The following officials attended the meeting:-

1. Sh. Dharmendra, Secy (Environment) Cum-Chairman, DPCC -- In Chair

2. Dr. A.K. Ambasht, Member Secretary, DPCC -- Member

3. Dr. T. K. Joshi, COEH, MAMC -- Member

4. Dr. Chetna Harjai, Scientist, Deptt. of Environment, GNCTD -- Member

5. Sh. D.K.Singh , Environmental Engineer (BMW),DPCC -- Member

6. Sh. M.I.Siddiqui, AEE (BMW), DPCC -- Member

7. Sh. K.Kumar, AEE (BMW), DPCC -- Member

The meeting of the BMW Committee No. 1, constituted for deciding Authorization under the BMW Rules and Consent under the Air / Water Acts was held on 03.09.2010 at 12 noonw.r.t Hon`ble High Court Order Dated 28.08.2010 in W.P.(C)No. 5822/ 2010 titled” Metro Bio Care Services Pvt. Ltd Vs Union of India & ORS” & for Opportunity of Hearing to M/s Metro BioCare Services Private Limited , 55, Railway Road, Samaipur Industrial Area, Delhi 42 . Accordingly, Sh. Lalit Gupta, Director and Sh. Vijay Gupta, Director of the unit attended the Hearing on 03.09.2010 at 12 noon before the BMW Committee No. 1. Dr. G. Kausalya, SPO(BMW), Directorate of Health Services(DHS), Govt. of NCT Of Delhi, was also present in the meeting as invitee.

On the deficiencies communicated in the directions u/s 5 of Environment (Protection) Act, issued on 19.08.10 , point wise replies received from the unit , observations during the inspection by a team on 01.09.10 & hearing given to the unit before BMW Committee No.1 on 03.09.2010 , in respect of M/s Metro Bio-Care Services Pvt. Ltd., 55, Railway Road, Samai Pur Industrial Area,Delhi 42 , is tabulated as under :

