, PsyD
Administrative Assistant: Valeska Wolf
President, Dr. Sandra Kearns, welcomed all present and asked that everyone introduce himself or herself.
Secretary’s Report: Dr. Jackie Koppers, reported that the February 2011 minutes were approved. Dr. Sandra Kearns added that the minutes are now on the OCPA website.
Treasurer’s Report: Dr. Shirley Liao gave the Treasurer’s report including monthly income and expenditures for February 2011.Dr. Liao indicated that the February net deficit of -$1,104 will eventually be covered by the income generated later in the year, and expenses occurring early the year are covered by reserve money existing in the Operating Fund.
Dr. Liao reviewed the CPA Representative expenses for 2010. Dr. Ray Vagas questioned the nature of the $100 expense for February 2010. It was determined that this item should be an executive committee expense. Dr. Vagas indicated that the $400 expense for CPA booth should be under another expense category.
Dr.Liao reviewed the breakdown of costs for the 2011 Installation Dinner. Dr. Kearns mentioned that although there is usually a deficit associated with each dinner, the amount is decreasing with each subsequent year. Dr. Kearns asked the members to consider what item might be cut in the future in order to reduce the deficit further. She suggested that a goal might be to break even each year.
Governmental Affairs Committee Report: Dr. Ray Vagas spoke about the Leadership and Advocacy Conference that will take place March 20 – 22 in Sacramento, and gives participants an opportunity to lobby legislators. Dr. Kearns and Dr. Vagas will attend this conference. Dr. Vagas reported that he had no response from students interested in attending. A discussion followed regarding what costs OCPA will cover. Motion made to have OCPA cover costs that CPA does not. Vote: 8 for/0 opposed.
Dr. Andy Schwartz announced plans to partner with LACPA to arrange a meet and greet with Norwalk Representative Grace Napolitano. This event will be held at a private residence, and LACPA will take the lead in the planning and organization. Dr. Schwartz passed out a copy of a Los Angeles Times article regarding a bill Rep. Napolitano introduced to fund the hiring of mental health professionals to diagnose and treat students in schools in light of the recent shooting in Arizona.
Dr. Vagas and Dr. Julie Cohen reviewed last year’s PAC luncheon at the CPA Convention. Dr. Vagas stated that the event cost $200 per plate and supports CPA’s PAC. Dr. Cohen stated that representatives and legislators from throughout California will be in attendance, and will allow participants to feel connected and voice concerns related to the interests of psychologists. Dr. Vagas raised the question if OCPA would want to send representatives to this event, which will be held on Friday, April 8th in San Diego. Dr. Vagas expressed that he believed that the monies could be better spent on, for example, meet and greets with local representatives. Dr. Schwartz expressed an interest in attending and following up with State Senator Correa, and stated that he would cover his costs. Dr. Cohen stressed the importance of supporting CPA’s PAC being that OCPA is not allowed to lobby on it’s own. Dr. Cohen added that CPA’s PAC has advocated for maintaining separate psychologist and MFT licensing boards, against reduction of Medi Cal reimbursements, and gives a larger voice to OCPA that can create change nationally. Motion made to send one OCPA representative (Dr. Schwartz) to the CPA PAC luncheon. Vote: 8 for/0 opposed.
Continuing Education Report: Dr. Schwartz announced that Dr. Suzanne Engelman will host Dr.Stanley Krippner, who will give a brief talk on Personal Mythology on Friday, March 25th. Though no CEUs will be available, Dr. Schwartz stressed that this would be an opportunity to engage with a renowned psychologist. He added that the event would cost $15 and would include refreshments. Dr. Schwartz raised the question of whether an honorarium should be offered. Motion made to offer Dr. Krippner a $50 honorarium and charge $15 for attendees. Vote: 5 for/0 opposed.
Invitation to Silverado Assisted Living: Dr. Laudati reminded the members present of the Silverado Assisted Living event in Newport Beach on Thursday, March 24th from 6 to 8PM. Interested members were asked to RSVP to Dr. Laudati.
Networking Committee Report: Dr. Cohen reported on the OCPA/CPA meeting to held on Saturday, April 30th at the home of Dr. Tammy Cleary. Dr. Cohen stated that CPA member email assignments had been made, and that emails should be sent after Dr. Kearns has placed the event on the OCPA website.
Communication Coordinator Report: Dr. Arlene Unger passed out copies of a list of compiled links of interest to members and consumers. She added that the links would be updated every six months.
Meeting Adjourned. Next meeting to be held on April 14 at Pepperdine University, Irvine, CA.
Respectively submitted,
Jackie Koppers, PsyD
OCPA Secretary
Amendment to March 10, 2011 OCPA Board Meeting Minutes
On March 24th, Dr. Kearns informed the voting members via email that $225 had been raised for the meeting with Dr. Stanley Krippner on March 25th. She added that Dr. Suzanne Engelman had offered to provide refreshments. Dr. Schwartz asked that the honorarium for Dr. Krippner be raised from $50 to $100. Motion made to offer Dr. Stanley Krippner a $100 honorarium and charge $15 for attendees. Vote: 9 for/0 opposed.