DR. JENRETTE FYE 102: Special Topics: Famous Feuds in History

Three Semester Hours

General Education: Core 3

Class hours: Wednesdays, 5-7:30 p.m., Hendricks G61Office Location: HH142

Phone: 732-1225Email:

Office hours: Mondays 4:30-5:30 (Wiley 107); TR 9:30-10:30, MW 1:30-2:30

and by appointment or walk-in

Common Hour: Tuesdays, 12:30-1:45

Tutoring Hours:tbaLocation: HH132, HAWL Student Resource and Study Center

The Writing Center, Baron Forness Library, 202-203, 2nd Floor: Hours TBA

Catalog Description:

This course studies famous feuds in history from a local, regional, national and international perspective. It also analyzes the impact of feuds on individual, national and global relationships. FYE 102 will orient first year, transfer and first time Edinboro students during their transitions to university life. It is specifically designed to acclimate the student to college and increase the probability that they will attain academic success.


Colin Evans, Great Feuds in History: Ten of the liveliest disputes ever

Selected websites(as identified on course schedule and others I may assign)

Selected handouts (which will be put on D2L)

Bluebooks (These may be purchased in the University Bookstore).

Novels:Students may choose a novel that focuses on one of the events we are covering for “bonus” credit. These must be identified and approved by me by the fourth class meeting on September 17. To receive credit for reading the book you must write a 1-2 page critique of it by the date when the topic is covered in class; otherwise, no credit will be given.

Course Objectives:

  1. To understand the socioeconomic and political background wherein the feuds occurred
  2. To analyze the political, economic, and social causes and implications of the feuds in the broader context of history
  3. To examine the role of race, class, and gender
  4. To improve analytical skills
  5. To improve communication skills, both oral and written, through class discussions, papers, quizzes, homework assignments, exams, etc.
  6. To examine comprehension of the material covered in class lectures, discussions, and the textbooks

First Year Seminar Objectives:

First-year students will develop essential academic skills related to student success.

First-year students will develop the critical thinking skills essential to the transition to the college learning environment.

First-year students will develop a sense of academic self-confidence and personal responsibility, and a positive attitude toward the teaching/learning process.

First-year students will develop a sense of community with peers, faculty and staff, and a respect for diversity.

First-year students will be aware of the university resources available to them.

Course Outcomes:

Each student will have:

  1. a basic knowledge of the key issues leading to some of the most famous feuds in history
  2. an understanding of the impact that each feud has on the region, country, and the world
  3. understanding of the role of the political, economic, and social implications of the feuds and their long-term effect on society
  4. a basic understanding of how this phenomenon reoccurs throughout history
  5. demonstrated their ability to interpret the underlying and immediate causes of the feuds
  6. basic research, writing, and analytical skills

6.enhanced the ability to express and support your own ideas through class discussions, exams, quizzes, etc.

7.developed strategies necessary for academic success

8.knowledge of the university resources available to help make them successful

9.demonstrated their ability to behave and act responsibly through team projects

Methods of Assessment:

  1. Journal

From time to time I will give you specific questions to address; otherwise, your entries should incorporate responses to the items listed below. The journal will be divided (for grading) into four categories: Course Content, Common Hour, FYE Objectives, and Conflict and Resolution in Modern Society.

What should be included in the journal?

A.Course Content

  • Descriptions and analyses of your experiences as they relate to the content of this course
  • Reactions to reading assignments, including comments on the political, economic, social, cultural context
  • Reactions to reading assignments, including comments on issues related to race, ethnicity, gender, class
  • What in this course could be applied to your first semester at EUP?
  • Entries in your journal must show an increasing understanding of the events/issues of surrounding famous feuds
  • Issues in other classes that relate to the content of this course
  • What are the unique characteristics of each feud, characters, etc.?

B. Common Hour Entries.

The First Year Experience Program has developed 10(6 in your home departments and 4 university-wide) presentations and activities for you to help ensure your successful transition from high school to college. You must attend all 10 Common Hour programs (Tuesdays at 12:30) and write a substantial descriptive essay of each presentation and include these in your journals.

Your Common Hour Analyses should include:

  • A brief summary of the content of the presentation/program/activity
  • An analyses of the content
  • How did this help you? If it did not help you, what approach could have been used so that it would help you?

C.First Year Objectives

Where do the following fit into the stories/feuds we are studying this semester?

