/ UK Power Networks / HSS 41 006

Assessment and Accreditation of Independent Connection Providers

Name / Jason Carmichael
Title / Head of Technical Training & Assurance
Date / 18th October 2017
Name / Simon Tapp
Title / Lead Operational Assessor
Date / 18th October 2017

This document forms part of the UK Power Networks Integrated Management System and compliance with its requirements is mandatory. Departure from these requirements may only be taken with the written approval of the above authoriser.

Revision Record
Version number / 5.0 / What has changed?
No change to contents of document but change of Owner and Authoriser.
Why has it changed?
Document Reviewed.
Date published / 26/10/2017
Next review date / 31/10/2019
Prepared by / SimonTapp
Version number / 4.0 / What has changed?
ICP Authorisation options. HSS 41 006a withdrawn as no longer required.
Why has it changed?
UKPN would prefer to use Option 1 for connections activity and Option 2 for operational activity, but will make all authorisation options available to all ICP’s to suit the ICP preferences.
Date published / 18/11/2016
Next review date / 31/08/2017
Prepared by / M Weller
Version number / 3.0 / What has changed?
The issue of a Competition in Connections Code of Practice.
HSS 41 006a reviewed. No changes.
Why has it changed?
New Code of Practice.
Date published / 13/10/2015
Next review date / 10/06/2017
Prepared by / T.Siemers
Who needs to know?
☒All UK Power Networks Staff
☒Asset Management
☒Capital Programme
☐Customer Services
☒G81 External website
☐HR & Communications
☒In Business HSS
☒Safety Reps
☒ICPs (Independent Connection Providers)
☒IDNOs (Independent Distribution
Network Operators)
☐Information Systems
☐Meter Operators / ☒Network Operations
☒Distribution Capital Delivery
☒Network Control
☒Network Operations Connections
☐Transport Services
☒Strategy and Regulation
☐UK Power Networks Services
☐Strategic projects
☐HS1, DLR & Commercial buildings
☐MUJV / Allenby
☐Business Development
☐Others (specify)


1.0Introduction and Purpose






6.1CiC Operations Manager

6.2Accreditation Development Manager



8.0Process Detail

8.1Statement of principle

8.2Employer request for assessment

8.3Competence Standards



8.6Assessment of competence and accreditation of persons


8.8Recording of ICP staff

8.9Monitoring of performance

1.0Introduction and Purpose

This procedure details arrangements for the assessment and accreditation of Independent Connection Provider’s (ICP’s) Senior Authorised Person’s (SAP’s), Authorised Person’s (AP’s) and Craftsperson’s to give confidence that the quality of work they do on the UK Power Networks distribution network is of a standard that UK Power Networks is prepared to adopt.

UK Power Networks has documented approaches to the manner in which people are put to work and expects ICP organisations to have approaches that achieve as a minimum the same standards.


This procedure can apply to any person who is undertaking work on behalf of an ICP on the UK Power Networks distribution network.

The procedure specifies the duties and responsibilities of people involved in the assessment and accreditation of people working for an ICP to carry out work on the electrical distribution systems operated by UK Power Networks.

The procedure outlines recording of assessments and issue of accreditation.


To ensure that our current policies, procedures and practices align with the CiCCoP and whilst UK Power Networks would preferto use Option 1 for “connection activity” and Option 2 for “operational activity’ we will work together with any ICP to develop and agree effectivearrangements for any alternative options in the CiCCoP that the ICP would prefer to use.

This confirms that UK Power Networks makes available all options to all ICPs to suit the ICP’s preferences e.g. including Option 2 for “connection activity” and Option 1 for “operations” so that we do not distort, prevent or restrict competition in the market for new electrical Distributionconnections


CON 08 005 / Competition in Connections
CON 08 115 / ICP Self Connection & Operational Activity Procedure
DSR’s / Distribution Safety Rules
ENA document / Competition in Connections – Code of Practice
HSS 41 003 / Training, Assessment and Certification of Persons
HSS 41 008 / Authorisation of Independent Connection Providers (ICPs)
Craftsperson’s by UK Power Networks
HSS 41 009 / Authorisation of Independent Connection Providers (ICPs),
Authorised Persons (APs) and Senior Authorised Persons (SAPs) by UK Power Networks


