National Environmental Monitoring Conference 2014

Style Guide for Abstracts

(Due February 10, 2014)

An on-line form is available at for preparing and submitting your abstract. The following information can be used to help you prepare your information to cut and paste into the form. If you have any issues uploading your information you can provide Ilona with this information and she can assist you ().

Abstracts are to be typed in English using a Times New Roman font. They must include a Title, Presentation Preference, Author(s) Information and an Abstract Narrative. The narrative should be no more than 300 words. An example is presented below and a template is included.

Sampling Study of Hexavalent Chromium in Ambient Air
Platform Presentation
Prepared by J. Swift, M. Howell, and D. Tedder
Eastern Research Group, 601 Keystone Park Drive, Suite 700, Morrisville, NC 27560
Contact Information: ; 555-321-4567
Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) is one of the top four pollutants of concern in the EPA National Air Toxics Trends Stations (NATTS) Program. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) worked in conjunction with Eastern Research Group (ERG) to improve the California Air Resource Board (CARB) Method 039 for Cr6+ monitoring. Attempts to sample and analyze Cr6+ at NATTS with improved sensitivity uncovered challenges in the sampling procedures. Studies performed by ERG show a significant loss of Cr6+ as samples are taken at ambient temperatures. A stability study was performed to determine the best sampling conditions to maintain Cr6+ stability with less than 30 Relative Percent Difference (RPD). The stability of Cr6+ was evaluated using collocated samplers in conjunction with Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Data, using improvements to the Cr6+ sampling and analysis procedure for the NATTS, will be presented to show Cr6+ recovery from these field samples. / Margins: 1 inch
Title: 18 pt Times New Roman, Bold, Left margin justify
Presentation Preference: 12 pt, Left margin justify.
Indicate Platform, Poster or either. We’ll confirm your preference when the overall program is finalized.
Author(s): 12 pt, Bold. Left margin justify.
List authors – first initial and last name. Underline presenting author.
12 pt. Include affiliation and address. Note: If there are authors from multiple locations, use a superscript number after their name and then number addresses: JSwift1, M. Howell2, …
1 – Affiliation, Address
2 – Affiliation, Address)
Contact Information: Include e-mail address and/or phone number for presenting author.
Abstract Title: 14 pt, Bold. Left margin justify.
Abstract Narrative: 12 pt. Left margin justify. Leave one line blank between paragraphs.



Presentation Type (Platform, Poster, Platform or Poster Presentation)

Prepared by presenting author, other authors

Company Name, Address

(If multiple authors have various addresses – please number the addresses and place this number as a superscript after the authors name.)

Contact Information: ; xxx-yyy-zzzz