  • Conflict
  • Communication
  • Misunderstanding
  • listening
  • Successes
  • failures
  • Skills
  • self-confidence
  • Adjusting to Campus Life
  • personal responsibility
  • attitude
  • Community
  • Diversity
  • Resources

How do these apply to your own experiences at EUP?

D.Conflict and Resolution, in Modern Society

How can the lessons of these feuds be applied to today’s world?

E.Journal requirements (2 entries per week minimum—1 about Common Hour and 1 about other items)

  • Journals must be submitted electronically in a word document by Sundaysat 7:00 p.m. The journal is to be submitted in word documents.

Journals should be submitted to:

  • Each entry must include your name, date, and time of writing
  • Each entry must be a minimum of approximately 100-250 words
  • You cannot “make-up” missed journal entries; consequently, it is important for you to “keep up” with this assignment; once the due date has passed for a journal submission you cannot submit the entry.
  • Regular entries are mandatory (a minimum of two times each week). The entries should reflect that you have spent time thinking about your entry and indicate analysis.
  • NOTE: You should be aware that Word “time-stamps” documents when they are created so I will know when you started/finished each entry!

You are required to devote time to your journal three times a week, and those must be spread out over the course of the week. Do NOT write all your entries in one day or on the last day. Journals that demonstrate you have given ample time to the assignment will generally received better grades.

Here’s a suggested schedule:

  • Entry 1: Write on Tuesday or Wednesday
  • Entry 2: Write on Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday

and submit both entries (before 7:00 p.m.)

Journals will be “graded” and returned to you as soon as possible; you will be required to keep all of these in a place so you will not lose them. You will be asked to resubmit the entire journal at the end of the semester so I can review your growth in this assignment. The journals provide you the opportunity to work on your written communication skills.

2.Class discussion/Quizzes. This class is a relatively small class; therefore I expect and require each student’s participation in class discussion. Failure to become engaged MAY lead to WEEKLY written quizzes that will be counted as part of your Discussion grade. Discussion grades will be recorded in my grade book. Discussion is not just “talking” for the sake of being heard; real discussion is “dialogue.” It means you are engaged in the course material.

We will devote time to a brief discussion of the Common Hour programs you attended each week.

3.Exams. Tests will be given on the average of every three-four weeks.Tentative test dates are included on the schedule below. You will have at least three “hourly” tests and possibly a fourth one if time permits. The structure of these tests will vary to expose you to a wide range of testing methods. Each test is comprehensive, building upon the previous test as well as new material.

You must bring bluebooks to class for each exam; failure to do so will add to your expenses as I will have copies which I will sell you for $1.00 each; the bookstore’s cost is .43. Please note that I will donate the proceeds to the History Club.

4.Final Comprehensive Exam. You must bring bluebooks to class for each exam; failure to do so will add to your expenses as I will have copies which I will sell you for $1.00 each; the bookstore’s cost is .43. Please note that I will donate the proceeds to the History Club.

5.Poster Board/Board Game/Computer Game Group Project. Students will be divided into groups of 3-4 people so you can work together to develop a poster or game (board or computer) on one of the topics we cover this semester. IF you choose a game, the goal is to engage players (age is determined by your team) and to show the players what caused the event, who the primary players were, and the results. IF you choose to do a poster, the goal is the identify one of the feuds (that we do not cover in class) and develop a poster presentation illustrating the causes and results of the feud. There are several in your textbook from which to choose, OR you may select another “approved” (by me) feud. I will provide some time in class; however, “outside” work will be necessary. Posters/Games that are original will receive higher grades than those merely copying another already developed poster/game. Dr. Jenrette will assign the teams. For examples on academic posters see

6. Mini-Projects. These activities will occur primarily in class where you will work in small

teams of two to develop storyboards, short stories, poetry, art, timelines, story vines, story cubes, on several of the feuds in your textbook.

  • How can you apply these to your own major?
  1. Service Learning Assignment. 5 hours required!

This assignment is designed to give you the opportunity to “give back” to the community. Here are several options you may choose. PROOF of your participation will be required.

EUP’s Potterfest ()

Community Outreach Center ()

Literacy Center ()

HAWL Student Resource Center ()

Oral History Studio ()

Highland Festival, Saturday, September 6 ()

  1. Participation in Salem-Boston, Massachusetts class trip (optional yet recommended). October 9-12
  1. Spelling, grammar and punctuation do count. If you have problems writing, the Writing Center is located on the second floor of the Baron-Forness Library.

