Working Well With Others
Project Title: Working Well With Others
Project Idea:
Students will investigate the personal and workplace readiness skills that are necessary to complete a collaborative project.
Entry Event:
Hook students by presenting the following task: In groups of four, students are presented a jigsaw puzzle to complete without talking and without the picture. Discuss the skills used to successfully complete this collaborative task. A consideration would be to do this activity again with after the project and have students discuss the skills they used to see if they incorporated some of the skills they learned during this project.
Optional Hook:Search other collaboration activities to launch this project-based learning experience.
Present the task: As a member of a collaborative team in the human resource department in your organization, your goal is to develop a multi-media presentation for members of the organization that shares how one can develop the skills that are necessary to complete a collaborative project. Your work on this project will be evaluated by you using theProject Self-assessment handout, your peers using theCollaboration Rubric, your teacher, your parents, and a panel composed of human resource officers using thePresentation Rubric.
Content Standards:
Standards Directly Taught or Learned Through Discovery / Identified Learning Targets / Evidence of Success in Achieving Identified Learning TargetELA 5.24 With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach
ELA 5.25 With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type accurately.
DSS.3-5.10 Plan to achieve goals Demonstrate an understanding of the steps used in developing a plan. Make short-term and long-term plans, as appropriate. Persist in activities to achieve goals. Investigate the importance of early academic planning to prepare for post-secondary success and reaching career goals. / Students will use pre-reading strategies to preview, question, skim, and scan text.
Students will plan, develop, and deliver a research project with a bibliography.
Students set goals, plan to achieve them, and monitor and adjust performance seeking assistance as needed. / Student-created Need to Know list
Individual Research Project assessed usingWest Virginia Writing Assessment Rubric
Student-created Task Management Chart
Performance Objectives:
Know How to generate the questions that will lead to getting the information they need
How to use pre-reading strategies to identify reliable resources
How to take notes of relevant information
How to use comprehension strategies to synthesize information
How to cite sources of information
How to plan, develop, and deliver an individual research project
How to plan, create, and present a multi-media project
Generate questions that they need to answer.Complete a daily individualLearning Log/Vocabulary sheet.
Identify sources to answer the questions on the need to know list.
Take notes of relevant information.
Read and synthesize information.
Cite sources of information.
Plan, develop, and deliver an individual research project.
Create a task list.
Outline multi-media presentation.
Rehearse multi-media presentation.
Plan, create, and present an age-appropriate media project with your group.
Evaluate presentations of peers.
Self-assess your work on the project.
Driving Question: How can one develop skills necessary to complete a collaborative project?
Assessment Plan:
Major Group Products / Group Multi-media PresentationMajor Individual Products / Individual Research Project
Assessment and Reflection:
Rubric(s) I will use: (Check all that apply.) / Collaboration / X / Written Communication / XCritical Thinking & Problem Solving / Content Knowledge
Oral Communication / Other / X
Other classroom assessments for learning: (Check all that apply) / Quizzes/ tests / Practice presentations / X
Self-evaluation / X / Notes / X
Peer evaluation / X / Checklists/observations / X
Online tests and exams / Concept maps
Reflections: / Survey / Focus Group
Discussion / X / Task Management Chart / X
Journal Writing/ Learning Log / X / Other
Map the Product: Step One
Launch the project with assistance from a human resource officer or someone responsible for hiring.
Review theEntry Event.
Create a Need to Know list.
Review Managing the Process Timeline.
Review theWest Virginia Writing Rubric.
Create individual learning logs.
Begin reading and research for individual research project.
Teacher monitors individual progress on a daily basis by walking around the room.
Step Two
Keep daily learning log.
Continue working on individual paper.
Step Three
Complete drafts of individual paper.
Step Four
Confer with teacher to monitor progress and form groups of similar or related skills forcompletion of group project Revise and edit draft of individual paper.
Submit notes and bibliography for individual paper.
Step Five
Submit individual paper.
ReviewPresentation Rubricas well asCollaboration Rubric.
Hold initial group meetings.
Compose group contracts.
Write preliminary task lists.
