Danish Disability Fund





1. Cover page

Status reports should only be completed for grants running over a period of more than 15 months. If the grant period is less than 15 months, it is sufficient to draw up a completion report.

A status report must be submitted once a year. Starting from 2016, all status reports must be submitted by 20 March each year regardless of the date of grant approval. The exception is projects approved in the last quarter of the preceding year, since they are presumed to be barely initiated, and hence need not begin their status reporting until the subsequent year.

The status report presents the Danish organisation’s reporting to the Danish Disability Fund. Your reflections are important with a view to ensuring documentation and learning. Furthermore, the status report will form part of the Danish organisation’s track record and will be considered in the assessment of future applications with the same or with other partners in accordance with DPOD’s Guidelines for the Danish Disability Fund (in Danish).

Disability Fund ref. no.
Date of report submission
Applicant organisation
(financially responsible)
Contact person for the project / Name:
Other Danish partner(s
(if relevant)
South partner(s)
Project title
Grant modality (insert X) / C: Major development project or cooperation project ___
D: Project of more than DKK 5 million ___
Period / Project period: / Reporting period:
Budget / Amount granted: / Amount spent thus far:
Status regarding compliance with expected outputs / Behind schedule / Partly behind schedule / As expected / Partly ahead of schedule / Ahead of schedule
Insert synthesis of status report in Danish
(max. 200 words. This will be used as a presentation of your project on DPOD’s website.)

2. Reporting

The combined report should not exceed, in the case of a C-grant: 8 pages, and a D grant: 10 pages.

1.  Good advice from the Grant Committee

a.  Did the grant note contain “good advice” to which you were asked to pay special attention?



If yes, please list the pieces of advice as bullet points. For each point briefly explain which measures have been taken in the course of the reporting period. If there was any advice that you have chosen not to follow, then explain why. (If you have already described this in a previous status report, please refer to it.)

In the case of projects of longer duration in which one or several status reports have been submitted:

b.  Did last year’s response to the Status Report mention any issue to which you were asked to pay special attention? If so, please describe which initiatives have been taken.

2.  Implementation – is it proceeding as planned?

a.  Briefly mention the main measures/activities carried out since the last report.

b.  Outline the overall picture of how far your implementation has advanced compared to the plan. If important activities had been planned, but were not carried out (in the period since the last status report), then list these and briefly indicate the reasons Also indicate if your implementation is ahead of schedule.

c.  Are there any new opportunities, challenges or significant changes in the context (including internal or external risk factors) and/or in the preconditions/assumptions, on which the project is based? If so, please explain and indicate whether they are expected to affect implementation in a positive or negative direction.

d.  Has this given rise to any adjustments?

For D: Projects of more than DKK 5 million:

e.  Briefly describe whether the risk analysis has been followed up and, if so, how. Are there any changes in the risk assessment (new risks added and/or others that have become less relevant)? Have any mitigation measures been taken, and what have been the implications for the assessment of risk? In case there are changes in the risk assessment, please attach a revised version.

3.  Goals achievement

a.  Please attach an updated LFA with an additional status column, which describes how far the project has progressed at this point in time, especially at output level and, to the extent possible, at outcome level. The aim is to provide an easy-to-grasp overview of the project’s goals achievement against the milestones thus far.

b.  On the basis of the attached updated LFA, provide a brief overview of the extent to which you have thus far managed to:

o  deliver the foreseen outputs;

o  achieve the short-term outcomes (i.e. changes, though this is presumably most relevant at later stages of the project);

o  involve/reach the intended target group.

You are welcome to substantiate your description by presenting figures, examples, explanations, small case stories, etc.

c.  Has there been any need to adjust any objectives and/or indicators originally defined in the LFA? If so, briefly explain why? Briefly set out the changes, which must also be reflected in the updated LFA.

4.  Partnership

a.  Since last reporting period, have there been partnership issues on the agenda?

b.  What has worked well in the cooperation between the partner(s), and what has posed challenges to the partnership during the past period?

c.  Do the partnership experiences give rise to any revisions to the partnership approach in the next reporting period?

5.  Monitoring, learning and action

a.  Which monitoring systems have been set up to monitor the project? (If this has already been described in a previous status report, please refer to it and only indicate if there are any adjustments/changes).

b.  Which monitoring activities have been carried out since the last status report?

-  By South partner(s)?

-  By the Danish organisation(s)?

To what degree have you managed to involve the target group actively in monitoring?

c.  What do you and your partners see as the three main observations and learning points since the last report? (For instance, what seems to work well in the intervention, and what poses challenges?

d.  Do the observations and/or learning give rise to changes in the next reporting period?

6.  Spending, financial supervision and auditing

a.  How does project spending during this reporting period compare to what was budgeted for? Indicate, for instance, what has been the relation between spending on administration/salaries and on activities, and set out whether the spending thus far has implications for the budgeting in the next reporting period?

b.  Has the Danish organisation conducted financial oversight of its partner(s) during the project period?

-  If the answer is yes, please set out when you carried out the controls, how you did it (indicate in key words what ground was covered and with whom), and what the controls showed.

-  If the answer is no, do you have plans to conduct financial oversight? If so, when? And if not, why not?

c.  Have the partner’s accounts been audited during the reporting period, and if so, did this give rise to any observations? If it did, please explain.

d.  Are there any points from the audit or controls which you plan to follow up on? If so, when and how?

7.  Overview of key documents

Make a list of the key documents that might have been produced since the last report. These might be documents drawn up in connection with:

a.  Organisational development: analysis, strategy, policy.

b.  Learning materials: training materials, manuals, guiding notes etc.

c.  Advocacy and awareness raising: position papers, surveys.

d.  M&E and learning processes: baseline study, internal/external mid-term review.

e.  Information materials: articles, links to video clips or blog, link to image archive, etc.

8.  Other relevant remarks or information

3. Annexes

Annexes to be attached:

·  Updated (possibly revised) LFA with a completed status column.

·  The revised risk assessment, if any (in the case of D grants).

·  Any key documents that might have been produced during the reporting period.

·  Any other relevant documentation.


Status Report – C/D: Major dev. project /Cooperation project/Project +DKK 5 mill – DANISH DISABILITY FUND (Oct. 2015)