Kindergarten: Chapter 3 – Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9

Chapter Essential Question: How can you show, count, and write numbers 6 to 9?

(Preschool) / Chapter Three Standards
Kindergarten / After
(Grade One)
Use counting and numbers to determine quantities through nine.
Use numbers and counting to compare quantities. / Counting and Cardinality 3: Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0 -20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects).
  • I can represent up to 6 objects with a number name and written numeral.
  • I can represent up to 7 objects with a number name and written numeral.
  • I can represent up to 8 objects with a number name and written numeral.
  • I can represent up to 9 objects with a number name and written numeral.
/ Extend the counting sequence. (1.NBT.1)
Understand place value. (1.NBT.2)
Counting and Cardinality 5: Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10 things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1-20, count out that many objects.
  • I can model and count 6 with objects.
  • I can model and count 7 with objects.
  • I can model and count 8 with objects.
  • I can model and count 9 with objects.

Counting and Cardinality 6: Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.
  • Solve problems by using the strategy draw a picture.

Each day the math block will begin with 15 minutes of Daily Math Review and Mental Math. The focus of DMR should be either prerequisite standard skills or previous chapter concepts that were not mastered. The focus of mental math should be based on the current Chapter’s skills and concepts. Adjust the amount of questions in DMR and MM to fit into the 15 minute time block.

Suggested Chapter Pacing

All lessons are paced for one day, unless otherwise indicated. Teachers may adjust to meet students’ needs.

Launching the Chapter / Pre-Assessment / Review Prerequisite Skills
Numbers and Cubes TE 115I
Find a Number Tile TE 115I / Show What You Know Assessment
TE 116
Identify Tier 2 and Tier 3 Groups for Small Group Instruction – may be too early for pencil/paper assessment (optional) / Establish Routines
Math centers, partner work, using manipulatives, counting activities, exploring.
(Supplemental counting routines will be needed to extend the counting sequence to 100 by the end of the year)
Day before beginning Lesson 3.1 / Vocabulary Activity
Picture It TE 118A / Vocabulary Builder
TE 117
Identify students who will need further vocabulary support for Chapter Three. / Preview Chapter Centers
Introduce chapter game Number Line Up, activities, and literature students will be using during center time. / School – Home Letter
Read together and send home.
I Can Statement / Essential Question / Implementation Notes
*Center activities are introduced/reviewed daily as needed.
*Grab-and-Go Literature may be incorporated into whole or small group instruction.
Lesson 3.1
Counting and Cardinality 5 / I can model and count 6 with objects. / How can you show and count 6 objects? /
  • Two-Color Counters
  • Introduce Activity Card 15: Super Six
  • Reintroduce Literature: Mabel’s Place
  • Reintroduce Game: Bus Stop

Lesson 3.2
Counting and Cardinality 3 / I can represent 6 objects with a number name and written numeral. / How can you count and write 6 with words and numbers?
Lesson 3.3
Counting and Cardinality 5 / I can model and count 7 with objects. / How can you show and count 7 objects? /
  • Two-Color Counters
  • Introduce Activity Card 15: At 6s and 7s
  • Introduce Activity Card 15: Sensational Seven

Lesson 3.4
Counting and Cardinality 3 / I can represent 7 objects with a number name and written numeral. / How can you count and write 7 with words and numbers? /
  • Mid-Chapter Checkpoint is optional TE 140

Lesson 3.5
Counting and Cardinality 5 / I can model and count 8 with objects. / How can you show and count 8 objects? /
  • Two-Color Counters
  • Introduce Activity Card 17: Seeing Eight
  • Introduce Literature: A Nutty Story

Lesson 3.6
Counting and Cardinality 3 / I can represent 8 objects with a number name and a written numeral. / How can you count and write 8 with words and numbers?
Lesson 3.7
Operations in Algebraic Thinking 5 / I can model and count 9 with objects. / How can you show and count 9 objects? /
  • Two-Color Counters
  • Introduce Activity Card 18: Eight and Nine Are Fine!
  • This lesson may take up to two days

Lesson 3.8
Counting and Cardinality 3 / I can represent 9 objects with a number name and a written numeral. / How can you count and write 9 with words and numbers?
Lesson 3.9
Counting and Cardinality 6 / I can solve problems by using the strategy draw a picture. / How can you solve problems using the strategy draw a picture? /
  • This lesson may take up to two days

Resources and Centers for Chapter 3
Technology / Hands-On Resources / Centers
Digital Lesson: Engage / Connecting Cubes / Activity: Super Six
Interactive White Board Lesson / Crayons / Activity: At 6s and 7s
Interactive Student Edition / Two-Color Counters / Activity: Sensational Seven
iTools: Connecting Cubes / MathBoard / Activity: Seeing Eight
iTools: Two-Color Counters / Other Hands-On Resources may be needed for Small Group Instruction Activities. / Activity: Eight and Nine Are Fine!
Math on the Spot Videos / Literature: Mabel’s Place
Mega Math / Literature: A Nutty Story
Personal Math Trainer / Game: Bus Stop
Additional Resources for Chapter 3
Counting and Cardinality 3 / Counting and Cardinality 4 / Counting and Cardinality 6
Teachers will use Go Math materials to teach CC.3. If more practice is needed teams of teachers may find or create more experiences with this concept. / Hide It
Grab Bag
Counting Stories
Grow and Shrink / Teachers will use Go Math materials to teach CC.6. If more practice is needed teams of teachers may find or create more experiences with this concept.

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Kindergarten – Chapter 3