Step Six
Complete final Task Management Chart.
Step Seven
Plan outline of multi-media presentation.
Step Eight
Present plan for multi-media presentation.
Confer with teacher about outline for multi-media presentation.
Step Nine
Create multi-media presentation.
Step Ten
Rehearse multi-media presentations by presenting them to reading/English language arts teacher, library/media specialist, and technology integration specialist as available.
Step Eleven
Revise multi-media presentation.
Step Twelve
Present projects for authentic audience composed of human resource officers or people responsible for hiring.
Respond to questions about topic.
Audience (peers, teacher, family, and panel) evaluates projects using thePresentation Rubric.
Step Thirteen
Complete daily learning log.
Self-evaluate usingProject Self-Assessmenthandout.
Peers assess each other using theCollaboration Rubric.
Knowledge and Skills Needed / Already Have Learned / Taught Before the Project / Taught During the Project1. Knowledge of various age-appropriate media products. / X
2.Knowledge of format. / X
3.Knowledge of purpose. / X
4.Knowledge of audience. / X
5.Skills to gather information. / X
6.Skills to take notes. / X
7. Skills to synthesize information. / X
8. Skills to record sources in correct bibliographic format. / X
9. Skills to plan, develop, and deliver a research project. / X
10. Skills to collaborate with others. / X
11. Skills to plan, create, and present a multi-media presentation. / X
Resources: attached
School-based Individuals:
Reading/English Language Arts teacher
Library/Media specialist
Technology Integration Specialist
Principal or designee responsible for hiring
Computers with connections to the server
Computers with Internet connections
Computers with word processing software
Computers with presentation software
Some websites students might use as starters include:
The National Network for Collaboration has links to other websites that might provide useful information.
This site offers tips on how to develop collaboration skills with a link to how to build leadership capacity through collaboration. This site provides information on communication and collaboration.
Community:Human Resource Directors to launch project, to serve as interviewees, and to serve as panel members
Print and non-print informational resources
Project Checklist handout
Individual Learning Logwith Words Important to Understanding the Topic handout
Project Self-Assessmenthandout
Collaboration Rubrichandout
West Virginia Writing Assessment Rubrichandout
Presentation Rubrichandout
Manage the Process: To ensure that the targeted learning occurs, the teacher is constantly monitoring student progress toward the goals to make sure students are acquiring and applying the intended learning outcomes. The teacher checks with each individual and each group on a regular basis as well as reads each individual’s learning log. Students choose a skill necessary to successfully complete a collaborative project and present a case for investigation as an individual through a research project.
To group students for the group media presentation, the teacher will group students who investigated similar or related skills in the following groups: leadership skills, ethical behavior, respect, responsibility, planning skills, and productive interactions. Each group willgather, analyze, interpret, and synthesize information regarding how their chosen skill contributes to the successful completion of a collaborative project.
.The knowledge and skills students should master before beginning this project are included in West Virginia College & Career Readiness Standards; however, the teacher might find it necessary to reteach some of the objectives in mini-lessons with small groups or the whole class.
To differentiate instruction, the teacher allows students to choose what skill they will investigate, how they will investigate, what resources they will use, and how they will present their findings depending on their personal interest and learning profile. The teacher will scaffold instruction to meet individual student needs through mini-lessons as needed for individuals, small groups, and/or whole group so all students can successfully meet the goals of this project.
School-based and community-based adults will be notified about the project before it is started, so they realize what students are doing when they solicit information from them for their projects. Students will have access to the school-based adults throughout the project. It is hoped that students will be able to have access to community-based resources throughout the project through electronic means. Also, school-based and community-based adults will be invited to be on the panel to which students present their multi-media presentations.
Managing the Process Timeline:
Step One
Launch the project with assistance from a human resource officer or someone responsible for hiring.
Review theEntry Event.
Create a Need to Know list.
Review Managing the Process Timeline.
Review theWest Virginia Writing Rubric.
Create individual learning logs.
Begin reading and research for individual research project.
Teacher monitors individual progress on a daily basis by walking around the room.
Step Two
Keep daily learning log.
Continue working on individual paper.
