Sensory Consortium Service

Aim: to raise standards for all children, particularly those with sensory impairment.

To be used when Health alerts have not been received.

Pre-requisites for referral:

  • Pupil has an identified, diagnosed hearing and/or visual impairment and/or evidence of protracted history of middle ear complications
  • Evidence from health colleagues is available to support the diagnosis and/or history
  • Parents have been consulted, are in agreement and will be expected to complete a Permission to share form before initial Berkshire SCS visit.
  • In all cases, no other specialist education sensory service is already involved (in exceptional circumstances please outline on your referral form).

Upon receipt of the referral we will:

  1. Respond with an initial contact within 48 hours of referral from hospital. Team Leaders will record the referral.
If the referral is accepted we will :
  1. Arrange an assessment visit or visits.
  2. Complete the SCS assessment and provide a written SCS new referral report within 8 working weeks.

2. Enter the pupil on our referral database.

The assessment service is centrally funded for all Local Authority schools and pre-schoolers within the Education Authorities who make up the Sensory Consortium.

  • BracknellForest Borough Council
  • Reading Borough Council
  • Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead
  • Slough Borough Council
  • West Berkshire Council
  • Wokingham Borough Council.

In the event that further specialist input is indicated we will take the child onto the caseload or the caseload waiting list. In this case the matrix is administered to indicate the type of programme required.



Aim: to raise standards for all children, particularly those with sensory impairment.

A Consortium Service for

BracknellForest, RBWM, Reading, Slough, West Berkshire & Wokingham LAs


Referral for: (please indicate)Hearing Impairment/ Visual Impairment / MSI

Child’s Name: Date of Birth:

Home Address:

Parent/s’ Tel Nos and Email:

Spoken Languages:


Parents Informed of Referral: (date)

Referred by: Tel. No:

Other Agencies Involved:

Medical Reason for Referral:
Pupil has an identified, diagnosed hearing and/or visual impairment and/or evidence of protracted history of middle ear complications
Name of Hospital/Consultant:
Contact Details:
Background Information:
SCS Action:
Date Referral Received: Acknowledged:


Please return to:Hearing Impairment – Lisa Bull, Email: , Address: Sensory Consortium Service, RBWM, Town Hall, St Ives Road, Maidenhead, SL6 1RF

Vision Impairment – Paula Scott, Email: , Address: Sensory Consortium Service, Highwood Annexe, Fairwater Drive, Woodley, Berks RG5 3RU.

Telephone Enquiries: 01628796786

SCS website: