This is the rubric that will be used to determine eligibility and acceptance for membership to National Honor Society.

The requirements listed below are the minimum requirements for selection. A student may meet theses minimum requirements and still not be approved for National Honor Society.

Category I: Co-curricular/Extra curricular Activities

Minimum of one throughout high school career.

~ Sophomores need two total.

~ Juniors need three total.

Scoring: 0 = Does not meet minimum

1 = Meets the minimum

2 = Above the minimum

Category II: Leadership Position

Minimum of one for sophomores

Minimum of two for juniors

Scoring: 0 = Does not meet minimum

1 = Meets the minimum

2 = Above the minimum

Category III: Service Activities/Community Activities

Minimum of one for sophomores

Minimum of two for juniors

Scoring: 0 = Does not meet minimum (less than 25 hours)

1 = Meets the minimum (25 hours)

2 = Above the minimum (more than 25 hours)

Category IV: Recognition and Awards (can be outside school)

Scoring: 0 = Does not meet minimum

1 = Candidate has one or two

2 = Candidate has three or more

Category V: Teacher Recommendations/CHARACTER

Scoring: 0 = None of the teachers recommend for NHS

1 = One or two of the teachers mark one or more below the excellent category

2 = All three teachers mark all excellent