British Columbia Articulation Meeting

Held At ThompsonRiversUniversity, Actors Workshop Theatre

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

In Attendance:

David Edwards, Cheryl Delling, Jim Hoffman, Robin Nichol and Wesley Eccleston from TRU, Carol Chrisjohn and Sherri Sadler from Langara Studio 58, Ross Nichol and Drew Young from Douglas College, Lloyd Arnettfrom TWU, Dawn Moore from Capilano College, Gary Harris from SFU, Robert Gardiner from UBC, Ian Fenwick and Bruce Kirkley from UCFV


Meeting began at 10:00 am with introductions

BCCAT Articulation Committee Update distributed

  2. David Edwards (TRU)

Need of a replacement for Robin Nichol to commence August 2007, add to be placed in early fall, tenure track position

Summary of productions

Theatre Major Program up and running, first graduates this year

  1. Sherri Sadler (Studio 58)

Handout provided with production information

Auditions are down

  1. Drew Young (DouglasCollege)

Two handouts provided summarizing productions etc.

  1. Robert Gardiner (UBC)

Handout provided with production information

Great northern way

Collaborative with SFU

Looking into a Masters of Arts Administration

UBC Okanagan BFA theatre program is growing, creative and critical studies, no productions at this time

  1. Ian Fenwick (UCFV)

Handouts provided

Letters of support for the Major Program requested

Directors Festival 2006 very successful with participation from Studio 58, DouglasCollege, UVic

Co hosted high school drama festival, 16 schools from around the province participated

Two new full time positions to be added

  1. Lloyd Arnett (TWU)

Handout provided

Lloyd will be stepping down and Angela Conrad will be taking over

  1. Gary Harris (SFU)

Massive turmoil due to deaths in and close to the department

Will need to hire to replace Marc Diamond

Changes made to the production curriculum in an attempt to improve enrolment

New theatre building in the planning stages

  1. Dawn Moore (CapilanoCollege)

Handouts outlining three separate programs offered

Changes made to a three year program for Musical Theatre and Theatre

  2. Discussion of perhaps doing a change of venue every now and then, reasons why other schools are unable to participate (mostly due to schedule/exam problems)
  3. Discussion of all programs doing a touring show to send to other schools, possibility of co-productions
  4. Discussion of how to encourage students to travel to other venues to view and support work
  1. LUNCH 12:10 pm to 1:15pm

  2. Carol Chrisjohn read a letter from Katherine Shaw expressing her regrets for not being able to attend today’s meeting as well as inviting everyone to hold next years meeting at Langara

Discussion about a “list” and who’s turn is next… tentatively the meeting will be held at Langara the second Wednesday of May 2007, however “the list” is to be consulted.

  2. Dawn Moore, flexible program transfer

not changing content only names

60 credit block transfer

No change to tech

UBC, UVIC, UCFV, TRU and Neill at UBC Okanagan to be sent copies/information

Voice and movement now blended into 225 and 227

Discussion of possibility of continuity of course numbers between institutions, deemed unfeasible

  1. Ross Nichol, closing of programs

FenshawCollege in Ontario is shutting down their technical program

Red DeerCollege in Alberta is shutting down their cutting program (wardrobe)

Budgetary issues are involved

All members asked to write a letter in support of these programs and then confirm with Ross that you have done so

Ross to draft a letter on behalf of the group

Discussion of a national conference for theatre programs either face to face or perhaps online

  1. Robert Gardiner, World Centre for Digital Media

Start date of September 2006

Degree to be offered, Masters of Digital Media, Four institutions involved (BCIT, UBC, SFU and Emily Carr)

Essential components include: improvisational acting, dramaturge, design and storey telling

First year focus on improv

Co hort of 20 students, $9000 tuition per year

Great Northern Way Urban form June 2006 – check website for exact dates

Vacu-form class to be offered in the spring

  1. Ross Nichol – organization of next years meeting

Invite production managers, technical directors to attend the afternoon to discuss production,

Further discussion to take place in March via email