Step Three
Complete drafts of individual paper.
Step Four
Confer with teacher to monitor progress and form groups of similar or related skills forcompletion of group project Revise and edit draft of individual paper.
Submit notes and bibliography for individual paper.
Step Five
Submit individual paper.
ReviewPresentation Rubricas well asCollaboration Rubric.
Hold initial group meetings.
Compose group contracts.
Write preliminary task lists.
Step Six
Complete final Task Management Chart.
Step Seven
Plan outline of multi-media presentation.
Step Eight
Present plan for multi-media presentation.
Confer with teacher about outline for multi-media presentation.
Step Nine
Create multi-media presentation.
Step Ten
Rehearse multi-media presentations by presenting them to reading/English language arts teacher, library/media specialist, and technology integration specialist as available
Step Eleven
Revise multi-media presentation.
Step Twelve
Present projects for authentic audience composed of human resource officers or people responsible for hiring.
Respond to questions about topic.
Audience (peers, teacher, family, and panel) evaluates projects using thePresentation Rubric.
Step Thirteen
Complete daily learning log.
Self-evaluate usingProject Self-Assessmenthandout.
Peers assess each other using theCollaboration Rubric.
Project Reflection and Evaluation:
Students will reflect throughout the project in their individual learning logs, which can be accessed in the resources. If you are concerned students might spend too much of their time completing the individual learning logs, you might consider giving students five to ten minutes at the end of each class for this activity. Another option would be to require it less than daily depending on your students’ needs. Teachers will reflect throughout the project as a result of their observations and personal communications with students. Students also assess their own work on the project using theProject Self-Assessmenthandout. They will assess the work of their peers using theCollaboration Rubric. As a whole group, the class will debrief the project through whole class discussion.
Name ______
Date ______
Block ______
Project ______
Please respond to each question.
- During the project, I ______
- As a result of working on this project, I learned my strengths include ______
- As a result of working on this project, I learned my challenges include ______
- As a result of working on this project, I learned ______about the content.
- As a result of working on this project, I learned ______about doing research.
- As a result of working on this project, I learned ______about presenting to an audience.
- As a result of working on this project, I learned ______about working in a group.
- As a result of working on this project, I would make the following changes the next time I do a project ______Thank you
Collaboration / Below Standard / At Standard / Above Standard
Leadership /
- Student plays a passive role,
- Student generates few new ideas
- Student tends to only do what they are told to do by others.
- Student plays an active role in generating new ideas.
- Student takes initiative in getting tasks organized.
- Student delegates responsibilities when required.
- Student keeps group/class on task and on schedule.
- Student understands and articulates goals of class/group.
- Student accepts responsibilities for his or her actions and the actions of the group.
- Student thoughtfully organizes and divides the work between group members.
- Student monitors progress toward group goal.
- Student adapts easily to changes in the task or group.
0 / 1 / 2
Cooperation /
- Student does not willingly follow directions.
- Student vocalizes intense opposition to group or classroom goals.
- Student does not comply with group, classroom and community rules.
- Student follows directions from group leaders, group members and adults who take the lead or offer assistance.
- Student expresses the ability in words and deeds to adapt to the goals of the group, even when those goals may be different than their own.
- Student complies with group, classroom and community rules.
- Student encourages cooperation through words and actions.
- Student creates or initiates procedures (or activities) that encourage cooperation.
- Student willingly switches roles in group or classroom as required by the situation.
0 / 1 / 2
Attitude & Demeanor /
- Student does not display positive attitude in words, expression or body language
- Student does not provide positive feedback.
- Student does not dress, act or respond appropriately to the task at hand.
- Student displays positive attitude toward individual and group tasks in words, expression and body language
- Student provides positive feedback to peers and adults
- Student dresses, acts and responds appropriately to the task at hand.
- Student models appropriate speech, behavior, clothing,, etc. even at the risk of breaking peer norms.
- Student goes out of their way to encourage positive behavior and attitude.
0 / 1 / 2
Facilitation & Mediation /
- Student is passive in the face of individual or group conflict.
- Student encourages discord.