S. No. / Deficiencies mentioned in
the Directions u/s 5 of EP Act issued by DPCC to the unit on 19.08.10 / Statements given by the unit in its representation dated
31.08.10 / Observations made by the Team in the inspection on 01.09.2010 / Brief of the Hearing on
03.09.2010 / Remarks
1. / Though CBWTF is having a separate parking facility of 100 sq. yard outside the facility but as per CPCB guidelines provisions shall be made within confines of the site for parking of required number of vehicles, loading and unloading of vehicles meant for transporting waste to and fro the facility etc. / We have stated earlier that a separate parking facility of 100 sq yards has been there with the facility and it has been in very much in knowledge of DPCC for last many years. It was as per the advice and instructions of your officers during the initial inspections verbally. During the inspection of previous and recent inspection on 09.04.2010 and 29.07.2010, the parking area was shown to them and was to their satisfaction. The vehicle get unloaded immediately on their arrival and are never made to wait for the said purpose. The vehicles keep on arriving one by one and are unloaded without having to wait. The parking area specified under the guidelines is for the purpose that the vehicles loaded with Bio-Medical Waste may not get parked anywhere for safety reasons. We have provided sufficient area for parking of the said vehicles either before unloading on even after the washing of the vehicles. All these vehicles are local ones and after unloading and after being washed properly, the said vehicles normally go back to their destinations and are not required to be parked, though sufficient space has been made available by us for parking also. The area ear-marked specifically for parking can not be said to be out side the confines of the operational area as the said area meant of parking is very nearby and has been specifically taken by us for the purposes of operational facilities. / Vehicle parking space is about 100 mt from CBWTF site and area is about 100 sq yard (07 vehicles of BMW are parked in this area). Parking space of 02 vehicle is at CBWTF site. / It was admitted by the representatives of the unit that parking site of the vehicles is outside of the premises of CBWTF and all the vehicles used for bio-medical waste transportation cannot be parked inside of the CBWTF due to shortage of space. / As per CPCB guidelines provision shall be made within confines of the site for parking of required number of vehicles, loading and unloading of vehicles meant for transporting waste to and fro from the facility etc.
Unit is not complying with the CPCB guidelines regarding parking of vehicles.
2. / No administrative room/office which is mandatory as per CPCB guidelines was found available in the facility. / We have a separate supervisor room of 50 Sq. feet just above the shredder room to oversee the operation of plant through the transparent glass, in the premises itself as required, the photo enclosed. The administrative office is on a 90 sq yards land at adjoining place for which no objection was raised earlier by DPCC. All the rent agreements are with DPCC. / Administrative room/ office is about 250 mt away from CBWTF in Samaipur Ind. Area.
Separate cabin of size about 50 sq feet has been provided above Shredder room with a transparent window for viewing the activity of the main hall. / It was admitted by the representatives of the unit that administrative room /office of the CBWTF is outside of the premises of unit. / As per CPCB guidelines, administrative room shall be utilized for general administration, record keeping, billing etc. and it is covered under infrastructure setup which the CBWTF shall have within it.
Administrative room is located outside of the CBWTF. Unit is not complying with the CPCB guidelines.
3. / Unit is neither having separate equipment rooms for autoclave and incinerator nor separate waste storage room attached to equipment rooms. As per CPCB guidelines there shall be two waste storage rooms, one for storage of untreated waste and another for treated waste, attached to each equipment rooms. / Our treatments equipments like autoclave and incinerator have been installed separately in a big working shed earmarking separate housing for the last seven years and we were functioning very efficiently on this account. The photo graph showing and earmarking separate housing are attached. Separate Waste Storage Rooms for storage of untreated waste and for treated waste attached to the equipment rooms have been duly provided for. No objection ever has been raised during their visits by the officials of DPCC and CPCB in this regard. / Incinerator, autoclave, ETP, boiler are kept in a shed in main work hall. Unit has provided partial metal sheet partition near the autoclave and near PLC of incinerator. Regarding treated BMW, incineration ash is disposed on Municipal Landfill site at Bhalswa (as reported) and for autoclavable treated BMW there is a room of 40 feet x 10 feet beside supervisor room at Mezzanine floor. Shredded plastic waste is stored near shredder in shredder room. / It was admitted by the representatives of the unit
that separate equipment
rooms for autoclave, and incinerator have not been been provided due to space constraint. It was stated
that for separation between the equipments a metal partition sheet have been provided near the autoclave & near the PLC of Incinerator & Photographs have been submitted to
DPCC. The unit is having a room for storage of untreated Bio-medical waste (divided by a partition of metal sheet) & also provided a Room for storage of Treated Bio-Medical waste and also submitted photographs to DPCC in this regard.. / Unit is not complying with the CPCB guidelines regarding Treatment equipment room and Storage Room .
4. / The unit is having vehicle washing area of 16 ft x 15 ft. near the ETP in the main working hall. Bio-Medical waste (BMW) is unloaded in the same area so it is clear that no separate isolated provisions are made for washing of vehicles. / The Vehicle washing area, near ETP has been sufficient within the given plot of land. All the vehicles are not unloaded at one go. The Vehicles are unloaded one by one and BMW waste is put into a big tray and removed. The washing takes immediately after unloading the waste from the vehicles. The vehicle is moved out and is parked in parking area as stated above. As such the question of insufficient area for washing of vehicles does not arise at all. The washing of the vehicles in the given area does not in any manner cause any interference for the treatment of the waste or any other functioning of the Plant. / For washing of vehicles area of size about 16 feet x 15 feet is used near the ETP plant in the main hall, one vehicle is washed at a time. It was reported that vehicles are unloaded one by one and BMW waste is put into big tray / container & removed. The washing reportedly takes immediately after unloading the waste from the vehicles. It was informed that Bio Medical waste is being treated and disposed off daily as and when it arrives and unloaded at the facility and informed that the said storage area is sufficient for daily operation. / It was admitted by the representatives of the unit
that it does not have isolated area for washing of vehicles due to space constraint.
It was stated by the representatives of the unit, that the Vehicle washing area, near ETP is sufficient considering the existing area available with the unit The Vehicles are unloaded one by one and BMW waste is put into a big tray and removed. The washing takes immediately after unloading the waste from the vehicles. The vehicle is moved out for parking . The washing of the vehicles in the given area does not cause any interference in treatment of the waste or the functioning of the Plant. / As per CPCB guidelines for vehicles/containers washing facility, every time a vehicle is unloaded, the vehicle and empty waste containers shall be washed properly and disinfected. It can be carried out in an open area but on an impermeable surface and liquid effluent so generated shall be collected and treated in an effluent treatment plant. The impermeable area shall be of appropriate size so as to avoid spillage of liquid during washing.
