The JCGRG comprises ACT Government, Peak Body and Community Sector representatives. It meets seven times a year to monitor sector viability matters in the community sector and provide strategic advice to the ACTGovernment. The JCGRG fosters a partnership between the ACTGovernment and Community Sector to progress social and sustainability policy issues affecting the ACT community and the community sector.
The JCGRG met on 3 July 2015 at Education and Training Directorate and next meets on 21August2015 at the Youth Coalition of the ACT, O’Connor.
Government/community/business engagement
Disability – directorates’ services / NDIS update
The meeting heard presentations from Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS), ACT Health and Education and Training Directorate (ETD) about their ongoing upgrades of infrastructure and services to cater for people living with disability, including the approximately 45,000 people living with disability who are not eligible for an NDIS package. Key website links:
· Access Canberra:
· Flexible Bus Service:
· ILC:
· Canberra Public Schools:
· Trending success stories:
· Involve Disability Commitment:
Skilled Capital
The Skilled Capital initiative provides $21million over three years to improve access to high quality training in areas of skills need and maximise improved employment outcomes for students. The initiative also provides a comprehensive range of support services to ensure students accessing training receive the help they need to successfully complete their chosen qualification. Link:
Working With Vulnerable People Checks Scheme
The Chief Minister Treasury and Economic Development Directorate (CMTEDD) is presently clarifying whether board members are captured under the legislation. Another emerging issue is who is responsible for sharing information when an incident occurs between the 3 year assessment period and workers change jobs.
Prequalification Review
The recommendations of the report are being considered by the Community Services Directorate.
JCGRG Workplan 2015-16
The revised JCGRG Workplan will include a focus on affordable housing, impacts of school autonomy of service engagement and purchasing, and Social Compact training.
Other issues
The co-chairs are considering a replacement member to fill the vacancy created by the departure of Darlene Cox, and will provide the Group with an update when a decision had been made.
Social Inclusion and Equality Statement in ACTBudget:
Access Canberra:
JCGRG members
Community Sector Representatives:
Susan Helyar (Co-Chair), ACT Council of Social Service/vacant position – to be filled/Emma Robertson, Youth Coalition of the ACT/Clare Henderson, Conservation Council of the SE-Region Canberra/TravisGilbert, ACT Shelter/EwanBrown, COTA/ MaureenCane, Volunteering ACT/DiraHorne, Belconnen Community Service/Stephen Fox, National Disability Services/FrancesCrimmins, Ministerial Advisory Council on Women/SimonViereck, Mental Health Community Coalition ACT.
Government Representatives:
Sue Chapman (Co-Chair), Community Services Directorate/Karl Alderson, Chief Minister Treasury and Economic Development Directorate (CMTEDD)/LouiseKeightley, Education and Training Directorate/Louise Gilding, EDD/RossO’Donoughue, ACTHealth/DavidPeffer, CMTEDD/Territory and Municipal Services Directorate/TimReddel, Department of Social Services/GeoffreyRutledge, CMTEDD.
Further information: Contact Rowan Ford, JCGRGSecretariat on (02) 6205 0454 or email: