Shore Regional High School District
Telephone: 732-222-9300
Teacher Contact Information
- Mrs. Vanessa H. Miano
- Phone: 732-222-9300, extension 4340 (voicemail)
- E-mail:
About This Course
This course is organized around families of math functions, especially linear (lines) and quadratic (parabolas) functions.
Mrs. Miano – Algebra 1 Syllabus
You will also learn how to relate math functions to real-world situations in order to solve problems. We will review how to solve different types of equations (involving fractions, decimals, and irrational numbers). We will review exponents, and how to multiply and divide them.A generous portion of the course is devoted to graphing and writing the equations of lines, or linear functions. In addition, this course introduces the study of polynomials, factoring, special products, solving, and graphing quadratic equations. Algebra I is a prerequisite for all secondary mathematics courses.
Classroom Mantras
- I will be on time for class.
- I will be prepared with my homework, binder, workbook, and Chromebook.
- I will be respectful to my teacher and my classmates.
- I will be inspirational and show my positive energy.
- I will not text during class because it is distracting to me and my teacher (and the person I am texting!).
- I will not have food in the classroom because Mrs. Miano is afraid of bugs!
Online Textbook
- Larson Algebra1, Holt McDougal, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt © 2012 (Common Core Edition).
- Each student will receive a username and password to logon to the textbook site.
- Please let me know if a hard copy book is necessary; I have a few copies available.
Preparedness for Class
- Please use a three-ring binder (1 ½ inch) for this class so that you can keep your notes, homework and handouts in order. PLEASE DATE ALL MATERIAL!
- You MUST use PENCIL to do math work. I WILL NOT accept test and quiz work in PEN!!
- Please purchase a scientific or graphing calculator, suggested models are all available from Staples:
- Texas Instruments TI-30Xa Scientific Calculatorapprox. $9.99 (Staples)
- Casio FX-300MS Plus Scientific Calculator approx. $9.99 (Staples)
- Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator approx. $99.99 (Staples)
- Texas Instruments TI-84 PlusGraphing Calculator approx. $99.99 (Staples)
(silver edition is fine, too)
Homework Policy
- Homework will be given daily and will be posted on a Google Calendar that everyone will have access to. Homework will also be written on the board during class for students to jot down in their planners.
- Your grade will be based on completeness, not accuracy so it is better to try than to leave answers blank. Late homework (one-day only) receives half-credit.
- If you are absent and would like credit for the homework that was due while you were absent, please show it to me when you return to class the next day.
- Upon returning from an absence, it is your responsibility to find out the assignment you missed and have it done by the next class period.
- If you are going to miss class (ex. field trip or school activity) you are to show me any work that is due for that block before you miss it, even if that means coming in before school. Again, it is up to you to find out the assignment as it is still due the next day.
- Generally, tests will be given either at the end of each chapter; the timing for each varies based on the topics.
- Quizzes will be given approximately once a week, covering two-three sections, and will take hall of the block.
- Partial credit will be given if I can follow your train of thought and your work is correct for what you did.
- If you miss a test or quiz, excused or unexcused, you will make it up upon your return. You may take a different version than the rest of the class. You have 5 days to make up a missed test or quiz.
- You may have 1-2 projects per marking period.
- There will be a Midterm Exam in January and a Final Exam in June. They will be averaged to give you a fifth Marking Period grade.
Grading System
- The math department has developed a uniform grading policy with the following weights:
Homework/Classwork: 20%, Quizzes/Tests: 80%
I am available for extra help most days after school between 2:25 –2:45 PM, and during the activity period.
I am looking forward to having a terrific year with you; please come see me if you ever have any questionsabout your grade or a question about your class work.
Mrs. Miano – Algebra 1 Syllabus