Vehicle washing area is also used for unloading of BMW.
The unit does not have sufficient area/space for handling vehicles for washing, disinfection and sanitation. Unit is not complying with the
CPCB guidelines.
5. / No separate housing is provided in the CBWTF for treatment equipment. Incinerator, autoclave, boiler and ETP are existing in a common shed. Even the area earmarked for washing of vehicles is existing within this common shed. As per CPCB guidelines a separate housing is required for each treatment equipment at the CBWTF such as incinerator rooms, autoclave rooms and each room shall have well designed roof and walls
etc. / To utilize the space to its optimum level, the treatment equipment has been kept in a main working hall without any interference among any of other treatment equipments, as depicted in the enclosed photograph. The strict compliance to the guidelines pertaining to separate housing etc. can be implemented in its true spirit only if the Operator is allotted land measuring one acre as mandated by the Rules and Guidelines of CPCB. The Authorities have failed in their duties to fulfil their statutory obligation and for the failure their of, no blame can be put on the Operator. / Incinerator, autoclave, ETP, boiler are kept in a shed in main work hall. Unit has provided partial metal sheet partition near the autoclave and near PLC of incinerator.
Shredder (02 Nos )are kept in a separate room. / It was admitted by the representatives of the unit
that separate equipment
rooms for autoclave, and incinerator have not
been provided and Incinerator, autoclave,
boiler, ETP are kept in main work hall under shed.
It was stated that for
Separation between the equipments metal partition sheets have been provided near the autoclave & near the PLC of Incinerator & Photographs have been submitted to DPCC. / Unit is not complying with the CPCB guidelines regarding separate housing for each treatment equipment.
6. / The unit has made a room of 2.9 meter x 3.7 meter size for storage of BMW adjacent to the main work hall which can accommodate four containers of BMW(two containers for incineration and two for Autoclavable waste , of 5 ft x 3.7 ft. x 2.5 ft size each).
As per the office record, M/s Metro Bio Care Services Pvt. Ltd. is collecting 1500 Kg. Bio Medical Waste per day by using 8 vehicles (including Tata 407, Mahindra Pickups & Autos). The size of the said storage room is not capable of storing the total waste collected by the unit in a day and the said room is also not meeting the norms of CPCB guidelines in this regard. / The unit have separate rooms of 2.9 meter x 3.7 meter size for storage of BMW earmarking as storage no. 1 and storage no.2 by separating it for untreated waste for incineration and untreated waste for autoclave. As you are aware that BMW is being treated and disposed off daily as and when it arrives and unloaded at the facility and hence not much of storage space is required. The separate storage has been sufficient for our daily operation. The waste is not to be stored at all. The treated autoclave waste is kept in separate storage room no. 3 at first floor, adjoining the supervisor room. It was inspected by the team on the earlier occasions. The photo graph enclosed. / Main Storage room for untreated Bio Medical Waste (2.9 mt x 3.7 mt) has now been bifurcated / divided by a partial partition (about 5 feet height) of metal sheet for separating autoclavable and incinerable BM Waste. The unit is having four containers of BMW (two) containers for incineration and two for autoclavable waste of 5’ x 3.75 ft x 2.5 ft. size each. / It was stated by the representatives of the unit that the unit is having a room for storage of untreated Bio-medical waste divided by a partition of metal sheet for separation of the Incinerable Bio Medical Waste & Autoclavable Bio-medical Waste and also submitted photographs to DPCC in this regard.
It was stated by the representatives of the unit that the separate storage room for the untreated Bio-medical waste is sufficient for daily operation of the unit. / The storage room is not designed and constructed as per CPCB guidelines for CBWTF and is insufficient for storing the quantum of Bio-Medical Waste that the unit collects and treats per day and therefore unit is not complying with the CPCB
Guidelines for the Storage Room for Untreated Bio- Medical waste.
7. / No provisions for sharp pit and encapsulation are available in the unit. As reported by the Director of the unit encapsulation is done outside the facility in village Pooth Khurd, which is a residential / non conforming area. / As advised by DPCC officials, the treated sharp waste need to be kept in a leak proof thick plastic container of 200 litre or more till it is full to its capacity and then its disposal. Earlier, these were being disposed off by making concrete bricks modules putting sharps within. Then the final bricks had been used in construction of public flyover and underpasses. The point in observation of Pooth Khurd was taken in a wrong manner. We have said we could use the concrete bricks in constructing the boundary walls of our plot in Pooth Khurd after making the concrete bricks of usable size for construction of boundary walls of the said plot. / Provision for Sharp pit and encapsulation are not available in the unit at the site. Sharps are stored in 200 litre drum (after autoclaving etc.) and reportedly disposed after making concrete blocks / encapsulation at outside. / It was admitted by the representatives of the unit that there is no provisions for sharp pit and encapsulation at the site of CBWTF however the unit has storage facility for sharps (200
litre drum)and encapsulation of the sharps is done at outside and used in making of Concrete Blocks. / Provisions for sharp pit/ encapsulation are not available at the site of CBWTF, therefore unit is not complying with the guidelines of CPCB regarding disposal of sharps.
8. / As per the standard prescribed in the BMW Rules for CBWTF, minimum stack height for incinerator is 30 meter above ground. However, as measured by DTU (Delhi Technological University), an empanelled consultant of DPCC, stack height of the unit is only 20.83 meter, which is inadequate as per the BMW Rules and the emissions from this stack are likely to affect the citizen living nearby. / The stack height is more than 100 ft for which we have already given an affidavit on 16.08.2010. Also we have submitted our request letter along with requisite fee to M/s Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi and Delhi Technical University, Delhi both for assessment of stack height on 10.08.2010 and 11.08.2010 respectively and a reminder letter was sent to them on 27.08.2010. The office of DPCC has already been informed on 16.08.10 along with our affidavit. It is surprising that M/s Shri Ram Institute and DTU are not assessing the height of stack in spite of our rigorous follow up and request. They are delaying the assessment of stack height unnecessarily and wilfully under pressure from someone from DPCC. We request your good office that DTU and Shri Ram Instt. may be asked to complete the assessment immediately scientifically and submit the report directly to your office and under intimation to us. / Stack height for incinerator as observed during inspection & as per the affidavits dated 17.08.10 & 30.08.10 submitted by the unit to DPCC is more than 100 feet from ground level. Condition of stack found satisfactory. / Representatives of the unit Stated that a Stack for incinerator of more than 100 Feet(30 Meter) above ground level has been provided by the unit and the same was also observed by the inspection team on 01.09.2010. / Unit has provided 30meter
Stack above ground for the incinerator.

Besides above points, representatives of the unit also stated that: