Skomer Island NNR Booking Form 2016
Skomer Island is managed by the Wildlife Trust of South & West Wales
Prices are per person per night – Children 12 and under half price
Room / CurlewTwo single beds / Guillemot
Two single beds / Chough
Three single beds / Puffin (sleeps four)
One double bed
and set bunk beds / Shearwater – sleeps five
Mixed bunk room - three single beds and set bunk beds
April / £40 / £40 / £40 / £40 / £35
May-July / £60 / £60 / £60 / £60 / £45
Aug-Oct / £30 / £30 / £30 / £30 / £30
Children(12 and under) / Half price / Half price / Half price / Half price / Half price
Single occupancy / Price + 50% / Price + 50% / N/A / N/A / N.A
NOTE: Tues 3May to Wed 29 June aretwo night stays except for Saturday. Two nights are Sun/Mon, Tues/Wed, Thurs/Fri. These can be combined for a longer stay.
Boat fare paid direct to boatman (cash only please). Children’s boat fare rate applies to under 16s. 2015 prices £11 adults, £7 children.
Birdwatching self-catering weekends(three nights) led by David Astins:10-12 Sept (leaving 13 Sept) £149 per person
Photography residential workshop (two nights) led by Andy Davies: Tues & Wed 6 & 7 Sept (130 per person self-catering)
Shearwater Watch (two night stays): 27 & 28 Aug, 2930 Aug, 31 Aug & 1 Sept, 23 Sept, 4 5 Sept – adults £70, children £35(per person per two nights)
Full name and address for correspondence (please print)Membership Number ……………………………
Title …….. First Name …………………………………… Surname ……..………..…………….………….…………………………..…..
Address ………………………………………...………………………………..…………….……….……….……………………………….
Town……………………………………..….…….…County ….……………………………..... Post Code…..……………….…………
Tel No ………………….…...…………. E-mail (print legibly please) .……………….……………………………………………………..
Mobile tel………………….….…...... (IMPORTANT: We may need to contact you to give an update on sailings)
We do not give out people’s details to other organisations
Day and date of first night ………...... Number of nights ……..Leaving date …………………………..
Please give names of everyone in your party (including addressee)and indicate ages if under 16 years at time of holiday
Name of guest / Male / Female / Name of guest / Male / Femalecontinue overleaf if necessary
TOTAL SUM DUE ……………Deposit (25% of total) ……………
If booking is made 12 weeks or less before start of holiday then the full amount is payable
Our booking conditions state that if the boat cannot sailor land on Skomer due to weather conditions your deposit is forfeit. Please read the booking conditions fully before making a booking or sending in the booking form. You are advised to take out your own appropriate travel insurance cover.
Please sign here to show you have read and understood the booking conditions………..……………………………………
In the event of the boat being unable to reach Skomer due to weather conditions please tick here
if you would like yourdeposit to be treatedas a gift aided donation to the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales.
I would like to pay by …… CHEQUE (payable to DWT Enterprises Ltd) …… DEBIT/CREDIT CARD(Visa/Mastercard)
Or phone your card details in to Wendy (availability below). Credit card details are shredded after payment has been taken.
Card no ……………………………….…………………………… Expiry date ……..………… Start date ……………….
Issue No (if applicable) ………..Security Number (last three digits on back of card) .………..
Name, postcode and house number applicable to card if different to correspondence address above
Please return to: Island Bookings, The Nature Centre, Fountain Road, Tondu, Bridgend CF32 0EH
Tel 01656 724100 Email Website
Island bookings open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm