Conference: 2006 NGWA Ground Water and Environmental Law Conference


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I hereby grant and assign exclusively to the Publisher [The National Ground Water Association] all world wide rights in the Work with full copyright therein, including the right to publish it as part of the aforementioned Journal in all forms, languages, media now or hereafter invented and the right to license subsidiary rights such as granting rights to republish in anthologies issued by other publishers or to photocopy for classroom use. I further confirm that I have the consent of each author to transfer copyright of the Work identified above, and that this Work has not been published previously elsewhere, nor is it under consideration by any other publisher. A copy of the Work has been attached to this Copyright Agreement.

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NGWA cannot publish any works without a properly executed copyright transfer agreement. See reverse for more details. Please sign and mail this form to: Conference Coordinator, NGWA, 601 Dempsey Rd., Westerville, OH 43081

Information Concerning Your Copyright Agreement

Authors still retain all proprietary rights other than copyright (such as patent rights), the right to present the material orally, and the right to reproduce figures, tables, and extracts properly cited.

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Work prepared by U.S. Government employees in their official capacities is not subject to copyright in the United States. Such authors may place their papers in the public domain, which means that it may be freely copied, republished, and redistributed. In order for the work to be placed in the public domain, all authors must by official U.S. Government employees. If at least one author of the work was privately employed, copyright should be transferred to NGWA be any of the privately employed authors.

Works Prepared by Both Privately Employed Persons

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NGWA requests all non-U.S Government employees to transfer copyright to us. This transfer permits us to continue publishing our journals and books in all their various formats, to grant permission to abstracting and indexing services to cover our publications, and to grant permission for photocopying beyond the limits defined in the law. In instances where authorship consists of both U.S. Government and privately employed individuals, we require at least one privately employed author to transfer copyright to NGWA. This kind of transfer provides ultimate protection and broad dissemination of the work.

Rights Other Than Copyright

Privately employed authors who have written articles in their official capacities as employees should also transfer copyright to NGWA. The author’s employer retains the same rights as individual authors. NGWA claims no right to the work other than copyright; the author’s employer retains all other rights such as patent rights.

Works Supported by U.S. and Other Government Grants or Contracts

Authors who are publishing works supported by a U.S. or other government grant or contract are requested to transfer copyright to NGWA. This kind of transfer permits the broad dissemination of the work while recognizing the government’s prior license to use the work for noncommercial purposes.


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Conference Coordinator, NGWA, 601 Dempsey Rd., Westerville, OH 43081