Una ceremonia de premios


Imagine that you’re producing an internet or television Awards Ceremony. The show will include 5 different awards. You may choose the awards to be given. For example: Funniest Film, Most Intelligent Student, Most Interesting Book, Stupidest Animal, Worst Dressed Celebrity, Best Restaurant, etc. You may use a superlative (funniest, most interesting, best, etc.) ONE TIME ONLY. For example, if you have Best Film, and Best Restaurant, only one of them will count because you’re using “Best” twice. For each ‘award’ include 3 nominees and then write a paragraph comparing the nominees and justifying your choice for #1. Finally, list your choice for “best”, “most intelligent”, etc. Example: (naturally this would all be in Spanish)

Most Useful Class at Brearley:

Algebra 2

English 3

Physical Education

Next, you will write a paragraph of about 75 words comparing these classes. English 3 is more interesting than Algebra 2, but Algebra is probably a better class, etc. Be sure that your comparisons lead to a logical #1 choice. Then you will write,

The Most Useful Class at Brearley is…

You will do this for 5 categories.

You will present your winners to the class, saying only the category and the winner, without the written comparisons. However, you WILL include a “commercial” in your presentation, in which you compare two or more products to each other using comparative and superlative forms. For example, maybe you’re comparing two shampoos: you’ll talk about how one is better or more ____ than the other. Your commercial should be no more than one minute. You must practice in advance so you can say everything you need to say in that minute. After one minute, time is up. The commercial must be complete. (Regular TV commercials are generally 30 seconds long.) You may not read the commercial and you are not required to hand in a written copy.

Written project is due ______

Oral presentations are due ______


TaskCompletion / Topic
Development / Vocabulary
and Fluency / Grammar and
25 / fully addresses and
completes task
responds fully to
all parts; min. # of
sentences included / relevant treatment of all/almost all of topic
very well-organized and cohesive / rich precise vocab
uses large number of new vocab
flows smoothly
ease of expression / control of a variety of structures including more advanced
excellent command of grammar, spelling
22 / appropriately addresses and completes task
responds to almost all parts of task / relevant and well-developed
well-organized and generally cohesive / considerable breadth of vocab; includes large number of new vocab
ease of expression / control of a variety of structures with a few errors; excellent control of elementary forms
conventions of writing are generally correct
19 / address and completes task
adequate response / relevant treatment of task; organized resonse, cohesive / appropriate vocab but some interference; may lack some new vocab / errors in a variety of structures; some errors in grammar, spelling
17 / partially addresses or completes task / some irrelevant treatment of topic; some inadequate organization / limited vocab; doesn’t use enough new vocab / frequent erros even in elementary structures; frequent gramm spelling err
13 / doesn’t complete task ; inappropriate response / irrelevant treatment of elements of topic; disorganized response / insufficient vocab; frequent interference from other language / numerous errors impede communication; pervasive errors in grammar, spelling

20 points are deducted for any missing parts or for paragraphs that have fewer than 75 words.