June 13, 2014
Minneapolis, Minnesota
President Alan Smith opened the 2014 NASPSPA business meeting at 1:15 p.m. The following EC members were present: past president John Shea, president-elect Gabriele Wulf, secretary-treasurer Shannon Ringenbach, communication director Catherine Sabiston, past presidents’ liaison Maureen Weiss, and student representative Alyson Crozier. Penny McCullagh, NASPSPA conference coordinator, was also present.
1. Smith asked for approval of the minutes from last year’s business meeting; Quincy Almeida moved to approve. Motion passed.
2. Smith asked for approval of the agenda; Howie Zelaznik moved to approve. Motion passed.
3. Secretary-treasurer’s report
- Shannon Ringenbach reported on the membership numbers and fiscal information.
4. Communication director’s report
- Catherine Sabiston reported on the 33% response to online voting and asked for continued involvement in online surveys.
- Sabiston also reported on changes to the website and newsletter.
5. Student representative’s report
- Alyson Crozier reported on student award opportunities and processes and the student events.
6. Past president’s report
- John Shea reported on the final conference number of 374 and thanked the program chairs and their review committees.
- He also thanked Penny McCullagh in her role as conference coordinator and Kim Scott at HK for their help in making the conference a success.
7. President’s report
- Alan Smith discussed our decision not to print abstract books, which saved the organization about $7,000. As a result of this savings, we decided not to increase the membership fee as originally anticipated.
- Smith reported on new awards generously supplied by HK for excellence in reviewing and excellence in research for JSEP and JMLD.
- Smith announced that Bob Eklund will be stepping down as editor of JSEP and invited nominations from the membership for a new editor for JSEP.
- Smith announced his proposal for a Mid-Career Initiative and the formation of a committee that will be chaired by Shannon Ringenbach. Anyone wanting to contribute was asked to contact Shannon Ringenbach.
- Smith presented the following awards:
1) Outstanding Student Paper Awards
- Lindley McDavid, Deanna Kennedy
2) Graduate Student Research Grants
- Swati Surkar, Aaron Piepmeier, Jeffrey Graham, Derek Crawford
3) Graduate Student Award for International Conference Travel
- Ryota Nishiyori, Kaylena Ehgoetz Martens
4) Early Career Distinguished Scholar Award
- Leah E. Robinson, Yu-Kai Chang
5) President’s Award
- Howard Zelaznik, Maureen Weiss
6) Distinguished Scholar Award
- Beverly Ulrich, Diane Gill
8. Penny McCullagh presented an In Memoriam tribute to Bert Carron, who passed away the previous week. Following the tribute, the membership stood for a moment of silence.
- McCullagh reported on future conference sites
- 2015 Portland, OR
- 2016 Montreal, Quebec
- 2017 50th anniversary—Penny mentioned sites that she will be visiting and reporting on at the EC fall meeting. She requested suggestions for this special occasion be shared with the Executive Committee.
9. President Alan Smith recognized outgoing officers John Shea, Shannon Ringenbach, and Alyson Crozier.
10. Alan Smith passed the gavel to President-Elect Gabriele Wulf.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m. by President-Elect Gabriele Wulf.
Respectfully submitted by,
Shannon D. R. Ringenbach