Alison M. Shaw

Department of Geology Geophysics,

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA02543

Phone: (508) 289-3775, E-mail:


Citizenship: US and Canadian

Languages Spoken: English, French (fluent) and basic Spanish

Academic history

1997 - 2003Ph.D. in Earth Sciences,Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA

1997Undergraduate studies in Earth Sciences, UBC, Vancouver, Canada

1992 - 1996B.Sc. in Environmental Geosciences,McGillUniversity, Montreal, Canada

Employment history

2005 - presentAssociate Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA

2011Visiting Researcher, IPGP, University of Paris, France

2003 - 2005Post-doctoral Associate, DTM,Carnegie Institution of Washington, DC

1997-2003Research Assistant, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA

1997Exploration Field Geologist, Booker Gold Exploration, Vancouver, Canada

1996Field Geologist, EchoBay Mines, Timmins, Canada

1995Field Assistant, Geological Survey of Canada, St. Raymond, Quebec

Previous research experience and field-based studies

Submarine cross chain volcanic systems(2006-2010): Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)-based mapping and sampling expeditions to the Suiyo, Sumisu and Torishima volcanic regions in collaboration with JAMSTEC and the Geological Survey of Japan.

Guatemala, Nicaragua and Costa Rica(2001-2008):Measurement of gas fluxes from active volcanoes using remote sensing techniques (COSPEC) and collection of volatiles from fumaroles, hot springsand geothermal wells in volcanically active regions -

Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia(2006):NASA-funded expedition to Klyuchevsky and Mutnovsky volcanoes to study volcanic deposits and gas emissions -

Southern SeamountProvince of the Mariana arc(2005-2009): Sea-based expeditionsin collaboration with JAMSTEC, Univ.Texas at Dallas, Caltech, and NOAA.Collection of rock and fluid samples using JAMSTEC’s ROV, Hyper-Dolphin.

Northern Mariana and IzuIslands(2003-2005):Margins-fundedstudies of volatile fluxesin collaboration with SIO, UNM, BostonUniversity, the University of Tokyo, and the Geological Survey of Japan. Gas sampling, remote sensing andvolcanic tephra sampling for melt inclusion studies -

Alarcon Rise, Gulf of California (1998): SIO cruise to the Gulf of California - dredging of basaltic glass from the Alarcon Rise to evaluate the volatile geochemistry of a young spreading center

Loihi Seamount, Hawaii(1998): Collection of hydrothermal vent fluids using submersibles to look at the temporal variation of CO2/3He ratios in collaboration with the University of Hawaii.

Middle America Trench(1997-1998): Seafloor mapping of oceanic crust adjacent to the Middle America trench using multi-beam sonar to investigate outer rise faulting.

Hearne Hill Property, British Columbia(1997):Field-based grass roots exploration of a copper-gold porphyry deposit by regional and detailed mapping, drilling, and chemical sampling as a field geologist with Booker Gold.

Timmins, Ontario(1996):Field-based gold exploration in Archean volcanics by means of drilling and core logging as an exploration field Geologist, Echo Bay Mines.

St. Raymond, Québec (1995): Groundwater quality and reservoir assessment studies with the Geological Survey of Canada.


  • Securing funds from agencies including the National Science Foundation, The Sloan Foundation and NASA to cover research expenses for my laboratory group
  • Managing my laboratory personnel which includes students, post-docs and technical staff
  • Devising, coordinating and carrying out multiple field and laboratory-based projects
  • Presenting results at international meetings and writing up results in journals and reports, summarizing major findings
  • Creating new analytical protocols for processing water, gas and rock samples on different instruments including stable isotope and noble gas mass spectrometers, electron microprobes, secondary ion mass spectrometers (6F and 1280)
  • Computing skills: MS Excel, Word, Powerpoint, basic Matlab, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop

Teaching and lecturing experience

Introduction to Marine Geology and Geophysics (WHOI-MIT); Isotope Geochemistry (MIT); Seminar in Geology and Geophysics (WHOI-MIT); Environmental Perils (UCSD); The Oceans (UCSD); Introduction to Geology (UCSD); Introduction to Petrology (UCSD); Introduction to Geochemistry (UCSD); Introduction to Mineralogy (UCSD)

Students/ Post-docs supervised

Dorsey Wanless (2010-present), WHOI Postdoctoral Fellow, Melt inclusion studies at mid-ocean ridges

Ikuko Wada (2009-present), NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Modeling mantle flow at subduction zones

Nicole Keller (2008 - 2010), WHOI Postdoctoral Fellow, Sulfur cycling through subduction zones

Elisabet Head (2007 - present), WHOI Guest Student,SO2 flux studies of Nyamuragira Volcano

Michael Baldwin (2009) WHOI Undergraduate Student Melt inclusion studies of Tolbachik Volcano

Karin Lemkau (2007), WHOI Graduate student,The effect of water on mantle melting

Synergistic Activities

  • Reviewer for journals including JGR, JVGR, GCA, EPSL,Science, Chem. Geology, and G-cubed
  • Special session chair at various international and national meetings
  • Earth and Space Sciences panelist for the Science and Technology Foundation of Portugal
  • Seminar organizer(DTM and WHOI); WHOI Women’s Committee
  • Falmouth Academy Science Fair judge 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010; Goldschmidt student travel grant reviewer 2008, 2009; MARGINS student presentation judge, AGU 2007;VGP student presentation judge, AGU 2006
  • Development and participation in web-based field expeditions to Costa Rica (2001), the Mariana Islands (2004), the Izu Islands (2005) and Kamchatka (2006)

Recent Invited Scientific Presentations

03/10“Magmatic processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges: Deep pooling of low degree melts at the ultra-slow spreading Gakkel Ridge", Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, ColumbiaUniversity

