29th August 2017
Present: Cllr. P Holmes, Chairman, Cllrs. B Alldred, K Bland, Mrs S Bland, Mrs J Grime, Mrs J Johnson.
1 member of the public.
In Attendance: The Clerk
8.1 The members approved the minutes of the meeting held on the 25th July 2017
8.2. Matters Arising:
8.2.1 SID’s
Members noted that the Borough Council had surveyed the 3 new SID’s sites and had recommended that to achieve maximum benefit for the solar equipment the Culcheth site should be opposite the Newchurch Lane bus shelter. Members agreed that Cllr. Matt Smith would be asked to manage the Bluetooth kit and supply traffic data periodically. The Clerk
8.2.2 Library – members noted that the first meeting of Friends of Culcheth Library had been held on the 12th August with a very encouraging attendance with 100 new members signed up.
8.2.3 Flooding/Culcheth Green – members noted that the matter had been passed to the Borough Engineer who had reported that he would be contacting United Utilities. It was agreed that the matter should not be allowed to falter again and that representations should be made to the Chief Executive via the Borough Councillor.
8.2.4 Mini Traffic Island at Pendle Gardens – members noted that the Borough Council Traffic Dept. had suggested a slight visibility problem but a very low accident history. It was agreed that the Borough Council should be asked to cut back vegetation to improve the visibility.
8.2.5 Current PCSO SLA contract – members noted the minutes of the meeting with the Police and Crime Commissioner and agreed to recommend to Parish Council that a) a refund of £5800.00 be requested, b) the agreement be terminated from October 2017, c) that the agreement be considered for renegotiation when extra resources become available.
8.2.6 - Litter Warden Vacancies – members noted that the Litter Warden had withdrawn her notice and would continue to work weekends and cover for the CMO. There had been no response to the advertisement for Glazebury and Mee Brow. It was agreed that the CMO’s schedule would be revised to cover only specific areas of Glazebury plus Jackson Avenue car park. It was also agreed that consideration would be given to contracting out the work when the current CMO retired.
8.2.7 – Outstanding issues from the Joint Meeting – members noted no response as yet from Northern Rail regarding complaints about Birchwood Station. It was agreed that a reminder should be sent The Clerk
8.2.8 – Local Plan – members noted that the date for comments had been deferred to 29th September. It was generally agreed that, particularly developers, proposals would have a dramatic impact on the area if implemented and should be rigorously challenged.
8.3 HS2
Members noted the minutes of the meeting with HS2 representatives and agreed that councillor’s views on a convenient date in early October for the “day in the area” should be sought The Clerk.
An “Information Event” had been arranged for 15th September at Culcheth Sports Club.
8.4 Neighbourhoods/Community reports.
Members noted that the Neighbourhoods team were considering using Culcheth Library for youth work.
8.5 Law and Order Issues.
Members noted a meeting with local Police on 25th August when local issues were discussed.
8.6 Christmas Market
Members noted that progress on organisation of the event was delayed until decisions regarding funding can be resolved.
8.7 Sub-committee membership – members agreed to recommend to Parish Council that Cllr. Mrs Hutchinson replace Cllr. K Bland on the Planning Working Group, and that Cllr. Mrs Roberts be elected a member of the Finance sub-committee.
8.8 Community Day 2018 – members noted that Circus Whiz had been booked and agreed that details of main attractions should be circulated to councillor’s for a decision at September Parish Council. It was also agreed that the Children’s entertainer should also be booked.
8.9 Glazebury Play Area – members noted a report that the contractor for the Play Area grounds maintenance had caused over £200.00 of strimmer damage to trees and bushes. It was agreed that a letter should be sent bringing the situation to the attention of the contractor and that the council considered it a material breach of the contract. The Clerk
8.10 Correspondence – The members noted:
1. External Auditor – notice of a clean audit but a comment that the accounting statements were approved on the same day as the commencement of the inspection period of the exercise of Electors rights, contrary to audit regulations.
2. CPRE – Guidance on Landscape and Neighbourhood Plans.
3. CPRE – Local Plan comments
8.11 Other business:
1. Notice Board and Trees – members noted that the open notice board at Common Lane and two trees on the Millennium Garden were in need of replacing. It was agreed to recommend to Parish Council that £500.00 be allocated to replace the notice board. It was agreed that re-planting trees in the same location would not be successful and alternatives should be discussed. The Clerk
2. Parkside – members noted that a comment would be prepared for submission The Clerk
3. Trucks at Kenyon – members noted that the Borough Council had been asked to supply a copy of a licence application to use Kenyon Junction as a goods vehicle operating centre. The Clerk
8.12 The date and time of the next meeting will be Tuesday 3rd October 2017 at 6.00pm at Culcheth Centre, Jackson Avenue, Culcheth, to be followed by the Finance meeting at 7.00pm.
Public – Members confirmed that the “Birds of Prey” centre had a regular pitch at Community Day.
Environment Sub Committee Aug 2017