Community Service-Learning
Alternative Break Program
Student Success Center MSC 1011
Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807
Phone: 540/568-6366
Fax: 540/568-6719
Alternative Weekend Break Leader Application
Dear Alternative Break Leader Applicant:
The Alternative Break Program (ABP) at JMU both produces inspiring student leaders and relies upon outstanding student leadership. This letter aims to explain the application process for potential Alternative Weekend Break (AWB) leaders and to outline leaders’ responsibilities.
ABP partners JMU students with communities across the country and around the world. Breakers meet community needs, build mutually beneficial relationships, and develop leadership skills and active citizenship. All Alternative Breaks at JMU are organized around the following 8 Quality Components:
· Strong Direct Service
· Full Engagement (including alcohol & drug free, conscientious living, and more)
· Education
· Orientation
· Training
· Reflection
· Reorientation
· Diversity and Social Justice
As a break leader, you would be an ambassador for the Alternative Break Program and would be expected to help communicate the mission and goals of the program to students and community members. Alternative Weekend Breaks typically involve twelve participants (including two student co-leaders and a faculty or staff learning partner). Breaks depart JMU on Friday afternoon and return to campus on Sunday afternoon or evening. Service sites are located no more than a four-hour drive from Harrisonburg. Student leaders drive JMU vehicles (usually twelve-passenger vans) to and from the service site. A typical break includes eight to nine hours of service on Saturday and three to four hours of service on Sunday.
Leading an Alternative Weekend Break is rewarding and demanding and requires intentional planning and a strong commitment to team-building. Leaders are selected based on demonstrated skills, relevant experience, familiarity with each break’s social justice issue, and leadership potential. While we are open to receiving applications from two students interested in co-leading a break, all applications are considered individually, and co-leader pairings are not guaranteed.
Please complete the application and return it by 11:59 pm on Monday, January 15th to . Only electronic applications are accepted. Please put time and thought into each answer. If you have questions regarding the Alternative Break Program or this application, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks for your interest and we look forward to working with you!
The ABP Team
AWB Leader Responsibilities
1. Serve as a co-leader for a weekend experience.
2. Attend two separate, two-hour trainings with AWB coordinators.
3. Develop a relationship with the agency and housing location sites prior to the weekend break.
4. Develop and facilitate enhanced pre-break (at least 2), on break (at least 2), and post-break (at least 1) education and reflection activities.
5. Serve as the primary contact with the service site and provide regular updates to ABP.
6. Meet with co-leader at least once a week leading up to break.
7. Serve as primary driver of JMU 12-passenger van for weekend break.
8. Buy groceries to feed the group six meals using JMU funds.
9. Provide ABP timely and accurate information for administration and assessment.
10. Facilitate a weekend break that runs from Friday afternoon/evening to Sunday afternoon/evening.
11. Promote, model, and strictly enforce the ABP alcohol and drug free policy – zero tolerance policy for alcohol and drug use, purchase, or possession – during the entire ABP experience.
12. Complete pre- and post- break assessments and ensure participants complete post-break survey.
13. Attend and inform participants of Community Celebration after your break.
14. Pick up and return materials (cooler, shirts, RECEIPTS, paperwork, etc.) to the CS-L office in a timely manner.
Alternative Break Program (ABP) Responsibilities
1. Complete and confirm the agency and housing selection.
2. Plan break logistics (budget, van rental, first aid kit rental, etc.).
3. Assist with educational and reflection preparation.
4. Manage participant sign-up process.
5. Provide promotion for the break as part of ABP website.
6. Set price (typically $30).
7. Collect fees, maintain break financial records and distribute funds.
8. Pay all break-related bills and fees.
9. Collect forms (medical, liability and alcohol and drug free agreement).
10. Complete required paperwork (travel authorizations).
11. Provide emergency contact and procedures for the break.
12. Clearly communicate the zero tolerance policy for alcohol and drug use or possession during the entire ABP experience.
The Alternative Break Program (ABP) is committed to diversity and social justice and strives to be accessible to and inclusive of students of all abilities. If you have a documented disability (or think you may have a disability) and, as a result may need reasonable accommodations to participate in or lead an Alternative Break, please contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) as soon as possible. To receive accommodations, you must be appropriately registered with ODS. The ODS works confidentially in partnership with students, faculty, and other University departments to ensure equal access through Universal Design and reasonable accommodations. The office is located in the Student Success Center, Suite 1202. You may contact them by phone at 540-568-6705 or through email at . Students are also invited to discuss potential accommodations with ABP staff at any point in the application process.
Alternative Weekend Break Leader Application
JMU email: / Academic Year (first-year, second-year…):
Cell Phone: / T-shirt size:
I have completed ASB/AMB/AWB Leader Training. No Yes If ‘yes’, year completed: _____ I will be a full-time student for the semester I am applying to lead. Yes No (explain) ______
Alternative Weekend Break Leader Questionnaire
Community Service-Learning
Short Answers
1. Please describe any leadership experiences, include examples of times you facilitated learning or reflection with a group.2. An important part of service leadership is knowing oneself. Please tell us about your strengths and weaknesses.
3. What other key commitments do you have this semester, and how do you plan to balance the responsibility of leading an AWB with your other obligations?
Upon selection of being an Alternative Weekend Break leader:
I will attend the two leader training sessions (specific dates and times will be set based upon leader schedules).
I will complete the alternative weekend break leader roles and responsibilities to the best of my ability.
Availability | Are you available for the following weekends (select all that apply):
February 23rd – 25th, 2018
March 23rd – 25th, 2018
April 6th – 8th, 2018
I am unavailable for any of the weekends listed above.
Interest | Indicate your level of interest in each of the following social issues (1 = most interested; 5 = least interested):
· Access & abilities: ______
· Animal welfare: ______
· Education: ______
· Environmental justice: ______
· Food security: ______
· Homelessness: ______
· Rebuilding: ______
· Sustainable farming: ______
Experience | Indicate your level of experience with each of the following social issues (1 = significant experience; 5 = no experience):
· Access & abilities: ______
· Animal welfare: ______
· Education: ______
· Environmental justice: ______
· Food security: ______
· Homelessness: ______
· Rebuilding: ______
· Sustainable farming: ______
Leadership Qualities | For each continuum, please mark where you would identify yourself:
“I Tend To/I Am Often…”
Go Along Take Charge
Quiet Talkative
Supportive Challenging
Indecisive Assertive
Ask Question Make Statements
Cooperative Competitive
Introverted Extroverted
Reflective Reactive
Guarded Open
Calm Excitable
Inhibited Animated
Task-Oriented People-Oriented
Pragmatic Idealist
Big Picture Detail-Oriented
Talk Business Share Feelings
Reserved Outgoing
Want Facts Want Opinions
Restrained Emotional
Foot Soldier Visionary
Tenacious Flexible
Optional | Co-leader preference: ______
Required | Please attach a copy of your Spring ‘18 class schedule (command-shift-4 to screenshot on a Mac).
I certify that the information provided is accurate and complete. Once your form has been reviewed, we will contact you to move forward with the next step of the process.
Signature Date
Please return your completed electronic weekend break leader application to titled “Alternative Weekend Break” in the subject line. The deadline for weekend break applications for the 2018 Spring Semester is 11:59 pm on Monday, January 15th. Applications received after the deadline will be considered based on availability.
E-mail with any questions.
N:\SA\CSL\CSL-Common\CS-L\Alternative Break Program\Weekend Break\Forms