ST. TERESA’S CHURCH, 23, College Rd., Upholland, WN8 0PY

e-mail: Website:

St. Teresa’s School
Tel 01695 623842
Headteacher: Mrs Cecilia Rigby
Chair of Governors: Philip Holland
PTFA Chair: Dawn Fletcher / Parish House & Office:
Tel 01695 622001
Parish Priest: Fr. Philip Kehoe
Assistant Priest: Fr. Michael Moss
Parish Administrator: Jane Simpson
Parish Club: (622609) Janette McNamara / The Parish Focus Team
Holding our course with the Parish Vision: Libby Wilson, Ros Roscoe
Andrew Southworth, Cecilia Rigby,
John Hartill, Jane Simpson

Sunday 29th November 2015: 1st Sunday of Advent


Sunday / 6.00 -
10.00 -
11.00 -
9.00 -
7.00 -
***** NB
12.00 -
7.30 -
12.00 -
6.45 -
7.30 -
9.00 -
8.30 -
11.15 -
8.30 -
9.00 -
6.00 -
10.00 -
11.00 -
3.00 - / Mass: Parishioners
Mass: Frank Marsh (A) with Children’s Liturgy
Holy Communion to Homes
Mass: Holy Souls
Rosary for June: Banks’ at Hall Green
No 9am Mass today
Requiem Mass: June Hadden (LD)
ASK: Meeting Room
Mass: Keith Brown (RIP) with the sick & troubled
Meditation: Meeting Room
Living the Word: Meeting Room
Mass: Deceased members of Watters family
Mass: Chris Hitchman (RIP)
Holy Communion to Douglas Bank
Mass: June Hadden (LD)
Holy Hour with Exposition and Confessions
Next Weekend: 2nd Sunday of Advent
Bible Sunday
Mass: Esther & John Kirk (RIP)
Mass: Parishioners with The Connection
and Children’s Liturgy
Holy Communion to Homes
Mass: At the Cathedral to Inaugurate the Year
Of Mercy in the Archdiocese of Liverpool / This Weekend Skelmersdale Food Bank Appeal
Monday: 2.30 - OWLs ‘Story Time’: Meeting Room
Tuesday: Ecumenical Hope Journey with Year 2:
Alma Hill Methodist Church
2.30 - Praise Assembly: School
7-9.00 - Men’s Group: Office
Wednesday: 7.00 - Faith Sharing Group #2: A Home
Thursday: 9.45-12 - U3A Coffee Morning: Club
11.00 - CAFOD Carol Service Planning: Meeting Room
3.00 - Newsletter: Office
Friday: 7.00 - Advent Film Night: Meeting Room
Next Weekend
Sunday: 11.00 - Dementia Friends Training:
Meeting Room
Masses at Don Orione
Mon, Tues, Wed 6.00 pm
Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sunday 10.00 am
Our church is open daily 8.30 am – 3.30 pm
for anyone to come in and pray


We, St Teresa’s Parish, led by Jesus Christ, will continue to grow as a vibrant,

welcoming and loving community, fed and nurtured by the scriptures, prayer and the sacraments.

As we strive always to listen to the needs and dreams of the people of our times,

