Membership Application
Members of NAPVI and TAPVI receive the quarterly Awareness newsletter.
Family Membership
______$10 TAPVI
______$35 TAPVI & NAPVI
Professional Associate Membership
______$10 TAPVI
______$60 TAPVI & NAPVI
______Request membership assistance*
______Additional tax deductible donation
Name ______
Address ______
City ______
State _____ Zip ______
Phone ______
Email ______
Child’s name______
Birthdate ______Gender M F
Eye condition______
Other disabilities______
I give NAPVI & TAPVI permission to release this information to other parents: YES NO
_____ I would be interested in materials in Spanish.
*Membership assistance is available for parents/ guardians. Contact a TAPVI officer.
Who We Are:
TAPVI is a non-profit organization of parents and professionals committed to providing support to families of children who have blindness or visual impairments including those with additional disabilities.
We welcome all parents, relatives, educators, and others involved in supporting Texas families who have children with blindness or visual impairments.
The mission of TAPVI is to inspire and support parents of children with visual impairments to become empowered to guide their child in achieving full potential
in all aspects of life.
What We Do:
- Enable parents to find relevant information and resources
- Offer networking opportunities to connect families
- Increase public awareness about the specific needs of our children so they are included in their community
- Foster communication among the agencies and organizations involved with people with blindness or visual impairments
How do I join TAPVI?
Please enclose this membership form along with your check and mail to the following address:
Linda Hulett
12 Rocky Lane
Houston, TX 77040
Please make checks payable to TAPVI
How do I find out more?
Online VI community & website:
Family Connect
Join the TX VI Family listserv:
TSBVI Outreach Program
The TAPVI board is made up of officers who are parents of children with blindness or visual impairments and professionals that work with them. Please feel free to contact any one of us to join TAPVI or to ask any questions.
TAPVI Board Members:
Isela Wilson (Habla Español)
Rancho Viejo, TX
Joe Paschall
Austin, TX
Linda Hulett
Houston, TX
Alison Brown
Houston, TX
Jean Robinson
TAPVI is an affiliate of the National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments (NAPVI) and ascribes to the general purposes and policies of the national association.
The Outreach Program is funded in part by IDEA-B Formula and IDEA-D Deafblind Federal grants. Funds are administered through the Texas Education Agency, Division of Special Education to the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
Aug 2012
T A P V I Texas Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments
“I can assure you there is no more powerful advocate for children than a parent armed with information and options.”
Dr. Rod Paige,
U.S. Secretary of Education, 2001-2004