How to check if you are planning to travel to an at Risk Country
For a quick assessment of current at risk countries of the world please view the travel risk map by following this link
This map highlights countries that are low, medium, high or very high risk.
Please remember that the University does not allow travel to very high Risk/extreme Risk countries which are marked in red on the map.
Detailed information regarding country or city security travel advice can be viewed at
The University’s log in details are:
Username: umal74
Password: 48p87
Once you have logged in there will be a green toolbar at the top of the screen you can then search by either country index or city index. If you click on the one you wish to search by, you will be provided with a list of either countries or cities and you can then view the most appropriate one relating to your trip.
You will be provided with a summary of advice and the top headlines relating to the country or city you are viewing.
Under Risk Ratings there is also a ‘Country Risk Changes’ tab which is useful for any recent changes that have taken place.
Another good source of current information for travellers is the Foreign Office advice page
Once you have assessed where you are travelling and it is a high or medium risk country you will need to develop a safety plan and have this approved by appropriate person as detailed below and then sent to the travel office with your online travel request prior to any travel arrangements being confirmed.
Trip Risk Classification(from Control Risks Site) / Planning & Precautions / Authority to AuthoriseExtreme / Travel Not Permitted / Travel Not Permitted
High / Develop a detailed safety plan, which must comply with detailed requirements of Control Risks Information and their Standing Travel Advice section / PVC/Dean of College, Director of Professional Service, Head of School
Medium / Develop a detailed safety plan, which must comply with detailed requirements of Control Risks Information and their Standing Travel Advice section / PVC/Dean of College, Director of Professional Service, Head of School
Low / Standard University risk assessment requirements and follow advice on Control Risks site / Trip Planner or Fieldwork Leader
Insignificant / Standard University risk assessment requirements / Trip Planner or Fieldwork Leader
For further information regarding planning for your trip please refer to the Travel & Fieldtrip Policy and Code of Practice located at the following link
Published 21St January 2016