Accreditation Development Manager / The person within UK Power Networks who is responsible for managing the delivery of assessments and authorisations and who appoints Assessors
AP / Authorised Person
Assessor / A person appointed in writing to assess the skills and competence of people who will carry out work on UK Power Networks distribution network.
CiC / Competition in Connections
CiC Operations Manager / Person appointed by UK Power Networks within CiC, to manage the process to enable ICPs to work on the UK Power Networks distribution network.
Competition Development Group / A Committee of UK Power Networks set up to monitor and encourage Competition in Connections.
ENA / Energy Network Association
ICP / Independent Connections Provider
ICP Authorising Officer / Person within the ICP who is responsible for ensuring that ICP staff are ready to undertake the UKPN acceptance process
IDNO / Independent Distribution Network Operator
Lead Assessor / The Lead Assessor who makes the final assessment of the ICP’s persons offered for assessment and who pulls together any other assessments contained in the portfolio.
Line manager / Line managers are responsible for the health, safety, welfare and competence of the people who report to them.
Lloyds Register Energy / UK Utility Schemes
NERS / National Electrical Registration Scheme
OFGEM / The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
SAP / Senior Authorised Person
SMS / Safety Management System
SORN / System Operations Reference Number


6.1CiC Operations Manager

To manage the process by which an ICP is enabled to work on the UK Power Networksdistribution network.

To ensure that;

  • He is aware of which authorisation option the ICP has selected from the CiCCoP for their connection and operational activities whilst working on the UK Power Networks distribution network.
  • Any person nominated by an ICP has been trained and are competent and NERS accredited.
  • The Accreditation Development Manager is provided with the details of SAP’s and AP’s the ICP is intending to utilise under authorisation option 2 and 3.
  • By the management of the System Operations Reference Numbers (SORN) the staff scheduled to carry out work on the UK Power Networks network have been appropriately assessed and appointed.
  • Processes are in place to ensure the safety of UK Power Networks staff, ICP staff and the general public and that the ICP has effective SMS’s and Safety Rules.
  • There is a clear communication of responsibilities.
  • The quality of work that UKPN adopts is of a suitable standard.
  • That any network Familiarisation requests are forwarded to the Accreditation Development Manager.

6.2Accreditation Development Manager

To manage the process by which ICP staff are empowered to work on the UK Power Network apparatus that forms part of the distribution network.

Define the standard of performance to be demonstrated by a person to enable them to be allowed to work on the UK Power networks distribution network.

To ensure that assessments of staff working for an ICP are the same standard as for UK Power Networks staff.


By using the performance criteria ensuring that assessments are sufficient to examine all aspects of the skills being assessed.

Providing an accurate record of each practical assessment and/or underpinning knowledge assessment for the collation by the Lead Assessor.


All training, certificates, assessments and records will be retained by the Assessment and Accreditation team within LMS

8.0Process Detail

8.1Statement of principle

No person shall be put to work on or near any part of the distribution network where their lack of competence or skills could reasonably be seen to place themselves or others in danger.

UK Power Networks would prefer to use Option 1 for “connection activity” and Option 2 for “operational activity” but will work together with any ICP to develop and agree effective arrangements for any alternative options in the CiCCoP that the ICP would prefer to use.

But UK Power Networks makes available all options to all ICPs to suit the ICP’s preferences e.g. including Option 2 for ‘connection activity’ and Option 1 for ‘operational activity”.

Once the level of required competence and skills has been assessed then all people working on the distribution network for an ICP shall be in possession of a competency certificate either issued by the ICP or UK Power Networks.

8.2Employer request for assessment

An ICP is responsible for making any requests for an assessment, to the UK Power Networks CiC Operations Manager.

The request will need to explain what skills the person needs to be assessed for. The Assessment outline and criteria are available on the external UK Power Networks web site can be provided to the ICP by UK Power Networks CiC Operations Manager at the initial application stage.

At least six weeks’ notice is preferred for assessment requests and they should include details of their level of competence issued by the employer, along with the supporting information detailed in section 8.7.

