COMMITTEE: / Personnel & Curriculum / DATE: / 14th October 2015
1.  Election of Chair
2.  Welcome and Apologies
3.  Declarations of Interest
4.  Minutes of 22nd April 2015
5.  Matters arising
6.  Curriculum Reports
Sci / Computing
7.  Policies for Review
a.  ICT
b.  Science
c.  Behaviour Policy
d.  Child protection
8.  Brief input on new reporting format for parents and carers - II
9.  Standards – brief report on Excellence For All evaluation
10.  Rolling Programme for subject reviews
11.  Personnel Updates
12.  Matters brought forward at the discretion of the chair.
13.  Date of next meeting
Welcome & Apologies
-  Apologies from EM
Declarations Of Interest
Minutes of 22nd April
Agreed as a true and accurate record
Proposed by HH
Seconded by TV
Curriculum Reports
Tamsyn Mann gave her Science and Computing repots to the governing body
Tamsyn gave her report to the governors, saying that due to her having just started the role, that computing was going to be a focus for the time being, and that when she was satisfied that computing was in a better position in school, she would focus on the Science.
She highlighted the proposed structure of the curriculum, and shared documents with the governors.
She highlighted 3 strands of study
She shared a list of vocabulary that she had compiled for staff, broken down into classes.
She shared her action plan for computing, which is feeding into the new school development plan as per the evaluation cycle.
She highlighted that she would be looking at developing use of tablets and associated apps in educating the children across school
She believed that the website could be updated more frequently
She highlighted the Internet safety day being held on the 21st October 2015, to raise resources as well through the Flora tablets for Schools scheme.
A general discussion was held around the possibility of school purchasing units of Flora to acquire the tablets quickly. II to look into this.
II commented to governors that in such a short space of time, Tamsyn had done a terrific job, and the governors agreed that she had done well, especially as she was a new member of staff.
In terms of Science, TM stated that the existing policy was still good to be used, but she would be reviewing it as soon as possible.
A vote of thanks was given from the chair, and TM left the meeting.
Policy Updates
Behaviour Policy
II commented that behaviour at school is very high, and it is because of this policy that expectations are explicit and clear to the children
JP asked II to explain what it meant when children were put “on the fence” at lunch times. II explained this and she said that she was satisfied that this was appropriate. II also explained how this has evolved into all staff now coming onto the playground at the end of playtimes to avoid individuals being singled out if possible.
II also stated that there was a lot of curriculum time potentially being wasted due to old systems, and staff coming out has sharpened this up.
Agreed that ICT and SCI policies would be agreed at the next meeting.
Discussion held re the need for updating reporting systems – new system to be more regular, alongside more frequent drop-ins for parents.
Interim reports in autumn and spring, with full report in summer
Drop ins in autumn and summer, with full parents’ evening in spring
Targets to be communicated each time to parents.
Excellence for all
II talked Govs through the evaluation form and the pathways to be taken with LA.
Full report to Govs to be given at next full meeting.
II explained that although results were sufficient to keep inspectors at bay, there are clear areas for work highlighted through the evaluation of data that will be included in the plan for the future.
Rolling programme for visits / curriculum leaders
GH shared this with governors, and was agreed.
II reported that LD had started as TA in Sandpipers Class, with huge positive feedback. II to keep him on in new year. Lots of positive impact on behaviour and attitudes.
New volunteer (D. Moses) started – working out very well and providing lots of support to children.
HD is on the mend, and she is on target to be returning to work in a few weeks’ time after her operation. GH and AT are covering start and ends of the school day, and are doing what has been
a terrific job in managing new roles that HD would have taken
Susette Barrett has been employed by the local authority to undertake the duties of financial management.
Rachel Thompson and Jodie Pitson stipulated that they would like to have a more hands-on role at school, and II stated that this was perfectly acceptable and that they knew that the school welcomed all volunteers wishing to impact.
It was agreed that all governors now needed photos on the school website.
Matters Brought Forward
Date Of next meeting
9th December 2015 1730hours
These minutes are agreed by those present as being a true record.
(Chair of Committee) / Date: