Elementary School Newsletter
5279 Fyler Ave., St. Louis, MO 63139
"I will believe and achieve!"
Dearest PCS Families,
What a great first full week of school we have had. Lots of things happening and the students and teachers arewell into the groove... almost as if they have never left for summer! It is so fun to see all their smiling faces each day!
Just a few reminders as we continue to make thedrop off system even smoother. In the morning, please remember to stay in the lane that you choose. Switching lanes while in the parking lot makes it hard for all, and we sure do not want any fender benders!! We direct both lanes of traffic so all will get moving at equal time. When deciding lanes please think of it in terms of taxiprotocols -- we always want the kids to exit curb side. So if your child needs to get out on the right side please use the right lane. If they need to get out of the car on the left side then please use the left lane. This will ensure the safety for all and help keep the students out of the middle and away from moving cars in the other lane. The left lane is not the "through lane" in the morning so there is noneed topull into that lane to move through the parking lot. Please pull as far up as you can so we can help unload as many cars as possible at one time. If you would like to park to walk your child to the door, the best spot for this is on the street or in the parking lot above the middle crosswalk. I know there is a lot, but if we use the system, traffic does flow pretty smoothly and all students get dropped off safely! Thanks for your patience during these times.
In the afternoon, doors will be opened at3:25for dismissal. You are more than welcome to wait in the courtyard or the area outside the Kindergarten building and Elementary building. We ask that you refrain from coming into the building to wait near the office or hallways as it makes these areas very crowded and hard forclasses as theycontinue to move about right until dismissal! Thank you.
For all Kindergarten families... we hope that your child and you enjoyed the Kindergarten welcome sign that was placed in your yard in early August. We reuse those signs from year to year. If you have not yet returned your sign, please return it to Mrs. Lydon in the Elementary Building office.
We will be continuing with our spirit wear Fridays for students! What this means is thaton Fridaystudents may wearanycolor PCS shirtwith their uniform bottoms. Every other day students must wear uniform shirts of navy polos with a collar or navy PCS shirt. Check out the attached order form to order navy t-shirts -- these are duetomorrow. Spirit wear order forms will be coming home soon.
A note from Ms. Daugherty...Do you work on a team? Do you lead a team? What exactly does it take to effectively collaborate with others on your team to meet your goals? You are invited to be a panel expert. The 5th-8th grade Quest students are forming a panel to discuss teamwork as research for their first project this year. If you are a team-player or team manager, you are welcome to be a part of this conversation. Please contact Mrs. Daugherty o express your interest and get more information about how you can help our students.
Have a great weekend.
Dana Leesman,PCS Elementary Principal
Girl Scouts:Girl Scouts will be returning to PCSagain this year. Next week look for flyers to be sent home detailing the troop and how to sign up. This year, meetings will be heldevery first and secondMondayof each month.
Box Tops for Education: We will again be collecting Box Tops for Education! Attached are sheets with more information on the program as well as a Box Top collection page. Please use this to help out those who count them for turn in!!
IC Parent Portal Page:Please contact your child's teacher if you need your log in information for the Parent Portal Page. Great way to stay up to date on grades, account balances, etc!
Amazon Smile Program:Our school has linked up with the Amazon Smile Program in which we get a percentage of an order placed that is "smile eligible" (it will say on the item by the price if it is or not). The easiest way to do this is to type "Amazon Smile" into the search bar on Amazon.com. It will then automatically link you to the Smile program. Then type in "St. Louis Charter School" (and look for St. Louis Charter Schools) to select us to be correctly linked with in order for the purchase percentage to go to us!
Lost & Found:Please mark all items with child's name for easy return if lost. If an item is lost, please check our lost & found frequently as all unclaimed items will be donated on a regular basis this year.
8.26.16:PCS uniform t-shirt orders due
9.1.16:PCS Peace Rally -2:00-3:00
9.5.16:No School - Labor Day
9.23.16:Staff Development Day (1/2 Day of School) -12:00dismissal
We have a new FaceBook page -- check it out and like it! Search for Premier Charter School.