02/10“Melting processes and volatile fluxes at the Gakkel Ridge – do ultra-slow spreading systems reveal insights to Rift evolution?", NSF MARGINS Workshop, San Antonio, Texas

12/09“Magmatic processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges”, AmericanMuseum of Natural History

12/09“Constraints on MORB mantle source CO2 content”, Sloan Foundation Deep Carbon Workshop

10/09“Magmatic processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges: Deep pooling of low degree melts at the ultra-slow spreading Gakkel Ridge", Massachusetts Institute of Technology

9/09“New perspectives on slab dehydration and volatile fluxes from melt inclusion studies at the IBM and Central American subduction systems”, keynote talk at the NSF MARGINSMeeting

6/09“Subduction-related B and H isotope fractionations across the Mariana arc – consequences for recycling”, invited talk at the Goldschmidt conference, Davos Switzerland

2/09“Volatile studies: comparing the IBM and Central American arc systems”, SOEST, Uof Hawaii

3/08“Earth’s deep B and H cycles: evidence from the ManusBasin for complementary recycled reservoirs”, HarvardUniversity

Peer-reviewed publications

1)I. Wada, M.D. Behn, and A.M. Shaw (2011) Effects of localized hydration in the incoming plate and rehydration on slab-derived fluid flux in subduction zones, submitted to GRL

2)A.M. Shaw, E.H. Hauri, M.D. Behn, D.R. Hilton, J.M. Sinton and C.G. Macpherson (2011) H isotope evidence for long-term preservation of slab signatures in the mantle,submitted to Nature Geosci., in review

3)R.P. Dziak, E.T. Baker, A.M. Shaw, D.R. Bohnenstiehl, W. W. Chadwick Jr., J.H. Haxel, H. Matsumoto, S. L. Walker, Gas flux measurements from a year-long hydroacoustic record at an erupting submarine volcano, submitted to Nature Comm., in review

4)E.M. Head, A.M. Shaw, P.J. Wallace, K.W. Sims, S.A. Carn,Insight into volatile behavior at Nyamuragira volcano (D.R. Congo, Africa) througholivine-hosted melt inclusions, G-cubed, in press

5)D.R. Hilton, C. Ramirez, R. A. Mora Amador, T.P. Fischer, E.Füri, P.H. Barry,A.M. Shaw (2010) Monitoring of temporal and spatial variations in fumarole helium and carbon dioxide characteristics at Poás and Turrialba volcanoes, Costa Rica (2001-2009), Geochemical Journal, 44, 431-440.

6)A.M. Shaw, M.D. Behn, S.E. Humphris, R.A. Sohn and P.M. Gregg(2010)Deep pooling of low degree melts and volatile fluxes at the 85ºE segment of the Gakkel Ridge: Evidence from olivine-hosted melt inclusions and glasses,Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.289, 311-322.

7)E. C. Mitchell, T. P. Fischer, D. R. Hilton, E. Hauri, A.M. Shaw, Z. D. Sharp and K. Kazahaya(2010) Nitrogen sources and recycling at subduction zones: Insights from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 11, Q02X11, doi:10.1029/2009GC002783.

8)M.C. Ray, D.R. Hilton, J. Muñoz, T.P. Fischer and A.M. Shaw(2009),The effects of volatile recycling, degassing and crustal contamination on the helium and carbon geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids from the Southern Volcanic Zone of Chile, Chem. Geol., 266, 38-49.

9)A.M. Shaw, E.H. Hauri, T.P. Fischer, D.R. Hilton and K. Kelley (2008)Hydrogen isotopes in Mariana arc melt inclusions: implications for subduction dehydration and the deep-Earth water cycle, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,275, 138-145.

10)T.P. Fischer, A.M. Shaw and D.R. Hilton(2007)Gas geochemistry of volcanic and hydrothermal fluids of Central America. In: G. Alvarado (Editor), Central America: Geology, Resources and Hazards, vol. 2, 839-868.

11)E.H. Hauri, A.M. Shaw, J. Wang, J.E Dixon, P.L. King and C.W. Mandeville (2006), Matrix effects in hydrogen isotope analysis of silicate glasses by SIMS, Chem. Geol., 235, 352-365.

12)A.M. Shaw, D.R. Hilton, T.P. Fisher, J.A. Walker, and G.A.M. de Leeuw (2006)Helium isotope variations in mineral separates from Costa Rica and Nicaragua: Assessing crustal contributions, time-scale variations and diffusion-related mechanisms, Chem. Geol., 230, 124-193.

13)A.M. Shaw, D.R. Hilton, C.G. Macpherson and J.M. Sinton(2004) The C-He-Ar systematics of lavas from the Manus back-arc basin: resolving degassing and contamination,Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68, 1837-1856.

14)A.M. Shaw, D.R. Hilton, T.P. Fischer, J.A. Walker and G. Alvarado(2003) Helium and carbon relationships in geothermal fluids from the Central American arc in Costa Rica,Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 214, 499-513.

15)P.R. Castillo, J.W. Hawkins, P.F. Lonsdale, D.R. Hilton, A.M. Shaw and M. Glascock (2002) Petrology of Alarcon Basin lavas, Gulf of California: Nascent intracontinental ocean crust, J. Geophys. Res. 107, B10, 2222.

16)T.P. Fischer, D.R. Hilton, M.M. Zimmer, A.M. Shaw, Z.D. Sharp and J. Walker(2002) Subduction and recycling of nitrogen along the Central American Margin, Science 297, 1154-1157.

17)A.M. Shaw, D.R. Hilton, C.G. Macpherson and J.M. Sinton(2001) Nucleogenic neon in high 3He/4He lavas from the Manus back-arc basin: a new perspective on He-Ne decoupling, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 194, 53-66.