8.3Competence Standards

Competence and skills are measured against specific standards of performance of both Safety and Quality.

The standards will consist of;

  • A set of performance criteria that can be measured and observed
  • A description of the underpinning knowledge that a person should have

A range or scope across which the competence can be applied. E.g. the voltage of the systems that the competence can be used on.


All ICP staff shall have been trained, assessed and deemed competent to the standard appropriate by the ICP Authorising officer for the authorisation level and trade for which they are being presented for UK Power Network acceptance.


The candidate must be able to provide evidence of;

  • NERS registration number
  • National Insurance Number
  • Valid Emergency First Aid certificate
  • Training received
  • ICP issued competency certificate
  • UKPN competency certificate, if applicable

Note: UK Power Networks can refuse to assess if a candidate has been dismissed by UK Power Networks or another DNO/ICP/IDNO for a related matter.

8.6Assessment of competence and accreditation of persons

A person undertaking an assessment will need to have been trained to meet a competence andskill level and will be assessed against the performance criteria for that level of competence and skill by a Lead Assessor.

If the person is able to perform the activity to the required standard and has the necessary level of supporting knowledge and evidence they will be issued with a competency certificate.

If the required standard is not achieved the person’s employer shall be notified and feedback will be provided by the Lead Assessor. It may be a recommendation from UKPN that additional training is undertaken before another assessment is conducted. This additional training can be conducted by an external provider or through the UKPN Technical Training Centre.

The person’s employer shall be notified of the assessment date by the Operational LiaisonEngineer and be provided with joining instructions by the UKPN Technical Training Centre.


The assessment will be dependent on the competence being sought but will consist of all or some of the following elements at the discretion of Assessor:

  • Questioning of the underpinning knowledge of the candidate
  • An assessment of the supplied portfolio of evidence that the candidate has completed, which should cover the training courses completed and the practiced skills carried out under supervision.
  • An observation of the candidate performing the activity.

The assessor carrying out an observation should not normally take responsibility for supervision of the candidate. Where it is expedient for the Assessor to take on the role of supervisor then the assessor shall have a relevant current competence certificate.

The Assessor must agree with the candidate the assessment process. This includes;

  • Date and time of assessment observations and question sessions.
  • The exact qualification being assessed.
  • The performance criteria for that qualification.
  • The way the assessment will be done.
  • Any other arrangements necessary to facilitate the assessment.

On completion the Assessor must complete an assessment form which gives a summary of the assessment and attach to it any supporting evidence of performance, or copies of it (including any documents produced by the candidate during the assessment). The Assessor should also attach a copy of the performance criteria against which the candidate was assessed. For the underpinning knowledge interview a full record of the questions asked must also be attached to the assessment summary.

The Assessor will issue a signed Certificate to the successful candidate; the Certificate will allow the candidate to work at the new level of competence.

The Assessor will issue the Certificate to the candidate and notify the Assessment and Accreditation Team.

The Assessor or Assessment Coordinator will update the details to the LMS competence database.

After they have been added the line manager will be able to view the new details within LMS and produce additional Certificates if required.

8.8Recording of ICP staff

The names of ICP staff working on or near the distribution system operated by UK Power Networks will be recorded by the UK Power Networks Assessment and Accreditation Team.

The UK Power Networks Assessment and Accreditation Team will make confidential use National Insurance numbers as the index for their records.

Employees without a UK National Insurance number must have their legitimate employment status confirmed. If an employee does not have a UK National Insurance number a temporary identifier will be allocated by Assessment and Accreditation Team. On receipt of a UK National Insurance number the Assessment and Accreditation Teams records will be updated.

UK Power Networks, Assessment and Accreditation Team shall be notified within one calendar month of a change of home employer, the records will be amended and accreditation letters re-issued.

8.9Monitoring of performance

The on-going monitoring of compliance to ensure the appropriate application of the Safe System of Work is the responsibility of the ICP. Anybody who works on or near electrical distribution systems controlled by UK Power Networks can be subjected to a recorded safety audit. Monitoring by UK Power Networks will be primarily to ensure quality.

This printed document is valid at 30/11/18, check after this date for validity.
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