- Student does not seek or encourage facilitation or mediation of conflict.
- Student seeks to resolve conflicts between individuals or groups by listening to both sides.
- Student encourages peers and adults to listen to each other.
- Student never attempts to cause conflict by false reporting.
- Student only engages in private side conversations when attempting to reduce discord.
- Student is willing to accept facilitation or mediation in the event they are involved in a conflict.
- Student serves as facilitator or mediator between groups or individuals.
- Student volunteers to find resources or schedule meetings between individuals or groups in conflict.
- Student, alone or in concert with other students or adults, initiates activities that further harmony between individuals or groups.
0 / 1 / 2
Empathy /
- Student does not express empathy for the feelings of others.
- Student displays a lack of awareness or disregard for diversity.
- Student is locked into one view of issue(s).
- Student expresses empathy for the feelings of others through words, body language or deeds.
- Student displays awareness of diversity and the needs of different ethnic/social/religious groups.
- Student demonstrates ability to look at issues from multiple points of view.
- Student engages in action that makes the emotional comfort of others a primary concern.
- Student attempts to broaden group activities to be more inclusive.
0 / 1 / 2
Collaboration / Below Standard / At Standard / Above Standard
Leadership /
- Student plays a passive role,
- Student generates few new ideas
- Student tends to only do what they are told to do by others.
- Student plays an active role in generating new ideas.
- Student takes initiative in getting tasks organized.
- Student delegates responsibilities when required.
- Student keeps group/class on task and on schedule.
- Student understands and articulates goals of class/group.
- Student accepts responsibilities for his or her actions and the actions of the group.
- Student thoughtfully organizes and divides the work between group members.
- Student monitors progress toward group goal.
- Student adapts easily to changes in the task or group.
0 / 1 / 2
Cooperation /
- Student does not willingly follow directions.
- Student vocalizes intense opposition to group or classroom goals.
- Student does not comply with group, classroom and community rules.
- Student follows directions from group leaders, group members and adults who take the lead or offer assistance.
- Student expresses the ability in words and deeds to adapt to the goals of the group, even when those goals may be different than their own.
- Student complies with group, classroom and community rules.
- Student encourages cooperation through words and actions.
- Student creates or initiates procedures (or activities) that encourage cooperation.
- Student willingly switches roles in group or classroom as required by the situation.
0 / 1 / 2
Attitude & Demeanor /
- Student does not display positive attitude in words, expression or body language
- Student does not provide positive feedback.
- Student does not dress, act or respond appropriately to the task at hand.
- Student displays positive attitude toward individual and group tasks in words, expression and body language
- Student provides positive feedback to peers and adults
- Student dresses, acts and responds appropriately to the task at hand.
- Student models appropriate speech, behavior, clothing,, etc. even at the risk of breaking peer norms.
- Student goes out of their way to encourage positive behavior and attitude.
0 / 1 / 2
Facilitation & Mediation /
- Student is passive in the face of individual or group conflict.
- Student encourages discord.
- Student does not seek or encourage facilitation or mediation of conflict.
- Student seeks to resolve conflicts between individuals or groups by listening to both sides.
- Student encourages peers and adults to listen to each other.
- Student never attempts to cause conflict by false reporting.
- Student only engages in private side conversations when attempting to reduce discord.
- Student is willing to accept facilitation or mediation in the event they are involved in a conflict.
- Student serves as facilitator or mediator between groups or individuals.
- Student volunteers to find resources or schedule meetings between individuals or groups in conflict.
- Student, alone or in concert with other students or adults, initiates activities that further harmony between individuals or groups.
0 / 1 / 2
Empathy /
- Student does not express empathy for the feelings of others.
- Student displays a lack of awareness or disregard for diversity.
- Student is locked into one view of issue(s).
- Student expresses empathy for the feelings of others through words, body language or deeds.
- Student displays awareness of diversity and the needs of different ethnic/social/religious groups.
- Student demonstrates ability to look at issues from multiple points of view.
- Student engages in action that makes the emotional comfort of others a primary concern.
- Student attempts to broaden group activities to be more inclusive.
0 / 1 / 2