we will better appreciate the gifts and talents of all, integrating them in service and celebration.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! A bit early I hear you say…but.. the first Sunday of Advent is the beginning of the Church’s Year. Advent presents us with three events. The first coming of Christ at Bethlehem, the second coming of Christ at the end of time and the daily coming of Christ in the sacraments, the scriptures and our good deeds. Suggestions for ADVENT: make an advent wreath with the family and light one candle each week during meal times (don’t forget to blow the candle out at the end!). Buy and open the windows each day of an Advent calendar. Give something to a needy person. Say a few more prayers at home or pop into Church and spend a little time with JESUS….Have YOU any suggestions?
P.S. I will be in Rome for a week at SDP meetings to prepare for our General Chapter. I will kiss the ground of St Peter’s and pray for you all.
Children’s Liturgy: The Travelling Crib or Posada: To help us all learn about the Christmas story, we are inviting St. Teresa’s children’s liturgy families to take part in a special project called the “Travelling Crib”. This is to help us remember the journey Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem and, as a family, to take time to stop and think about the true meaning of Christmas.
The crib will travel around the parish during Advent, starting this Sunday, 29th November. If you would like to join in, please fill in the sign-up sheet at the back of church. After you have had the crib in your home for 1 or 2 nights, you will then deliver it to the next family on the list. The With You Always families will also be hosting two travelling cribs during Advent.
Walk With Me Booklets are available at the back of church to help our journey through Advent to Christmas, with daily reflection and prayer. Booklets cost £1 for those able to make a donation (in the ‘church shop’ box in the table please).
Day by Day Booklets for Children are also available (infants and juniors). Cost 50p, donations welcome; with activities and prayers to help make Advent more meaningful for the children.
Film Night: Each Friday during Advent: Advent/Christmas themed film in the meeting Room at 7pm – all welcome.
Silence in the City: A one off evening for Advent, giving opportunities for reflective prayer and silence. To be held at
St. Paul’s Bookshop, Bold Street, Liverpool, Thursday, 10th December, 5.15-6.15pm (tea/coffee at 5pm). See poster.
Nugent Care Homeless Appeal Carol Concert: this Friday, 4th December, 7.30pm at SS Peter & Paul Church Crosby, and Saturday, 12th December, 7.30pm at Our Lady of the Annunciation Church, Bishop Eton. Tickets £5 for adults, free for children (includes refreshments), available from Nugent care 0151 261 2000. See poster at back of church.
Nugent Care “Light up a Life 2015” Remembrance Service at the Cathedral, Wednesday, 16th December,12.30pm, led by Bishop Tom Williams – dedicate a light on the Christmas Tree to remember the life of a loved one.
CHRISTMAS CARDS: A beautiful range of religious charity Christmas cards from Traidcraft, Nugent Care and Sons of the Divine Providence are on sale from the back of church after
weekend Masses.
Christmas Cards for the Holy Land are available this weekend. Please write a message and bring them back to church for posting. Cards for Tortured and Persecuted Christians will be available next weekend.
HOLY HOUR (with Exposition and Confessions:)
Saturday, 5th and 12th December, 9-10am (after 8.30am Mass). / FAITHFEST 2015: ‘Food for your Journey’ From Sat 28th Nov to Sat 5th Dec a series of events in St Helens with workshops led by Fr Jim McManus, Fr Richard Atherton, Steve Atherton, Maureen Knight, Fr Chris Fallon, Fr Tony Slingo, Fr John McLoughlin and Eleanor Lalley, Veronica Murphy and Deacon Kevin Duffy. Workshops include ‘Mindful Meditation’ ‘Luke’s Wonderful Stories’ ‘The Camino – A Pilgrim’s Perspective’ ‘Forgiveness and Reconciliation’, ‘Psalms’ and many more. See leaflets at the back of church. Please let Jane know in the office if you wish to book a place on any of the workshops.
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS IN CHURCH. We will be putting the Christmas tree and decorations up in church after Mass on Sunday 13th December. Offers of help welcomed.
SKELMERSDALE FOODBANK APPEAL Donations of food needed especially tinned sponge puddings, tinned carrots, tinned sweetcorn, UHT milk dated 2016, and sugar. Also, last year 400 children received 3 toys each as Christmas presents from the Foodbank so donations of new children’s toys are welcomed. Also tins of sweets such as Roses, Heroes, Quality Street, tins of biscuits to make a great treat for families, suitable small gifts for adults
Nugent Care have advised that they have a shortage of storage space and so will not be making a collection of items for housing needs for a few months. We will research other ways of donating items to help families in need in due course.
NATIONAL CURSILLO SHORT PILGRIMAGE to Walsingham and the Snowdrop Walk. Monday-Wednesday, 22nd-24th February 2016, staying at the Anglican Shrine. Cost £104.80 for half board, single or double rooms. (Coach will be arranged – not included in the price). Contact Anne Pearson 01925 634632 / 0777367 4059.
Places available for September 2016 programme – a new way of training teachers which puts schools at the heart of the process, to provide first class teacher training in a Catholic community. Enquiries to 01942 766906 or visit
MEN OF ST. TERESA’S: Meet this Tuesday, 1st December, 7-9pm in the Parish House. An opportunity for the men of the parish to come along to voice their opinion on any given subject – religious or topical – or just sit and listen to the opinion of other men! An enjoyable, friendly evening to be had.
Prayer Circle cards for December and January will be on the table at the back of Church this weekend.
Archdiocese of Liverpool 2016 Directory are for sale at the back of church. Cost £3.50 to ‘Church Shop’ in the table please.
Upholland PACT Meeting: Lancashire Constabulary invite all to the local PACT Meeting to keep up to date with the important issues that affect our community. These meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at 7pm in the Library’s Community Room. A chance to talk about any local issues and to find out what work we have been doing in your community. Your local officers are PC Thompson and PCSO McGrath-Rollins.
Thank you for last week’s offering of £434.87 + £260 s/o. and for donations to Catholic Youth Services of £219.62
St. Teresa’s CAFOD Group would like to thank all who contributed with gifts, donations and attendance at their Craft Stall at Pimbo Garden Centre last Sunday. A total of £425 was raised for CAFOD
Operation Christmas Child also send thanks for the shoeboxes which have been collected and are on their way to bring Christmas to children in need around the world.