Grading Percentages:Grading Scale:

Journals 15%0-59= F

Quizzes/Discussions 10%60-67= D 68-69= D+

Poster/Mini Project(s) 20%70-77= C 78-79= C+

Tests(3-4) 30%80-87= B 88-89= B+

Service Learning 5%

Final Exam 20%90-100 =A

Total= 100%

Course Outline:

DateTopicReading Assignment

8/27IntroductionSEE WEBSITES/book

Definitions, images,

myths, realitiesProj Discussion

Conceptions and


Parliament v Charles IEvans, Chapter 2

Steve Jobs v Bill Gates

Pepsi v Coke

Islam v Christianity

9/3Elizabeth I vs. Mary TudorEvans, Chapter 1

“Elizabeth” (excerpts)

9/10Elizabeth I vs Mary Stuart

Elizabeth I vs Pirate Queen

Grace O’Malley Documentary

9/17Scottish Clans

Guest Speaker: Dr. Timothy Thompson

“The Campbells v The MacDonalds”

9/24Exam #1 (open note, in class)

Poster/Board/Computer Game Project

Malcolm X v Martin Luther King, Jr. (Professor UmemeSababu)

10/1The Salem Witch Trials

A Family Dispute? The Putnams

Class Discussion/Salem

10/8Burr v. HamiltonEvans, Chapter 3

Salem (continued if necessary)

Begin Hatfield-McCoysEvans, Chapter 4

Poster/Board/Computer Game Project

(take home questions will be distributed)

10/15Hatfields and McCoysEvans, Chapter 4

Exam #2 (take home due)

10/9-10/12Salem Trip OR Salem assignment

10/22Duchess of Windsor v The Queen MumEvans, Chapter 7

Stalin and Trotsky Evans, Chapter 5

10/29Harvey Milk, George Mosconi

and Dan WhiteFilm/Discussion

Guest Speaker: Dr. Dan Burdick

Montgomery v PattonEvans, Chapter 8

11/5Hoover v KingEvans, Chapter 10

Johnson v KennedyEvans, Chapter 9

11/12Islam and Christianity

Exam #3 (no notes, in class)

11/26Project Displays

12/3Project Displays

12/10Final Exam: 2:45-4:45 p.m., Hendricks G61

Basic Ground Rules for Classroom Behavior:

  1. Respect the right of others to have opinions that may differ from yours. Even if you disagree with someone, you should respect the individual's right to have that opinion.
  1. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated in this class. Disruptive behavior includes TEXTING, tardiness, leaving class early, talking, clicking pens, shuffling papers, book, etc., ringing phones, alarming watches, gathering belongings before class is dismissed, turning work in late. If you do not adhere to these basic rules of respect for others, you will leave the class and DROP THIS COURSE!! I WILL NOT TOLERATE THE DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR OF ANY STUDENT WHO ATTEMPTS TO PREVENT OTHERS FROM LEARNING. I will give you only one warning!!! It will be a verbal warning in the presence of your classmates. On the second violation, you will be dismissed from class until you can behave like a mature adult who treats others with respect. If you dare to violate these rules a third time, I will deduct 30 points from your final grade, which will make it practically impossible for you to pass this class. TEXTING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED IN THIS CLASS! CONSEQUENTLY, IF YOU CANNOT ACCEPT THESE BASIC GUIDELINES, DROP THIS CLASS!!!
  1. Tardiness is unacceptable and disruptive. Do not come to class late! Regular and prompt class attendance is a requirement. Tardiness will result in the lowering of your course grade by 10 points per incident; therefore, if you cannot make it to class on time, DROP THIS CLASS! Leaving class early also fits into this category.
  1. Two unexcused absences will be "tolerated" during this summer session. After the second cut, I will deduct 10 points from your final grade for each absence. As future teachers you should NEVER miss class except under the most extraordinary circumstances!
  1. Do not socialize, talk in class (unless you are participating in class discussion), or sleep. If you cannot stay awake in this class, YOU WILL NOT PASS.
  1. Plagiarism/Cheating: The penalty for plagiarism or cheating on any assignment will an F for the entire semester and you will be referred to the judiciary process for further action.
  1. Policy of Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action: Edinboro University welcomes students, faculty, and staff from all racial, religious, national, and socio-economic backgrounds. Edinboro University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all in every aspect of its operations. The University has pledged not to discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, age, religion, national origin, disability, organizational affiliation, affectional or sexual preference, and marital status. The policy extends to all educational, service, and employment programs of the University.
  1. If you are not here to learn, drop this class.
  1. If you cannot behave like a mature, responsible adult who respects other people, DROP THIS CLASS.